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E-ISSN 2146-9369 | ISSN 2146-3158

Editorial Policies

The editorial policies of the Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JMID) are meticulously crafted to uphold the highest standards of scholarly publishing, fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment for the dissemination of cutting-edge research in the fields of microbiology and infectious diseases. This comprehensive overview delves into the core principles that guide our editorial decision-making, ethical considerations, peer review processes, and commitment to transparency.

1. Editorial Decision-Making

1.1. Editorial Independence

JMID is committed to maintaining editorial independence, ensuring that decisions regarding manuscript acceptance, rejection, or revision are based solely on academic merit. Editorial autonomy is upheld to preserve the integrity of the peer review process and editorial judgments.

1.2. Fair and Unbiased Evaluation

All submissions undergo a fair, unbiased, and rigorous evaluation process. Our editors strive to consider the scientific quality, originality, and significance of each manuscript, regardless of authors' affiliations, backgrounds, or other non-scientific factors.

2. Peer Review Process

2.1. Rigorous Peer Review

JMID adheres to a rigorous peer review process, employing experts in the respective fields of microbiology and infectious diseases to evaluate manuscript submissions. This process ensures that published articles meet high scientific standards and contribute valuable insights to the scholarly community.

2.2. Single-Blind Peer Review Policy

The Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JMID) adheres to the single-blind peer review. In this model, the reviewers are aware of the identities of the authors, providing transparency in the review process. However, authors are not informed of the identities of the reviewers, preserving the confidentiality of the peer review process..

2.3. Timely Review Process

Efficiency is paramount in our peer review process. JMID is dedicated to providing authors with timely and constructive feedback, minimizing the duration between submission and final editorial decisions. This commitment is aligned with our goal to support researchers in the timely dissemination of their findings.

3. Ethical Considerations

3.1. Research Integrity

Authors are expected to uphold the highest standards of research integrity. JMID follows established ethical guidelines and encourages the responsible conduct of research, including proper citation of sources, avoidance of plagiarism, and accurate reporting of methodologies and results.

3.2. Authorship and Contributorship

Authorship should be based on substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research. JMID emphasizes the importance of transparent authorship and contributorship, requiring all listed authors to have made significant intellectual contributions to the work.

3.3. Conflict of Interest

JMID is committed to transparency regarding potential conflicts of interest. Authors are required to disclose any financial or personal relationships that may influence the interpretation of their research findings. Editors and reviewers are also expected to declare any conflicts of interest that may compromise impartial decision-making.

3.4. Plagiarism Detection

JMID employs advanced plagiarism detection tools to ensure the originality of submitted manuscripts. Authors are responsible for submitting work that is free from plagiarism, and any instances of misconduct are treated with the utmost seriousness.

4. Author Guidelines

4.1. Manuscript Preparation

Authors submitting to JMID are provided with clear and comprehensive guidelines for manuscript preparation. These guidelines cover formatting, referencing, and other essential elements to facilitate a standardized and streamlined publication process.

4.2. Ethical Approval and Informed Consent

Authors conducting research involving human subjects or animals must provide evidence of ethical approval and informed consent in their submissions. This commitment to ethical research practices underscores JMID's dedication to the welfare of research participants.

5. Transparency and Open Science

5.1. Data Sharing and Reproducibility

JMID encourages authors to share data, code, and other relevant materials to promote transparency and reproducibility. Open science practices contribute to the robustness and credibility of scientific research, aligning with our commitment to advancing knowledge.

5.2. Post-Publication Discussions

JMID supports post-publication discussions and welcomes constructive criticism as a means of promoting scientific discourse. Authors, readers, and the wider scholarly community are encouraged to engage in discussions that contribute to the refinement and advancement of published research.

6. Continuous Improvement

6.1. Editorial Board Evaluation

The JMID Editorial Board regularly evaluates and refines editorial policies to adapt to evolving standards and best practices in scholarly publishing. Feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers is actively sought to inform continuous improvement initiatives.

6.2. Collaborative Initiatives

JMID collaborates with other journals, institutions, and organizations to foster innovation and uphold the highest standards in scholarly publishing. Joint initiatives contribute to the advancement of editorial practices and support a global community of researchers.


The editorial policies of JMID serve as a foundation for fostering a scholarly environment characterized by integrity, transparency, and excellence. By adhering to these policies, JMID remains dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge, promoting ethical research practices, and contributing to the ongoing dialogue in the fields of microbiology and infectious diseases. As we continually strive for excellence, the collaborative efforts of authors, reviewers, and the editorial team ensure that JMID remains a trusted platform for disseminating impactful and high-quality research.

