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    In this cross-journal Collection, we focus on the contributions from geophysics and geochemistry that advance understanding of Earth’s core, the core mantle boundary, and the nature of ultra-low velocity zones.

    Image: © [M] pixelschoen /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal collection, we highlight studies that examine the ways in which changes in environmental conditions, drivers, and impacts resulting from climate change have influenced or may influence contaminants across all areas of the marine environment.

    Image: © [M] stockphoto-graf /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal collection, we invite contributions that assess the effectiveness of local, regional, and global air pollution policies and actions, and we also welcome studies that address national and international air pollution governance and cooperation.

    Image: © [M] travelview /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal Collection, we invite submissions that investigate at a local, regional or global scale how the climate or climate impacts of the year 2023 were remarkable or unexpected.

    Image: © [M] oraziopuccio / STOCK.ADOBE.COM
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal Collection, we invite contributions that use holistic approaches to understand the distribution and economics of food systems and provide solutions to build resilience and make food systems more sustainable and equitable.

    Image: © [M] monticellllo /
    Open for submissions
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    Plastics are a crucial part of modern life, however tens of millions of tonnes of plastic waste is disposed of each year, much of which ultimately ends up in the ocean. In this Collection we showcase studies on understanding and mitigating (micro)plastic pollution, with a special focus on reducing plastic waste in the environment to coincide with 2024's upcoming binding UN treaty on Ending Plastic Pollution.

    Image: © [M] Pcess609 /
    Open for submissions
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    This cross-journal Collection between Communications Physics, Communications Earth & Environment, and Scientific Reports aims at showcasing the methodological advances in treating the complexity of ecological systems, as well as the application of already established methods to generate new insight in the dynamics and response of ecological networks.

    Image: © [M] Kanisorn / Generated with AI /
    Open for submissions
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    Understanding the heterogeneities in Earth’s mantle, including their origin, structure, and variability, is crucial for comprehending the long-term history of internal changes that have shaped our planet.

    Image: Dorling Kindersley: Arran Lewis / NASA / Alamy Stock Photo
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    In this cross-journal Collection, we invite articles that document the climate mitigation potential of carbon storage in coastal ecosystems and the potential exacerbation of climate change due to their degradation.

    Image: © [M] divedog /
    Open for submissions
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    This Collection presents articles that enhance our understanding of the two primary oxygenation events that occurred on the Early Earth, as well as the weaker events that preceded and followed them. The articles in this Collection show the connection between the oxygenation events and the changes happening in the solid Earth, its atmosphere, oceans, and all biogeochemical cycles within these systems.

    Image: © [M] Raquel /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal Collection, we bring together studies that address novel and existing carbon dioxide removal and carbon capture and storage methods and their potential for up-scaling, including critical questions of timing, location, and cost. We also welcome articles on methodologies that measure and verify the climate and environmental impact and explore public perceptions.

    Image: © [M] Olivier Le Moal /
    Open for submissions
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    In this Collection, we invite articles that document the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of fire, assess advances in fire prevention and protection, and propose new pathways for fire management.

    Image: © [M] toa555 /
    Open for submissions