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Strategic Goal 4

Provide innovative and data-driven solutions to enable agencies to meet their missions, increasing the percentage of users throughout Government who agree that OPM offered innovative solutions while providing services or guidance by 4 points

Strategic Objective 4.1 - Foster a culture of creativity and innovation within OPM. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of employees who agree that innovation is valued by 4 points.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $1,000,450 3.7
Strategic Objective 4.1 Total $1,000,450 3.7
Strategic Objective 4.2 - Increase focus on Government-wide policy work by shifting more low-risk delegations of authorities to agencies.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Salaries & Expenses $242,437 1.0
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $71,225 0.3
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $1,496,373 9.3
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Suitability Executive Agent Programs Revolving Fund $211,868 0.9
Strategic Objective 4.2 Total $2,109,902 12.1
Strategic Objective 4.3 - Expand the quality and use of OPM’s Federal human capital data. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of CHCO survey respondents who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information to be used in decision-making by 20 percentage points.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $1,280,018 6.0
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $2,341,035 6.1
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $8,890,319 21.7
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $28,753,566 23.6
Strategic Objective 4.3 Total $41,264,938 57.4
Strategic Objective 4.4 - Improve OPM’s ability to provide strategic human capital management leadership to agencies through expansion of innovation, pilots, and identification of best practices across Government. By FY 2026, provide Federal agencies with 25 best practices.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $1,059,722 4.5
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $3,866,135 18.6
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $849,193 4.9
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Office of the Chief Financial Officer Common Services $82,770 0.5
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $263,730 1.0
Strategic Objective 4.4 Total $6,209,549 30.1
Strategic Objective 4.5 - Revamp OPM’s policy-making approach to be proactive, timely, systematic, and inclusive. By FY 2026, increase the percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM’s policy approach is responsive to agency needs by 8 percentage points.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $313,491 1.3
Office of the Executive Secretariat and Privacy and Information Management Salaries & Expenses $385,378 1.8
Office of the Chief Financial Officer Common Services $152,374 1.0
Strategic Objective 4.5 Total $851,243 4.0
Strategic Objective 4.6 - Streamline Federal human capital regulations and guidance to reduce administrative burden and promote innovation while upholding merit system principles. By FY 2026, improve CHCO agreement that human capital policy changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies by 8 percentage points.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $483,187 2.0
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $825,415 4.9
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Office of the Director Advances & Reimbursements Annual $171,064 1.0
Strategic Objective 4.6 Total $1,567,665 8.5
OPM Total
Organization Dollars FTE
OPM Total $53,003,747 115.6

Foster a culture of creativity and innovation within OPM. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of employees who agree that creativity and innovation are valued by 4 points.

Strategic Objective Owner: Tiffany Worthy, Senior Advisor to the Director, OD

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: John Gill, Executive Director, HCDMM; Arianne Miller, Managing Director, the Lab, HR


  • Build leader mindsets, skills, and behaviors that foster innovation in offices, including senior leaders’ abilities to model professional vulnerability, risks, failures, and lessons learned
  • Design forums that encourage cross-organizational communication and collaboration where OPM employees can interact with others and learn from creative leaders
  • Reward or recognize employees and teams for innovation and creativity in a manner that celebrates attempts and positive outcomes

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Host second training session on innovation/transformation to senior leaders OD FY 2024
Implement learning communities and/or cross-organizational forums HRS, OD FY 2024
Assess recognition structures in consultation with the Principal Deputy Associate Directors OD FY 2024
Introduce the OPM Innovation in Service Delivery Program HRS FY 2024
Offer content and resources related to innovation, human-centered design, service design, and other similar topics for usage in OPM's centrally managed learning programs and resources for OPM leaders, managers, supervisors, and staff OD, CHCOC, MSAC FY 2025
Pilot an OPM learning community focused on innovation OD FY 2025
Build evidence and lessons-learned from the Innovation in Service Delivery Design Program HRS FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
OPM Innovation score _* _* _* 67.22 71.37 70.22 76.22
Percent of OPM leaders trained in innovation techniques (Cumulative) _* _* _* 6.67% 21.66% 10.43% 14.63%

Notes: OPM corrected the FY 2022 result for the measure “Percent of OPM leaders trained in innovation techniques” from 6.74 percent to 6.67 percent in May 2023.

