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Welcome to the F.A.Q., short for Frequently Asked Questions. This page will be dedicated to answering those inquiries that we see come up time and time again. 

The most commonly asked question: Is Adam Available for commissions?

No. At this time, Adam is not available to take new commissions.

The second most commonly asked question: Is there a list I can put my name on for when Adam begins to take commission request again?

No. Adams work schedule right now consists of his cover obligations to DC Comics and the other  companies he works for.

I'd like to interview Adam for my art class; my grade depends on it!

Unfortunately, we have to decline these types of requests for the time being. We get about a dozen of these a week, sometimes more. With Adam's work schedule, he is unable to answer them all. So to be fair, we decline all of these types of requests for student interviews to fulfill class requirements.

Can I mail you something to have Adam sign?

No. Unfortunately Adam doesn't sign items through the mail. One reason for not doing so is our concern that something should happen to your item, we would be responsible. Thats a risk we simply don't wish to take. 

Can Adam send me an autograph?

Again, no.  We don't want to promise something to fans that they'd then be disappointed in not getting, or getting very much later than they wanted. Adam's work has to come first, and his schedule is so full as to not even allow what seems like something as simple as sending out autographs.

What tools does Adam use?

To pencil, Adam will use a lead holder with 6B lead in it. He'll vary that hardness a little, depending on humidity. Atlanta, where Adam lives and works, is a pretty humid place; this affects the paper's ability to hold the lead. The more humid it is, Adam will use a softer lead; less humid, harder lead. For pieces in which he is rendering entirely in pencil, Adam will use a variety of pencil lead hardness. For inking, Adam uses a size three Scharff brush and Dr. Ph. Martin's Black Star Hi-Carb ink. Adam also inks using Faber-Castel Pitt pens, and occasionally will use Copic markers in both warm and cool gray tones to render covers in gray scale. To color, Adam uses Photoshop.

How does Adam create his color pieces in Photoshop?

We haven't had a chance to address this topic as of yet. We are hoping to try and capture each stage of Adam's creative process and do a tutorial when time allows. 

Is there a hard cover book collecting Adam's artwork?

In 2010 Cover Run: the DC Comics Art of Adam Hughes was released. It's currently in its third edition. There are no plans at this time for any additional books cover more of Adam's DC Comics artwork, or his work for other companies.

Who are the artist that Adam looks to for inspiration?

Among Adam's artistic inspirations and influences in the comics genre, I'd include artists like Dave Stevens, Steve Rude, Mike Mignola and Kevin Nowlan. Other than that, classic American illustrators like Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish, Drew Struzan and Dean Cornwell are sources Adam will turn to, as well as pin-up legends Alberto Vargas and George Petty. And of course, Art Nouveau's most famous son, Alphonse Mucha's work sits close by Adam's drawing table. I'm sure that there are others I'm forgetting; hopefully I can get a chance to update this when I recall more them!

How can I get an AH! convention sketch?

Adam no longer does convention sketches at shows. Prior to any event, Adam will eBay one sketch per day attended at a show- its all he can really accomplish anymore. So about a week out from any convention, check eBay and you can bid on the opportunity to request a sketch from Adam. Adam's seller ID on eBay is AtomHues. UPDATE 06/26/13: Due to Adam's demanding work load, we have had to suspend these auctions. Once he has been able to catch up with prior commitments, we'll begin doing them again. 

Does Adam charge for signatures at conventions?

Adam does not charge for signatures. But we do ask that people be considerate and limit the number of things they would like to have signed to a reasonable amount. If you have so much that it will prevent other people from getting things signed, we will ask you to pick your 10 favorites for Adam to sign and politely decline to sign the rest. 

Will Adam do a quick head sketch for me?

At most shows Adam will try and set aside time for head sketches. We ask that fans make a donations to whatever the charitable organization we are sponsoring that weekend in return for their sketch. We also ask that fans limit their sketch requests to one per person. Minimum donations are $20 for a sketch on paper, on a blank comic book sketch cover,  in your sketchbook, or whatever else you choose to bring with you. Please do not count on Adam having paper for your sketch- we often don't have enough paper with us for the number of sketches fans request.