From the course: Think Faster, Talk Smarter: Master Impromptu Speaking

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Use structures to make speaking easier

Use structures to make speaking easier

- [Instructor] Structure sets you free. There are several counterintuitive ideas in Think Faster, Talk Smarter, but the two biggest are, first, we must prepare to be spontaneous. That's what the first four insights were all about. Preparation, managing our anxiety and minding our mindset. The second big counterintuitive idea is leveraging structure makes it easier to be creative, concise, and clear when speaking spontaneously. Many of us might think that a structure would prevent us from being agile and adept in the moment. Quite the contrary. Structure doesn't impede spontaneous communication, it enables it. When the best jazz artists improvise, they're not just playing whatever random notes pop into their minds. They're improvising within the bounds of informal preset musical structures. The melodies and chord progressions they have learned and practice service structures for improvisation. The existence of preordained structure makes it easier for jazz musicians to compose…
