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          Multiple Myeloma 1166 global 2 1.50 5 Hematology-Oncology CE 1.5 Clinical Review 0 1
          Join us to explore the latest in multiple myeloma management with four expert nurses featuring patient cases, clinical pearls, and practical solutions. Start activity
          Case Studies for Nurses: New Therapies and Regimens for Patients with Multiple Myeloma
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          Myelodysplastic Syndrome 1557 global 1 0.25 1 2 0.25 5 3 0.25 15 9 0.25 1047 Hematology-Oncology CME / ABIM MOC / CE 0.25 Clinical Review 0 1
          Test your knowledge on the pathogenesis and treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Start activity
          From Lower- to Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Are You Up to Date on the Latest Data?
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          Lung Cancer 5000186 global 1 0.25 1 9 0.25 1047 Hematology-Oncology CME / ABIM MOC 0.25 Commentary 0 1
          Do you know why trophoblastic cell surface antigen 2 (TROP2) is an important target in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)? Start activity
          Expert Outlook: Unveiling TROP2 Therapeutic Frontiers in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
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          Genomic Medicine 3029493 global 1 0.50 1032 Hematology-Oncology CME 0.5 Roundtable 0 1
          Are you aware of the currently approved tumor-agnostic drugs? Listen to the experts as they discuss them. Start activity
          Unlocking the Power of Tumor-Agnostic Therapy: A Path to Personalized Cancer Care
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          Colorectal Cancer 3032296 global 1 1.50 1 2 1.50 5 3 1.50 15 9 1.50 1047 Hematology-Oncology CME / ABIM MOC / CE 1.5 Roundtable 0 1
          An expert panel including a patient discusses the collaborative care involved in managing patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) and the nuances of recent clinical data in optimizing care. Start activity
          There Is No Care Without Collaboration: Management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
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          Psoriasis 29 us 1 1.0 1011 Dermatology CME 1.0 Clinical Case 0 1
          Did you know? There are new and emerging therapies to treat generalized pustular psoriasis; learn more about them here! Start activity
          How Would You Manage These Patients With Skin Pustules?
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