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Endangered Species Research

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Endangered Species Research

  • publishes accepted manuscripts without delay
  • guarantees rapid world-wide visibility
  • is directed by a large number of renowned editors
  • has a large number of acknowledged experts for reviewing and quality-improving manuscripts
  • is assisted by an experienced team of copy-editors and typesetters

Open Access: As from Vol. 26 (2015) ESR is published entirely Open Access using the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) Licence. For more information on Open Access fees click here.

What’s new?
ESR supports the "Principles for the socially responsible use of conservation monitoring technologies" and encourages all authors of relevant research to follow the related best-practices steps. Details have been added to the Manuscript tab of the author guidelines.

Print : ISSN 1863-5407

Online : ISSN 1613-4796

All volumes listed according to subscription year.

2024: 53, 54
2023: 50, 51, 52
2022: 47, 48, 49
2021: 44, 45, 46
2020: 41, 42, 43
2019: 38, 39, 40
2018: 35, 36, 37
32Vol 32, pages 1-567
33Vol 33, pages 1-303
34Vol 34, pages 1-492
2016: 29 (
1, Vol 29, pages 1-93
2, Vol 29, pages 95-187
3), Vol 29, pages 189-287
30, Vol 30, pages 1-282
31Vol 31, pages 1-382
2015: 26 (
1, Vol 26, pages 1-92
2, Vol 26, pages 93-188
3), Vol 26, pages 189-280
27 (
1, Vol 27, pages 1-94
2, Vol 27, pages 95-192
3), Vol 27, pages 193-287
28 (
1, Vol 28, pages 1-95
2, Vol 28, pages 97-186
3) Vol 28, pages 187-287
2014: 22 (
1, Vol 22, pages 1-94
2, Vol 22, pages 95-189
3), Vol 22, pages 191-277
23 (
1, Vol 23, pages 1-98
2, Vol 23, pages 99-195
3), Vol 23, pages 197-286
24 (
1, Vol 24, pages 1-93
2, Vol 24, pages 95-190
3), Vol 24, pages 191-286
25 (
1, Vol 25, pages 1-96
2, Vol 25, pages 97-195
3) Vol 25, pages 197-293
2013: 19 (
1, Vol 19, pages 1-98
2, Vol 19, pages 99-186
3), Vol 19, pages 187-284
20 (
1, Vol 20, pages 1-97
2, Vol 20, pages 99-194
3), Vol 20, pages 195-282
21 (
1, Vol , pages 1-95
2, Vol 21, pages 97-190
3) Vol 21, pages 191-284
2012: 16 (
1, Vol 16, pages 1-94
2, Vol 16, pages 97-209
3), Vol 16, pages 211-299
17 (
1, Vol 17, pages 1-92
2, Vol 17, pages 93-191
3), Vol 17, pages 193-288
18 (
1, Vol 18, pages 1-94
2, Vol 18, pages 95-191
3) Vol 18, pages 193-289
2011: 13 (
1, Vol 13, pages 1-78
2, Vol 13, pages 79-161
3), Vol 13, pages 163-261
14 (
1, Vol 14, pages 1-89
2, Vol 14, pages 91-176
3), Vol 14, pages 179-270
15 (
1, Vol 15, pages 1-86
2, Vol 15, pages 87-177
3) Vol 15, pages 179-270
2010: 10 11 (
1, Vol 11, pages 1-99
2, Vol 11, pages 101-188
3), Vol 11, pages 189-278
12 (
1, Vol 12, pages 1-86
2, Vol 12, pages 87-177
3) Vol 12, pages 179-272
2009: 7 (
1, Vol 7, pages 1-84
2, Vol 7, pages 85-161
3), Vol 7, pages 163-256
8 (
1-2, Vol 8, pages 1-145
3), Vol 8, pages 147-257
9 (
1, Vol 9, pages 1-79
2, Vol 9, pages 81-165
3) Vol 9, pages 167-270
2008: 4 (
1-2, Vol 4, pages 1-240
3), Vol 4, pages 241-331
5 (
1, Vol 5, pages 1-90
2-3), Vol 5, pages 91-358
6 (
1, Vol 6, pages 1-107
2, Vol 6, pages 109-198
3) Vol 6, pages 199-285
2007: 3 (
1, Vol 3, pages 1-104
2, Vol 3, pages 105-247
3) Vol 3, pages 249-339
2006: 2
2004-2005: 1