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $1,000,450 3.7
Strategic Objective 4.1 Total $1,000,450 3.7

Increase focus on Government-wide policy work by shifting more low-risk delegations of authorities to agencies.

Strategic Objective Owner: Mark Lambert, Associate Director, MSAC

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Lisa Loss, Associate Director, SuitEA; Allison Kidd-Miller, Deputy General Counsel, OGC


  • Identify maximum number of low-risk transactional activities for which OPM is responsible that are appropriate for delegation to agencies, and delegate those that can be done administratively
  • Collaborate with OMB and Congress to enact legislation to authorize OPM to delegate to agencies low-risk transactions that Congress authorized only OPM to carry out and OPM identified as appropriate for agencies to do
  • Provide agencies guidance and optimal training to use in exercising delegations
  • Evaluate agency use and compliance with laws, regulations, policies/procedures, and merit system principles

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Conduct virtual or in-person “road shows” related to new delegations WPI, MSAC, SuitEA FY 2024
Develop and deliver a webinar and Federal HR Institute training for agencies* WPI, MSAC, SuitEA FY 2024
Obtain OPM clearance of additional proposed legislation WPI, MSAC, SuitEA FY 2024
Submit additional draft legislation to OMB for interagency review and comment WPI, MSAC, SuitEA FY 2024
Submit additional draft legislation to the Congress for review, sponsor, and enact* WPI, MSAC, SuitEA, CLIA FY 2024
Develop and deliver a webinar and Federal HR Institute training for agencies on delegated authorities WPI, MSAC, SuitEA, CLIA, CHCOC FY 2025
Obtain OPM clearance of additional proposed legislation WPI, MSAC, SuitEA, FY 2025
Submit additional draft legislation to OMB for interagency review and comment WPI, MSAC, SuitEA, CLIA FY 2025
Submit draft legislation to Congress for review, to sponsor, and enact WPI, MSAC, SuitEA, CLIA FY 2025
Conduct information sessions related to new delegations WPI, MSAC, SuitEA, CLIA, CHCOC FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Percent of low-risk delegations with errors identified through OPM or agency led evaluations _* _* _* _* _* Establish Baseline Establish Baseline + 3 percentage points
Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides appropriate delegations to agencies _* _* _* 48.48% 46.88% 49.00% 51.50%
Percent of low-risk delegations granted to agencies _* _* _* 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00%

Note: OPM revised the FY 2024 target for the measure “Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides appropriate delegations to agencies” in June 2023.

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Congressional, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Salaries & Expenses $242,437 1.0
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $71,225 0.3
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $1,496,373 9.3
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Suitability Executive Agent Programs Revolving Fund $211,868 0.9
Strategic Objective 4.2 Total $2,109,902 12.1

Expand the quality and use of OPM’s Federal human capital data. By 2026, increase the percentage of CHCO survey respondents who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information to be used in decision-making by 20 percentage points.

Strategic Objective Owner: Craig Gagel, Supervisory Program Analyst, HCDMM

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Cynthia Clinton-Brown, Deputy Chief Data Officer, HCDMM


  • Develop and advance an OPM enterprise data strategy using the Federal Data Strategy framework
  • Advance data quality, timeliness, and accessibility of key data assets to internal and external customers
  • Upgrade user interfaces, two-way data integration, and other capabilities of priority systems
  • Expand accessibility of HR analytics via reports, tools and services that support critical external customer decision making for talent needs
  • Build and expand OPM’s capacity to use advanced analytical tools and methods like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in support of customer goals
  • Improve OPM-wide data governance, including data privacy considerations, across all critical data efforts
  • Develop the Human Capital Federal Information Business Framework and Human Capital Information Model to provide standardized human capital lifecycle functional, operational, and data components to the extent possible

