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Deadloch (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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If you're unsure, read this review
kewells7 September 2023
I HATED the first 2 episodes. Seriously, I wanted to kill Eddie myself. By the 3rd episode, I was hating it less, by the 4th episode, I liked it and by the end I LOVED it. I even grew to love Eddie. I read someone else's review who called her the new Jar Jar Binks and I agreed for the first half of the season. But she ended up growing on me. So, I'll not hash out the plot here, but this show kept me guessing to the very end. I can usually eye the murderer from the beginning, but I could not when watching this show. So, my advice is stick with it to episode 5 and you'll be hooked. We ended up watching it over 2 nights we were that into it. It ends up being a great murder mystery.
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Stick with it...
johnkerron23 June 2023
I have to be honest...after the first 2 episodes I was ready to give up...the characters were more like caricatures, totally over the top, unbelievable and annoying!

But...it gets better, it really does.

Once someone on set managed to convince everyone to tone it down a bit, the drama and pace really ramps up, and now I'm hanging, waiting impatiently for the next episode to drop.

I'm at episode 6 now, and have to wait a week for the next instalment!

Always a good sign if you wish it could be binged!

It's a shame that they went in too hard at the beginning, as I know from chatting with others, that many viewers switched off, so that possibly explains the relatively low rating, but if you're willing to stick with it, you won't regret it!
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Not what you expect!
sarahlouise0136 June 2023
A typical Aussie comedy with a dash of murder mystery! I could understand how it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it had my Mum and I in stitches. Parts of the story were, at times, predictable. However it almost feels like this was on purpose - in a way poking fun at the traditional murder mystery genre. I loved the diverse cast and seeing lots of familiar faces. Box definitely stands out as her character is probably the only "seriously" acted characher and she gives a great performance. I actually like the contrast between the Nordic style vibe and then the ridiculous Aussie acting. It's a bit of fun and an easy watch with a bit of mystery too. If you're easily entertained and still laugh at naughty words you'll get a kick out of it.
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Lighten up people and have some laughs!
bellfarrell-5341919 June 2023
We found this one by chance and had low expectations going in. We were pleasantly surprised by this quirky and rather engaging series that keeps you guessing. At times we even laughed out loud. For those giving negative reviews, my only advice is to lighten up! This isn't trying to be high art or high drama.

The backdrop alone is worth your time if you want to see a bit of Tasmania. Love the accents and the way the Darwin detective does evolve over the course of the series. We have watched five of the eight episodes and we plan to watch till the very end because we have enjoyed spending time in this boondocks of a town, Dead Loch.
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Both loud and subtle, and lots of laughs
laaarmstrong-1328810 June 2023
I think this is probably quite marmite but personally I absolutely love it. It's sort of an Australian even-more-sweary Hot Fuzz? Madeleine Sami's character is definitely very loud and annoying but she is very clearly meant to be so; I think she's brilliant and it's a great counter-point to some of the more subtle humour in the show, which mainly comes from Kate Box's general air of competent resignation. The supporting cast are all excellent in their own ways too. It sort of gently takes the p*ss out of a lot of modern, very right-on culture but in a friendly way. I think this is a show that will become a cult classic - at least for me anyway! I can't wait for the next episodes.
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A breath of fresh air...
walshan8 June 2023
Yes, a breath of fresh air - an Australian show that should offend pretty much everyone. Deadlock is a comedy/parody that skewers police procedurals, forensic scientists, small town life, arts festivals, food culture, straight life, alternative life...the list goes on. And with all that there is a pretty reasonable murder mystery. For overseas viewers the lead detective is from Darwin - Australian Deep North like American Deep South - so she is not overacting. The use of swear words is the most clever I have seen. Not like most streaming shows where f... is used because the writers are on strike and no-one can think of anything else to say. Worth having the subtitles on to see how clever. The acting is excellent and really accentuates the characters foibles - a must watch show. Anyone for a jar of "olive tamponade"?
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wadlowa7 June 2023
I don't get the negative reviews at all. This had me hooked and thoroughly entertained, laughing out loud many times. I love a dark comedy which this is. The characters are real people as opposed to unrealistic ones. Great acting and I hope they do more episodes. I had not seen any of these actors in anything else before but would definitely watch anything the main character's are in again. The term lingua amputo had me in stitches. This is raw, earthy, dark, funny and well written. Satirical and not like anything else I've seen before. Well done to all ... and as I say please let's have some more episodes!
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Brilliant murder mystery!
mapine10 July 2023
I almost switched ot off on the ffirst episode because it seemed a bit slow at first. I'm so glad I continued to watch! This tv series is absolute perfection!

