Your challenge

Webinars are excellently suited to communicate your expertise in a direct, practical and vivid way. They’re a way to make participants enthusiastic about your solutions. But how do specialist professionals find out about your webinars? How create interest in taking part? Questions to which you need convincing answers. If you hardly get any participants, your webinars won’t be worth the time, effort and costs.

Our solution

Tell us how many participants you would like to welcome to your webinar. We’ll develop a made-to-measure marketing campaign, recommend the right online media and create a compelling invitation e-mail. Another thing we’ll take care of is creating a landing page with an intuitive online registration form – all to make your webinar a complete success.

Your benefits

  • More participants for your webinars
  • The costs and effort you put into your webinars will be worthwhile
  • You’ll improve your brand awareness
Your contact person

Lydia Just
Lydia Just
Customer Success Manager
+49 30 204568-17
Contact me


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