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Publish new, high-value data sets to the Application Programming Interface data gateway HCDMM, WPI, HRS, OESPIM FY 2024
Modernize eOPF platform to deliver better customer interface and enable more efficient processing at key “moments that matter”* HCDMM, WPI FY 2024
Pilot a machine learning model related to the Federal hiring process* HRS FY 2024
Finalize policies to govern internal and external data use that addresses access, use, privacy and security and ethical approaches for Artificial Intelligence* OESPIM, HCDMM FY 2024
Complete development of cloud-based data science environment at OPM* OCIO FY 2024
Establish a plan for EHRI payroll data quality improvements HCDMM, WPI, OEPSIM FY 2024
Update Federal Executive Core Qualification framework to include data fluency WPI, HCDMM FY 2025
Complete revamp of key position descriptions to include data skills HCDMM FY 2025
Meet FY 2025 data professional hiring targets HCDMM FY 2025
Complete migration of OPM human capital data into cloud enterprise analytics platform HCDMM FY 2025
Develop a common data model for Electronic Official Personnel Folder and Enterprise Human Resources Integration HCDMM FY 2025
Complete phase one of Universal Employee ID implementation HCDMM FY 2025
Establish a performance management framework for the HR Quality Services Management Office marketplace for Shared Service Providers HCDMM FY 2025
Integrate HRS' Federal human capital data and services into OPM's planned enterprise data analytics platform and service delivery model HRS FY 2025 HRS FY 2025

Note: OPM updated the milestone “implement EHRI data quality improvements” to “establish a plan for EHRI payroll data quality improvements” in FY 2024.

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information for decision-making _* _* _* 54.55% 56.67% 65.00% 70.00%
Average quarterly number of users of OPM’s publicly available human capital dashboards _* _* _* _* 4441.00 139.43 7500.00
Average quarterly number of authenticated users of OPM’s human capital dashboards _* _* _* 67.67 140.25 74.44 500.00

Notes: CHCOs are defined as the CHCOs and deputy CHCOs of the CHCO Act of 2002 agencies. In FY 2023, OPM revised the FY 2025 target, definition, calculation method, and historical results for measure 4.3.002 due to changes to the measurement process. Data is not available for the first, second, or third quarters of FY 2023. For measure 4.3.003, the reported result for FY 2022 is the quarterly average for quarters one, three, and four. Data is not available for the second quarter of FY 2022. In FY 2024, OPM revised the definition for measure 4.3.003 to clarify the user type (authenticated) included in the calculation and updated the FY 2025 target.

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $1,280,018 6.0
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $2,341,035 6.1
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $8,890,319 21.7
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $28,753,566 23.6
Strategic Objective 4.3 Total $41,264,938 57.4

Improve OPM’s ability to provide strategic human capital management leadership to agencies through expansion of innovation, pilots, and identification of leading practices across Government. By FY 2026, provide Federal agencies with 25 leading practices.

Strategic Objective Owner: Sara Saphos, Senior Program Analyst, ES

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Arianne Miller, Managing Director, the Lab, HRS; Joanne Plasky, Manager, MSAC


  • Identify key human capital strategies through research and successful practices that support improvements across the human capital management lifecycle, which may include creating or amending policy and developing or amending guidance
  • Improve the visibility and highlight the value of research programs and demonstration projects to boost Federal agencies’ awareness of these options
  • Identify best practices across Government and create a repository of best practices for agencies to access on a designated portal