All the characters were perfect, the acting was mesmerizing and the storyline kept me guessing throughout. I changed my mind as to who the killer was many times! This was very clever writing and enjoyable to watch.

I especially loved the strong female leads and supporting cast. It was a nice change to see the majority of the cast being females.

I really hope there's a season 2 as I can't wait to watch these interesting characters grow and evole...I still have so many questions about this town and its people.
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They're all wrong & will regret it....so don't worry, Eddie...
helvala9 June 2023
As soon as I was introduced to the the completely over the top Eddie Redcliffe, I wanted more. Deadloch is the stereotypical Australian small town in reverse. 'Eddie' is a rough-nut, hard-drinking and swearing police detective from Darwin, but Eddie is a woman. In fact, the archetypal Australian male-dominated, misogynistic town of the past has been replaced in this series by one dominated by women.

Women occupy and dominate the police force, the mayoral post and the town's founder family. The local veterinarian and the gourmet chef are also women. Lesbian relationships abound and so does the wonderful openness and craziness of the upfront dialogue with traditional 'female' concerns unabashedly taking front row importance.

Underlying the crazy pastiche of candid dialogue is a good plot which progresses, but not at the expense of leaving unacknowledged 'feelings' behind. It is sustained with a good, juicy and deepening mystery which slowly, but progressively, builds.

Don't miss is.
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Over the top
ThatDoesntMatter8 June 2023
Well I like it.

I see a lot of real life characters I get reminded of.

I get the joke of every misogynistic cliché used and turned upside down and all around.

And at the same time the normality of it. I love how that is portrayed in a comedic style. No drama, no oh-I-am-so-affected-and-discriminated against-and-not-treated-as-an-equal. Well here we have equal. In all it's normal human nastiness.

And I am neither lesbian nor a full-blown feminist.

Yet I like that all women play women, but also as a parody of mashed up, over-salted male clichés. Especially Eddie.

At least that's my reading.

I feel entertained and provoked, but in a good way.

I just don't like the bit by bit release. Gonna wait till all 8 episodes are out.
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Nope, the Eddie character is beyond irritating. Kate Box is
acroghan675 June 2023
I was going okay. I love Kate Bix and she's excellent and the rest of the characters were bearable. The second the Darwin DI arrived I switched off. Which is a pity because the scenery is lovely, Tom Ballard was good and I am sure if you could get past the Eddie idiot it would be a good series. Not a comedy, but light and entertaining enough to be worth watching. People are saying she's overacting, I don't agree, I just think she's doing what the script demanded of her, so not her fault.

Nope, the Eddie character is beyond irritating. Kate Box is from Adelaide where I live and she's always worth a watch.
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You have to watch this series with the right mindset
SJulien126 June 2023
I'm doing this review after the 3rd episode, but I must say I'm looking forward to the rest. I confess watching for Kate Box, who, in my opinion, is one of those rare actresses who always plays her roles perfectly. I'd also recommend Wentworth (even if she only comes towards the end, as the whole series is a masterpiece) and Rake. From the reviews, I understand that it's not for everyone. The most important thing for this series is to take it for what it is: a comedy. I made the mistake, it seems like many others, of believing it was a drama with comic elements, and I have to say that the first few minutes consisted of arduous viewing. It was only after the sequence of police cars dramatically heading in one direction before turning around to continue their journey just as dramatically, that I changed my view of the series. Indeed, the characters are practically all caricatures: the wife of the main character, usually a man but still, who is bored to death and spends her time worrying about whether her wife has eaten properly; the teenagers who wander around finding all sorts of corpses and clues; the coroner and his music that tires everyone; the younger polices who can't tell their left from their right, and so on. In short, Deadloch pokes fun at the clichés of police intrigues- because is it really true that only women poison...? - and serves us a humorous series in which we can still look for a culprit.
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If Letterkenny, Doc Martin and Ted Lasso Had an Australian Baby
FreyjaGodsdottir11 June 2023
I mean it. If you've heard of Lasso but not the other two, you're spare parts, bud - go get yourself a Puppers and bother some Canadian Gooses. This has more in common with Letterkenny and Doc Martin's humor by far.

