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Bulletins, a periodic newsletter written by researchers at the HICRC, represents our attempt to summarize the literature in firearm injury research in a fresh, readable way. Our aim with each issue is to examine one specific topic of firearm injury research in depth. Sign up to receive alerts when future issues are available


April 27, 2011

Bulletins: Australia’s Gun Buyback

It is our pleasure to present the fourth issue of Bulletins, our newsletter summarizing key topics within firearms research. This issue examines research concerning effects of the massive 1996 gun buyback in Australia, and finds reductions in homicide as well as suicide.

Download Issue 4: Australian Gun Buyback (PDF)


June 15, 2009

Bulletins:Self Defense vs. Criminal Gun Use

We are pleased to announce the third edition of Bulletins, our newsletter summarizing key topics within firearms research.  This issue compares estimates of self defense gun use and criminal gun use.

Download Issue 3: SDGU vs. Criminal Gun Use (PDF)


October 2, 2008

Bulletins: CCW laws

This issue discusses Carrying Concealed Weapons (CCW) laws and evidence surrounding their efficacy.

Download Issue 2: CCW laws (PDF) (updated Dec. 2010 with new studies)


July 10, 2006

Bulletins: Firearm Storage

Our first issue, Safe Firearm Storage: What’s the Evidence That It Can Prevent Adolescent Suicide?, reviews the evidence about whether safe firearm storage practices can prevent youth suicide.

We hope that you will enjoy this inaugural issue, and that it stimulates your work in preventing firearm injuries in the US and beyond! Thanks to Renee Johnson, Yerby Post-Doctoral Fellow, for leading the production of this issue.

Download Issue 1: Safe Storage and Teen Suicide (PDF)


To receive an e-mail notification when future issues of Bulletins become available on our web site, please email Mary Vriniotis mvriniot@hsph.harvard.edu.