Editorial Board Member Removal Policy

The Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JMID) is dedicated to advancing microbiology and infectious diseases knowledge through high-quality, peer-reviewed research. This Editorial Board Member Removal Policy aims to provide a transparent and fair framework for addressing instances that may necessitate the removal of an Editorial Board member, recognizing the pivotal role they play in upholding the journal's standards.

Purpose of the Editorial Board Member Removal Policy

The primary purpose of this policy is to outline procedures and criteria for potential removal, ensuring actions are taken with careful consideration and adherence to ethical and professional standards. This policy addresses various grounds for removal, including ethical misconduct, non-performance, professional misconduct, and involvement with predatory journals and publishers.

Grounds for Removal

Ethical Misconduct

Plagiarism: Any proven instance of plagiarism by an Editorial Board member undermines the integrity of the journal and academic community, warranting immediate removal.

Conflict of Interest: Failure to disclose and manage conflicts of interest may result in removal to safeguard the journal’s objectivity.

Breach of Confidentiality: Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information may lead to removal, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of the peer-review process.


Failure to Fulfill Responsibilities: Persistent failure to contribute to the manuscript review process and editorial decision-making may be grounds for removal to maintain the efficiency and quality of the editorial process.

Violation of Journal Policies: Repeated violation of the journal’s policies may result in removal, ensuring adherence to established standards.

Professional Misconduct

Unprofessional Behavior: Conduct unbecoming of an Editorial Board member may result in removal, fostering a professional and respectful editorial environment.

Misuse of Position: Any misuse of the editorial position for personal gain may lead to removal, ensuring editorial roles are exercised in the best interests of the journal and scientific community.

Involvement with Predatory Journals and Publishers

Definition and Rationale: Involvement with predatory entities poses a significant risk to scholarly publishing integrity, leading to potential removal.

Criteria for Assessment: Editorial Board members will be evaluated for affiliation, collaboration, or association with known predatory journals or publishers.

Implications and Consequences: Involvement with predatory entities may lead to removal, rooted in the commitment to maintaining ethical publishing standards.

Removal Procedures

Initial Investigation

Complaint Submission: Formal complaints against an Editorial Board member may be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief by any concerned party for prompt addressal.

Preliminary Assessment: The Editor-in-Chief conducts a preliminary assessment to filter out frivolous complaints and determine the merit of credible concerns.

Formal Investigation

Appointment of Investigation Committee: An impartial Investigation Committee is appointed to conduct a thorough investigation, ensuring objectivity and fairness.

Opportunity to Respond: The accused member is provided a fair opportunity to respond and present evidence in their defense for due process.

Evidence Gathering: The Investigation Committee collects and reviews all relevant evidence for a comprehensive decision-making process.


Committee Deliberation: The Investigation Committee deliberates on the evidence and makes a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief for a well-rounded assessment.

Editor-in-Chief Decision: The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision based on the committee’s recommendation, involving disciplinary actions, corrective measures, or removal, depending on the violation's severity.

Notification and Appeals

Notification of Decision: The accused member is promptly notified of the decision for transparency, accountability, and trust in the editorial process.

Appeals Process: An appeals process is established to allow the accused party to appeal the decision if they believe it was unjust, ensuring reconsideration and fairness.

Repercussions and Replacements


Immediate Actions: Depending on the violation's severity, removal may be effective immediately to mitigate harm to the journal’s reputation.

Publication of Misconduct: Instances of removal related to ethical or professional misconduct may be publicly disclosed to maintain transparency and accountability.

Replacement Procedures

Interim Appointments: In case of removal, an interim appointment may be made to ensure continuity in the editorial process, based on expertise, diversity, and alignment with journal goals.

Permanent Replacement: The permanent replacement follows a rigorous nomination and selection process outlined in the Editorial Recruitment Policy to maintain high standards.

Continuous Improvement

Regular Review: Regular reviews of this policy ensure its effectiveness and relevance, considering changes in the scholarly publishing landscape and emerging best practices.

Stakeholder Feedback: Feedback from stakeholders, including Editorial Board members, authors, and readers, is actively sought during policy reviews to reflect evolving needs and expectations.

This Editorial Board Member Removal Policy underscores JMID’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism within its editorial processes.