If you like good detective series and don't mind a side of raucous Ozzie laughs, give 'er a whirl.

If you come in expecting the next The Killing or Wallander, you'll be crying in that Puppers.

While the murder story is decent - starting itself out with the usual trope of "detective who no longer wants to do detectiving" - it's often directly interrupted by the "loveable small-town idiots" aspect that's at the center of Deadloch and honestly, sets it apart. I found myself laughing aloud far more than I expected to.

If the fact that the two mains are gay annoys you to point of Karening a review that misappropriates the word "woke," well I got nothing for ya, bud. Go bother some Canadian Gooses.

But if you've got a problem with Canadian Gooses, you've got a problem with me - and I suggest you let that one marinate.
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Madeleine Sami is the new JarJar Binks!
LazyDaisee-368828 June 2023
What might have been a quirky show with some humour and a serious side has just been ruined by a single character that adds nothing and ruins every scene she is in.

Someone made a decision to add a character that is grossly overdone and out of any context with the show and it just doesnt work.

Edit her out and the rest of the show might be watchable? But how many times are we supposed to laugh at someone not being able to pronounce a 3 syllable word? Is it even funny the first time if you are older than 8yo?

Ultimately the show seems to be suffering from not knowing what it wants to be or what the tone of the show is. And there is too much time spent on bad dialogue with bad characters.
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A review of the entire season
pscamp0115 July 2023
Most of the reviews I have seen here seem to have been done after the reviewer had watched a few episodes. Since I have watched the entire series (or is it only the first season?), I thought I would offer my perspective. First off, I found two of the characters in the first episode so annoying that I almost stopped watching there. In fact, that is exactly what two of my friends did. But I saw enough in the first episode to keep going, and I am glad I did. Eddie, the detective played by Madeleine Sami, came on too strong at first, but she calmed down after the first episode, and by the fourth episode I was finding her hilarious. She's definitely the best thing about the series. (Unfortunately, I never did warm up to the other character. Sorry Cath!) Kate Box plays the other lead character, and while it is a much less flashier role, she delivers a performance that is every bit as good. All of the other characters are quirky without being annoying and the mystery part of the story works really well. And I have to give a shout out to the show for nailing the last episode. Endings are really hard to do, and I am often disappointed in them, but the ending here is perfect. Anyone looking for just a comedy or just a mystery may be disappointed, but anyone looking for a combination of the two should be delighted. They just have to make it past the first episode.
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Ignore the bad reviews
k123abc8 June 2023
This is great Its a great comedy and very funny. It's quirky and actually has a good crime mystery at its core. It's slightly off kilter and I like the variety of characters. It's well acted and great to have a varied female led cast. So refreshing to have something that has such a variety of female actors being able to flex.

Also, it's quite beautifully shot with some nice scenery.

I don't know why the reviews are so bad (I cam guess though), it doesn't warrant any of it. It can not be your cup of tea but to say its bad is a real stretch.

I've binged the first 3 episodes and can't wait for more.
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So funny
Lollylovesmovies29 June 2023
Being American it was hard to understand at first but the first few episodes we had on closed captioning and now we don't need it. Just needed a few episodes to get the dialect. Even with having to read most of the first couple of episodes we thought it was hilarious. They are an Odd Couple detective duo that has been thrown together. It's funny. It's a mystery. The whole cast is great. But especially the police cast. All 4 of them. "Sexy"'s wife is so annoying. Overbearing, hysterical and just ridiculous. I don't know how she has stayed married to her for so long. Oh and if you're a homophobe just don't watch. Then watch and complain and give it bad ratings.
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Watchworthy, and may get better along the way
emacambiaso4 June 2023
I found the first three episodes amusing enough to want to continue.

