Note takers at the International Labour Conference
Note takers at the International Labour Conference © ILO

Latest news

Gaziantep is hosting the Workplace Adaptation Program with Updated Content

Gaziantep is hosting the Workplace Adaptation Program with Updated Content

ILO and EUROSTAT host global conference on measuring new forms of employment
Assistant Director-General Manuela Tomei addresses the conference

ILO and EUROSTAT host global conference on measuring new forms of employment

New important set of amendments to the MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 23 December 2024
Natural Beauty@Sea by Asif Ahmed Pasha, 2023

New important set of amendments to the MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 23 December 2024

Latest articles

ILO PROSPECTS Lebanon supports social enterprise initiatives in Lebanon
women inside a bakery in Lebanon

ILO PROSPECTS Lebanon supports social enterprise initiatives in Lebanon

New skills for business growth for Suriname’s agro-cooperatives
Ram Lutchman, Chair of Sunday Market Cooperative, Suriname

ILO in Action

New skills for business growth for Suriname’s agro-cooperatives

Why labour statistics matter
Video interview with Rafael Diez de Medina, Director of ILO’s Department of Statistics

Video interview

Why labour statistics matter

Latest statements

Cooperatives are at the heart of social justice and sustainable solutions


Cooperatives are at the heart of social justice and sustainable solutions

Let's act on our commitments and eliminate child labour


Let's act on our commitments and eliminate child labour

Multimedia resources

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