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Expand the use of the leading practices portal to include additional human capital management areas WPI, MSAC, HRS FY 2024
Conduct a series of four events to share leading practices with agencies WPI, MSAC, HRS, OCFO FY 2024
Identify human capital management pilots and track pilot status and results WPI, MSAC, HRS, HCDMM FY 2024
Establish a Center for Innovation in Federal Talent to work with agencies on pilots, demonstration projects, and innovation sprints WPI FY 2024
Develop standards for human capital workflows HCDMM FY 2024
Establish a community of practice for agencies looking to automate human capital workflows HCDMM FY 2024
Distinguish between pilots and demos, and draft and share guidance with agencies WPI, MSAC, HRS, HCDMM, OCFO FY 2024
Execute joint business case agreements with Federal Shared Service Providers to stand up and operationalize the HR Quality Services Management Office Marketplace* HCDMM FY 2024
Expand the HR QSMO Marketplace operations to include a broad range of Federal human capital products and services offered by commercial and Government providers HCDMM FY 2025
Share the descriptions and impacts of leading practices and innovative efforts for use in agency and stakeholders communications conducted in support of OPM and administration strategic priorities OC, OD, WPI, MSAC, HRS, HCDMM, CHCOC, CLIA FY 2025
Establish self-service access that allows agency HR practitioners to explore leading practices and innovative human capital management ideas using an OPM-created tool or website WPI, MSAC, HRS, HCDMM, OCIO FY 2025
Develop a guide for conducting pilots WPI, MSAC, HCDMM, OCFO FY 2025
Conduct research on agencies that are leading in key areas WPI, MSAC, HRS, HCDMM, OCFO FY 2025
Capture case studies of successful workflows for adoption HCDMM FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Number of leading practices shared with Federal agencies _* _* _* 9 25 5 8

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $1,059,722 4.5
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $3,866,135 18.6
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $849,193 4.9
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Office of the Chief Financial Officer Common Services $82,770 0.5
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $263,730 1.0
Strategic Objective 4.4 Total $6,209,549 30.1

Revamp OPM’s policy-making approach to be proactive, timely, systematic, and inclusive. By FY 2026, increase the percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM’s policy approach is responsive to agency needs by 8 percentage points.

Strategic Objective Owner: Steve Hickman, Deputy Executive Secretary, OD

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: Margot Conrad, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Director; Allison Kidd-Miller, Deputy General Counsel, OGC


  • Engage agency partners and stakeholders to collect input for the development of policies in human capital areas
  • Develop processes to streamline internal OPM clearance
  • Expand the agency’s overall competencies in regulatory development and analysis
  • Empower a team led by a senior official(s) to track and coordinate policy development across OPM
  • Systematize OPM’s ability to collect input from stakeholders and use evidence to inform and evaluate policy prioritization, development, and implementation
  • Build higher level relationships between OPM leadership and leadership of other agencies and the White House to understand core talent priorities and concerns
  • Strengthen OPM’s capacity to increase awareness and understanding of OPM policies and programs among key stakeholders and customers

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Develop internal Customer Relationship Management capabilities to fully track requests that are received to develop responses and new/updated policy WPI FY 2024
Develop a "boot camp" for program offices to improve skills on handling clearances and standardizing proficiencies across the offices OESPIM FY 2024
Improve visibility into Document Approval System Hub data and use it to inform decision making and support process improvements OESPIM, HCDMM FY 2024
Evaluate the success of policy coordination efforts and scale leading practices across the full set of OPM’s policy making offices OD FY 2024
Embed regulatory training into the onboarding and upskilling opportunities for key staff that work with regulations– including those working directly with regulations and those who need increased understanding of high-level regulatory concepts OESPIM FY 2024
Evaluate success of pilot training on the regulatory competencies that exist within OPM organizations and determine whether additional strategies or trainings are needed OESPIM FY 2024
Scale regulatory training to key OPM audiences across the agency and address staffing needs OESPIM FY 2024
Expand participation in agency policy coordination efforts to promote cross organizational awareness OD, WPI FY 2024
Hold monthly CHCO Council Personnel Policy Office Hours to gather input from CHCOs and other HR experts on future human capital policies CHCOC FY 2024
Design and conduct evaluations for 1-2 priority workforce policies, and pilot the process of using research to develop new workforce policies for one new policy OCFO, MSAC FY 2024
Pilot the expanded use of a web-based collaborative platform for clearance and develop plan for 508 formatting OESPIM, OC FY 2024
Finalize and disseminate clearance process standard operating procedures, including recommendations from the clearance process improvement project OESPIM FY 2024
Implement senior leadership reviews of overdue packages using a new Document Approval System Hub dashboard OESPIM, OD FY 2024
Release an updated OPM style and writing guide, including templates and guidance, using 508 compliance principles OESPIM FY 2024
Develop checklist to help program offices identify opportunities to reach impacted stakeholders with their policy guidance* OC FY 2024
Evaluate whether clearance process improvements have been achieved and whether there is greater consistency in how the system is used across OPM OESPIM, OCFO FY 2025
Review and assess OPM's regulatory process to see if changes to regulatory staff training and processes have improved clearance times and customer satisfaction OESPIM FY 2025
Design and conduct evaluations on two workforce policies to increase OPM's awareness and understanding of OPM policies and programs among key stakeholders and customers OCFO FY 2025
Increase transparency around OPM’s policymaking processes by sharing information with agencies, including estimated timelines or issuance dates, process maps of the policymaking cycle, or points of contact for specific types of policies OESPIM FY 2025
Increase proactive policymaking by analyzing emerging trends and key issues during CHCO sessions/meetings to determine future operating environments and workforce needs WPI FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Percent of priority policy guidance issued by the deadline _* _* _* 38.46% 0.00% 48.46% 50.00%
Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM’s policy approach is responsive to agency needs _* _* _* 54.55% 67.74% 69.00% 70.00%