I liked the "north european vibes" I found in the characters, especially in the protagonist, Dulcie, which I found to be pretty good.

I was initially worried about the LGBT narrative (which is often abused by writers in order to give some sould to the final product) but I found it to be pretty well integrated and not forced.

The only character I found a bit difficoult to believe in was Eddie, whom is a bit to exaggerated imo. She seems to incarnate a clown-ish archetype, overacted and with a dramatic trigger in her past, but to work on the long run needs a good evolution path (which seems to start in the third episode, so fingers crossed).

Writing isn't top-of-the-shelf, has its peeks and valleys, but manages to get you through te plot in a good way in some of principal turning points, slightly worse in the subplots.

Overall, it's intriguing, funny, and may evolve in a good way in the next episodes.
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Deadloch: A Clever, Dark, and Hilarious Whodunit
lintash5 June 2023
Deadloch is a triumph in the world of mystery and dark comedy. With its witty and cleverly written script, fantastic cast, and a perfect blend of humour and darkness, this Australian gem will keep you thoroughly entertained and on the edge of your seat.

One of the standout features of Deadloch is its brilliant cast. The actors bring their A-game, delivering remarkable performances that elevate the series to new heights. Their characters are comedic and frustratingly impeccable, adding an extra layer of hilarity to the already intriguing plot.

What sets Deadloch apart is its ability to challenge traditional representations, particularly in terms of Indigenous, women and gender roles. The film fearlessly tackles these themes, creating thought-provoking contemporary social values while keeping the audience engaged and entertained. Calling it feminist is incorrect because it is written for the time. It's refreshing to see a series that understands the importance of representation and uses it as a driving force behind the narrative. It's also passes the Bechdel Test!

The plot revolves around a small town where the men mysteriously start dropping dead one by one. The filmmakers skillfully keep the audience guessing, offering a rollercoaster of twists and turns that will leave you constantly questioning who the culprit might be. The balance between comedy and darkness is masterfully executed, creating a unique viewing experience that defies genre conventions.

Filmed in Australia, Deadloch utilises effective cinematography and dark colour grading to create an eerie and atmospheric setting. The cinematographer captures the essence of the town, immersing the audience in its gloomy surroundings and adding to the overall tension and mystery.

Overall, Deadloch is a must-watch series that combines clever writing, a fantastic cast, and a gripping plot. Its ability to seamlessly blend humour and darkness, challenge traditional representations, and keep audiences guessing makes it a standout addition to the genre. With remarkable acting and visually stunning cinematography, this Australian gem is an absolute treat for Amazon subscribers.
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"It was the murder mystery aspect which kept me hooked"
watchitwombat19 June 2023
By Jayne @WatchItWombat I have low expectations for most Australian productions, but Deadloch exceeded these and then some. While I'd hesitate to class the series as comedic - painfully awkward and annoying would be a more apt description - it was the murder mystery aspect which kept me hooked. There's an element of Hot Fuzz in the narrative, where an experienced cop teams up with rookie investigators, and an outsider is sent to help but they're erratic and unreliable. Oblivious family and friends make the situation worse with their flippant comments and actions, while the murders continue to escalate. Not a huge fan of the dialogue, however Kate Box and Madeleine Sami are major standout characters and their performances propel the story forward. Fans of ocker Aussie slang and those who enjoy bemoaning the small-minded nature of outback towns will froth this series, as will those who thrive on a good "Who dunnit" storyline. On the whole I liked this series and I appreciate what creators Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan have set out to achieve. Worth the watch.
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Could've been a decent show, but...
david_w_gibson3 June 2023
This started as what seemed like a decent show, then quickly descended into the ridiculous, culminating with the arrival of Madeleine Sami's overplayed character and from that point on is only watchable if you can grit your teeth and get through the absurd scenes where her character acts less like a detective and more like a character from Animal House, looking for the rest of the cast, stoned and drunk at the same time with no training and no ethics. It's bad enough that the whole town, including a police force that makes Police Academy cadets look smart ,is played like they all are trying to perform for a who can be the most absurd character contest. My advice, only watch this if you have a high tolerance for idiocy, not comedy.
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Comedy and mystery - a great combo
rich-mac10 July 2023
Despite a start that was a little shaky at times Deadloch always had the bones of a good story and some good story telling - a tribute to a great script by Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan, two of the funniest women I've seen on TV in many years, with wit and tongue as sharp as a tack. And make no mistake, the tongue is in full stride here, so if you are word squeamish - hahah - get over yourself - there is some brilliant banter and dialogue from two of the best at razor sharp spiteful and insightful barbs.

