Ithaca Police Vehicle

Three Ithaca residents have been arrested after a burglary that happened earlier today, June 18, around 6 p.m. 

Ithaca Police Officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of Cleveland Ave for a burglary in progress. Officers arrested the following three people who were inside the residence at the time of their arrival:

40 year old Ithaca resident Lawrence Williams

43 year old Ithaca resident Brian Carter

40 year old Ithaca resident April Cornell

All three were charged with Burglary in the second degree - a class C felony,  and were arraigned in Ithaca City Court and remanded to the Tompkins County Jail.

IPD is encouraging anyone with knowledge regarding this incident to contact the Ithaca Police Department via the following means:

Police Dispatch: 607-272-3245

Police Administration: 607-272-9973

Police Tipline: 607-330-0000

Anonymous Email Tip Address:


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