From the course: Think Faster, Talk Smarter: Master Impromptu Speaking

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Learn to listen attentively with pace, space, and grace

Learn to listen attentively with pace, space, and grace

From the course: Think Faster, Talk Smarter: Master Impromptu Speaking

Learn to listen attentively with pace, space, and grace

- [Narrator] Pace, space, grace. We are bad listeners. We often listen just enough to get the gist of what people are saying, so we can then begin to prepare our responses, judge what was said, or transition to what we think is more important. Imagine you come out of a meeting with a colleague and your colleague asks you for feedback. Upon hearing that request, you immediately go into all the things that didn't go well or could have gone better. But if you had listened more closely, you might have noticed that your colleague had exited through the back door, not the front door like you. You might notice that they were looking down and speaking softly. What they really wanted in that moment was not feedback, but support, and the fact that you gave feedback only made things worse. To truly connect with our audiences and increase the likelihood of responding appropriately, we must fight distraction and orient ourselves towards our audience. We must listen to what they're saying and how…