In-press articles are listed online shortly after acceptance. Prepress abstracts are also made available. These have not yet been fully checked and copyedited and are therefore subject to change before actual publication. The article is however citable as "in press", using the DOI.


N 1345
Patrício AR, Coveney SA, Barbanti A, Barbosa C, Broderick AC, El’Bar N, Godley BJ, Hancock JM, Regalla A, Senhoury C, Sidina E, de Thoisy B, Tilley D, Weber S, Catry P
Atlantic connectivity of a major green sea turtle Chelonia mydas foraging aggregation at the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania
Prepress abstract

N 1346
Strain EMA, Bastiaansen A, Thomson RJ, Stuart-Smith J, Vila-Concejo A, Byrne M
A review of the conservation status and survey methods for the live-bearing sea star Parvulastra vivipara
Prepress abstract

N 1347
Heddle L, Peters KJ, Hamann M, Parra GJ
Nesting habitat characteristics of flatback (Natator depressus), green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in eastern Queensland, Australia
Prepress abstract

N 1348
Lyon SN, Tomoleoni JA, Yee JL, Fujii J, Thometz NM
Foraging ecology of southern sea otters at the northern range extent informs regional population dynamics
Prepress abstract

N 1349
Crance J, Kennedy A
Contemporary sightings of eastern North Pacific right whales, 2006 to 2023
Prepress abstract

N 1350
Agabiti C, Tolve L, Baldi G, Zucchini M, Tuccio S, Restelli F, Freggi D, Luschi P, Casale P
Combining UAVs and multi-sensor dataloggers to estimate fine-scale sea turtle density at foraging areas: a case study in the central Mediterranean
Prepress abstract

N 1351
Robeck TR, Amaral RS, Steinman KJ, Blum JL, Martin AR, Montano GA, Bergfelt DR, da Silva VMF
Combining reproductive endocrinology and ROC analysis to identify changes with sex, age, and pregnancy status in Amazon River dolphins Inia geoffrensis
Prepress abstract

last update: July 11, 2024

Surov A, Banaszek A, Bogomolov P, Feoktistova N, Monecke S
Dramatic global decrease in the range and reproduction rate of the European hamster Cricetus cricetus
ESR 31:119-145 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format

Gessner J, Jarić I, Rochard E, Pourkazemi M
AS WE SEE IT: Sturgeon and paddlefish research focuses on low risk species and largely disregards endangered species
ESR 22:95-97 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format  

Inman RD, Esque TC, Nussear KE, Leitner P, Matocq MD, Weisberg PJ, Dilts TE, Vandergast AG
Is there room for all of us? Renewable energy and Xerospermophilus mohavensis
ESR 20:1-18 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format

Favero M, Blanco G, Copello S, Seco Pon JP, Patterlini C, Mariano-Jelicich R, García G, Berón MP
Seabird bycatch in the Argentinean demersal longline fishery, 2001−2010
ESR 19:187-199 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format  

Weller DW, Klimek A, Bradford AL, Calambokidis J, Lang AR, Gisborne B, Burdin AM, Szaniszlo W, Urbán J, Gomez-Gallardo Unzueta A, Swartz S, Brownell RL Jr
Movements of gray whales between the western and eastern North Pacific
ESR 18:193-199 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format  

Stafford KM, Moore SE, Berchok CL, Wiig Ø, Lydersen C, Hansen E, Kalmbach D, Kovacs KM
Spitsbergen’s endangered bowhead whales sing through the polar night
ESR 18:95-103 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format