

Shavuot 2025

In 2025, Shavuot begins at sunset on Sunday, June 1 and ends at sundown on Tuesday, June 3.


Shavuot Foods

A roundup of recipes for the springtime holiday.


Shavuot 101

Shavuot commemorates the spring harvest and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

What Ruth Can Teach Us About Celebrating Shavuot

The Jewish people accepted the Torah in fear of God's overwhelming power. Ruth accepted it out of love and loyalty.

The Story of the Book of Ruth

An analysis of the book read on Shavuot.

Why Read Ezekiel on Shavuot?

Tradition connects the prophet's vision to the revelation at Sinai.

The Ten Commandments

The division and structure has been open to interpretation throughout history.

Shavuot in Modern Times

New ceremonies and rituals are introduced.

Why We Read The Book of Ruth on Shavuot

The connections between this story and the spring harvest festival.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot

The all-nighter is an observance that developed on Shavuot.

The Book of Ruth and the Power of Names

The story of Ruth, read on the holiday of Shavuot, teaches that respect for others begins with recognizing their names.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Shavuot

Why some synagogues use paper-cuts as decorations, how Israelis celebrate with water, and other lesser-known facts about this springtime holiday.

27 Shavuot Recipe Ideas

Enjoy the holiday known for blintzes and cheesecake and all things creamy and cheesy.

How to Make Perfect Cheesecake 5 Ways

Cheesecake is the iconic Shavuot dessert, as sacrosanct as a Hanukkah latke or Passover matzah ball.

Shavuot Quiz

How much do you know about this spring holiday?