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $313,491 1.3
Office of the Executive Secretariat and Privacy and Information Management Salaries & Expenses $385,378 1.8
Office of the Chief Financial Officer Common Services $152,374 1.0
Strategic Objective 4.5 Total $851,243 4.0

Streamline Federal human capital regulations and guidance to reduce administrative burden and promote innovation while upholding merit system principles. By FY 2026, improve CHCO agreement that human capital policy changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies by 8 percentage points.

Strategic Objective Owner: Ella Holman, Deputy Director, Chief Human Capital Officers Council, OD

Deputy Strategic Objective Owner: April Davis, Manager, ES; Laura Knowles, Manager, HRS, Charles Peterman, Manager, MSAC


  • Review Federal human capital regulations and guidance usage by agencies to identify high level strategic changes to streamline and simplify human capital management
  • Determine what current regulations or guidance needs to be modified to be effective in reducing the burden on agencies, while upholding merit system principles

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Next Steps

Key Milestones Implementing Organization(s) Target Completion
Streamline and implement improvements to reduce burden and support innovation in response to agency and stakeholder feedback WPI, MSAC, HRS, HCDMM FY 2024
Develop a framework for reducing administrative burden in coordination with the Objective 4.2 team WPI, MSAC, HRS, CLIA FY 2024
Conduct a data call audit to identify outdated or duplicative requests WPI, HCDMM, CLIA FY 2024
Solicit feedback from the CHCOs regarding pain points and areas of burden WPI, CHCOC FY 2024
Create a portal for agency data submissions WPI FY 2025
Develop clear standards for agency data calls and enhance data analysis options to streamline reporting processes WPI, MSAC, HRS, CHCOC FY 2025

Performance Measures

_* No historical results.

Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2024 Target FY 2025 Target
Percent of CHCOs who agree that the human capital management system changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies _* _* _* _* 24.14% 29.00% 30.50%

Notes: CHCOs are defined as the CHCOs and deputy CHCOs of the CHCO Act of 2002 agencies.

Performance Budget Request by Objective, Organization and Fund – All Resources

Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Workforce Policy and Innovation Salaries & Expenses $483,187 2.0
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $825,415 4.9
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Trust Fund Annual $28,026 0.2
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Advances & Reimbursements No Year $59,973 0.4
Office of the Director Advances & Reimbursements Annual $171,064 1.0
Strategic Objective 4.6 Total $1,567,665 8.5

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Delayed milestone carried over from a previous fiscal year


In FY 2019, only Q3 and Q4 data was available.


In FY 2020, only Q1, Q3, and Q4 data was available.

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