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Going Rogue: An American Life (2009)

by Sarah Palin

Other authors: Lynn Vincent

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1,5783811,532 (3.51)46
Sarah Palin, the first female Republican Vice Presidential candidate, recounts her political experiences, her rapid rise on the national stage during the 2008 campaign, and the personal challenges she's faced including balancing her time as a working mother, recognizing the war's impact with her son serving combat in Iraq, having a child with a disability, and supporting her teenage daughter with an unplanned pregnancy.… (more)

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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Folksy, homespun Sarah at her best, presenting herself as a likeable, common-folk individual with common-sense values. She presents herself as a Reagan Republican, someone interested not in the big government, but as one who believes in self-reliance and in doing the right thing for the right people and the right reasons.

She seems to play the "victim" at times, trying to offset bad perspectives from the presidential campaign. There's plenty of blame for campaign strategists, esp. McCain's lead guys, and complaints about media distortions, liberal bias, and bias by omission. But if she's asked about what publications she reads to stay current on national policies and foreign policy, and can't come up with an answer, that really isn't the fault of the media. In a presidential election, stakes are high, and preparation is mandatory. But to some extent, she's probably right, the media does often seem to want to create controversy. Also, the public did seem to want to learn more about her experience, or lack of it, when considering her for national office. Saying you can see Russia from parts of Alaska isn't the answer the media, or the nation, was going to consider as strong foreign policy experience. It's not unfair. And I don't think the media "omitted" to explain the $100,000 wardrobe issue, as she states. I certainly read that it wasn't she who ordered the clothes, but was the RNC, and that the clothes were returned. I understood that before I read her book. So some of the whining she did sounded more like a complaint about any media outlet that wasn't Republican friendly such as Fox news.

The book is probably successful in its intent, carefully crafted to present Sarah as someone likeable enough so that those who think her background, training and experience is too limited for the significantly more burdensome challenges of higher office may well disregard all that and say, "what the heck, she can't do much worse than the standard male politician". But parts of the book seemed to be stolen from the handbook of the ideal American, embellishing her story to the point that I just couldn't buy into it all. I still haven't found anyone else in real life with comparable claims of their first childhood memories of going to school of being proud to learn to recite the Pledge of Aliegance, and then have her recite it in the audiobook version of the book.

( )
  rsutto22 | Jul 15, 2021 |
This book was ghostwritten to promote Palin's political career. You already know if you'll like it or not. ( )
  neverstopreading | Mar 14, 2018 |
Disappointing in regard to revelations of much of anything new - but the book did help me make a decision that while Sarah may have some important things to say (things that should be paid attention to by Americans and the news media without name-calling or immediate dismissal or ridicule), I most likely would not support her as a presidential candidate ( )
  highlander6022 | Mar 16, 2016 |
Very well written an informative. I see this as Palin's Doctrine. ( )
  ericadrayton | Jan 8, 2015 |
Showing 1-5 of 38 (next | show all)
When [this book's] pages are not dismally boring they are positively alarming, and you can almost see the ashen faces of men who suddenly realised what a ghastly thing had ­happened to their party. But the book was a terrific read.
For many politicians, family life is sandwiched in between long hours in public service. Palin wants us to know that for her it is the reverse. Political success is an accident that says nothing about you. Success as a wife, mother and citizen says everything.

Do I believe any of this? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that she does, and that her readers feel they are hearing an authentic voice. I find the voice undeniably authentic (yes, I know the book was written “with the help” of Lynn Vincent, but many books, including my most recent one, are put together by an editor). It is the voice of small-town America, with its folk wisdom, regional pride, common sense, distrust of rhetoric (itself a rhetorical trope), love of country and instinctive (not doctrinal) piety.
Would I recommend reading Going Rogue? Yes, definitely, regardless of your political point of view. Liberals, conservatives and independents should read everything by office seekers of the past -- and, maybe, the future.
In Going Rogue, geography is both destiny and distortion. Wasilla is the centre of the universe, then there's the big city of Juneau, then Russia, and then, way on the other side of the Earth, is Washington DC. Washington is a foreign country to Sarah Palin. As for genuine foreign policy or diplomacy? Simply not on her radar. Yes, her son is in the military, but Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East – all these float like a singular symbol rather than real places on the planet. "Our boys" go off to "distant lands" that she leaves undescribed: invisible worlds whose only function in this book is to toughen said boys into men and to deliver them back as heroes, martyrs, deer-hunters and, yes, patriots. She relates her most interesting life and her great achievements from a simple background. She is admirable.

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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Sarah Palinprimary authorall editionscalculated
Vincent, Lynnsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
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Dedicated to all Patriots who share my love of the United States of America. And particularly to our women and men in uniform, past and present - God bless the fight for freedom.
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It was the Alaska State Fair, August 2008.
Sarah's not retreating; she's reloading!
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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Wikipedia in English (4)

Sarah Palin, the first female Republican Vice Presidential candidate, recounts her political experiences, her rapid rise on the national stage during the 2008 campaign, and the personal challenges she's faced including balancing her time as a working mother, recognizing the war's impact with her son serving combat in Iraq, having a child with a disability, and supporting her teenage daughter with an unplanned pregnancy.

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