I was never someone who was that into nipple play until I got my nips pierced. Then everything changed. It was like my nipples got re-hardwired. The slightest pinch sent me into a horned, sexual frenzy. It was to the point where I could almost orgasm from nipple play alone. If I was ever having any trouble finishing, I’d have my partner suck on my nips. Within seconds, BAM.

I heard that pierced nipples become more sensitive if you get them gauged, so obviously, I went for it. The "rumor" was indeed correct, so I got them gauged again. Nipple play became even more pleasurable. I kept getting them gauged until I went to see a piercer, and she said, “Your nipples are beginning to sag. If I pierce them any bigger, they will become deformed.”

Having my nipples pierced led to some of the best sexual experiences of my life, but it all came to an abrupt end when I had to take my piercings out for water polo. (I still play even though I’m well past my college years.) Since then, my nipples have been far less sensitive—you really have to squeeze them hard AF for me to feel any pleasure at all. RIP, my nips.

I recently remembered my very intense “nipple phase” when I met this person who was obsessed with nipple pinching. While hooking up, all they wanted was for me to grab and suck on their nipples. No matter what we were doing—making out, going down on each other, masturbating—I had to have at least one hand on their nipple, squeezing it for dear life.

While I loved seeing how turned on they got when I pinched their nipples, it was also somewhat cumbersome to have my hands on their chest at all times. (I only have two hands, after all.) From some positions, it was really difficult, if not impossible.

So I got us some basic adjustable nipple clamps.

Because of COVID, I sadly haven’t been able to see that partner again, but I figured, well, I might as well use them. After all, I used to be the nipple play king.

It was a game-changer. For the first time in a long time, I remembered what it felt like to experience pleasure from nipple stimulation. In fact, it almost felt as good as when I had nip rings. Clamps, unlike humans, can squeeze your nips hella hard, and for a prolonged period of time. The issue I was having was that no one could squeeze my nipples hard and long enough for me to feel anything. Clamps solved the problem immediately.

It also freed up my partner’s hands for other fun things. In fact, it felt like there were four hands on me at all times.

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My partner gave a little tug on the chain while we were having sex in missionary, too. Immediately, I felt a flow of energy, like electricity, coarse through my body. It was also somewhat kinky. They had this naughty smile, and were definitely embracing their dominant side.

When I finally climaxed, I had a full-body orgasm, which seldom happens to me unless I’ve had some THC or something stimulating my prostate. The best part was, after sex, I simply took off the nipple clamps and placed them in my nightstand drawer. Most sex toys you have to clean or charge. Not nipple clamps. They require the least amount of preparation and clean up. We stan!

They’re inexpensive, require no upkeep, don’t need to be cleaned, give you extra hands during sex, and feel goddamn incredible. I may even start using them alone. Why the hell not?