My only criticism is probably about the direction of Madeline Sami's character Eddie - the cop from Darwin. Unfortunately this part is over-played in the first few episodes and jolts well beyond what was needed - we get it, she's rough as guts, now move on. Thankfully this gradually wound back - presumably as dictated by the story arc - and eventually the energy was more finely judged and didn't jar.

Kate Box is brilliant in the lead as Dulcie an ex-bigtown cop on a tree change with her massive pain-in-the-butt partner Cath - Alicia Gardiner. Cath manages to embody everything that is annoying and aggravating with tree change feminist chic - a self absorbed air-head of epic proportions.

Under all the human drama - and there's plenty of it - is a very satisfying and tightly controlled murder mystery - well worthy of an international audience. Also worth mentioning that the only cultural cringe evident is from self aware story telling as opposed to self deluded narcissism.

Suffice to say this is a rollicking good yarn once it gets going with plenty to keep viewers interested and on the hook. A great comedy-drama-mystery well deserving of an 8.
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Started off slow, got better (but not incredible).
ruby121212 October 2023
My biggest issue was that the first episode was incredibly slow and some characters were abrasive and just not likeable. Kate Box saves this show with her acting, but if you are sick of grey saturated Aussie crime shows this will annoy you.

I do think it's worth trying, but you need to get past the halfway point first, which will be a huge turnoff for many.

My other issues include, too many side characters, sometimes the comedy is hit and miss and I wouldn't actually name this a black comedy, it's just a regular comedy. Some shot decisions are also a bit off, and honestly the show could be set anywhere, it doesn't do Tassie justice. It also could be like two episodes shorter, it starts dragging a bit.

The good things are that I did have a laugh towards ep 5-7, so that's a bonus, I really did enjoy Kate Box's character, the story kept me involved and when it got good, it was almost worth it.

Truly, it's up to you. I would suggest giving it a go, for the sake of getting more good Aussie work done in future from the streamers.
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That's a NO from me.
soundwright2 June 2023
Madeline Sami's dreadful Eddie Redcliffe character is just so poorly played that I started to skip past her parts and you can only do that a few times before you hit a wall. The suspension of disbelief can only go so far, even if you approach it expecting a satirical/drama genre. The lead was doing her best with what she had, but you get the feeling she new it was not going well. Some how Australian producers and directors etc still let acters ham it up to the point where it's just embarrassing, and it's completely unnecessary to overplay any role if the script is strong. I really wanted to enjoy this but there is a limit.
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The character development is divine
junkmail-1761623 June 2023
This is one of those clever shows where I need to applaud the writers. The character development is top notch, they keep morphing and your conclusions about characters in ep 1 will flip, a few times, by ep 6.

My favorite kind of drama--the humour is icing--is one where you have no f'n idea where it's going, but the ride is most excellent, and you begin to see the threads pulling together. Brilliant.

Who cannot appreciate such a wide assortment (dare I say regular) of characters each bringing their own spin, humour, and unpolished freshness to their role. And the actors who play them...I might think you ARE them!! I will not look you up on IMDb until after I want to give up the immersion!

Bravo. BRAVO!!
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