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Reports & Studies

Below is a list of a number of past published studies conducted by the Research Division. Some Center reports are not published or made publicly available due to restrictions in place from the source of the research request. Most research reports can be downloaded and in some instances, a hardcopy publication can be requested. See also Manuals, Monographs, & Guides.

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Title Datesort ascending
Unredacted Social Security Numbers in Federal Court PACER Documents

This study examines unredacted social security numbers and individual taxpayer identification numbers, collectively referred to as “SSNs,” in federal court documents available in the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. The study was conducted at the request of the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management (CACM).

May 30, 2024
Local-Counsel Requirements for Practice in Federal District Courts

This report, which was prepared for the standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure’s subcommittee on attorney admissions, summarizes when and where federal district courts require local counsel to participate in litigation and attorney admissions to the district courts’ bars.

April 24, 2024
Fees for Admission to Federal Court Bars

This report, which was prepared for the standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure’s subcommittee on attorney admissions, summarizes fees charged for admission to federal court bars, including admission fees, pro hac vice fees, and fees charged by state and territory bars for certificates of good standing.

March 4, 2024
Evaluation of the Interim Recommendations from the Cardone Report

This report evaluates the implementation of the interim recommendations made by the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Criminal Justice Act, appointed by the Chief Justice, in its 2017 report. The 35 interim recommendations called for changes in the administration of the Criminal Justice Act to improve the independence of the defense function while the Ad Hoc Committee’s final recommendation—an independent Defender Commission within the judicial branch of government, but outside the oversight of the Judicial Conference—was considered. Drawing from defender program information as well as newly collected data, the evaluation considers the implementation of the recommendations and the extent to which implementation addresses the concerns with the administration of federal public defense identified by the Ad Hoc Committee.

September 18, 2023
Federal–State Court Cooperation: Surveys of U.S. District and U.S. Court of Appeals Chief Judges and State and Territorial Chief Justices and Court Administrators

This report updates the findings of a 2016 survey of U.S. chief district judges regarding their past, current, and future plans for cooperation with the state courts, as well as their use of state–federal judicial councils as a forum for communication between the courts. This new report includes chief judges of the U.S. courts of appeals, chief justices and court administrators for state/territorial supreme courts, and chief judges of the U.S. district courts.

May 31, 2023
Jurisdictions with a High Number of Civil Jury Trials

This report fulfills the Center’s requirement under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. No. 117-103), to submit a report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations “identifying jurisdictions that have a high number of civil jury trials and analyze whether the litigation practices, local court rules, or other factors in those jurisdictions may contribute to a higher incidence of civil jury trials.”

March 8, 2023
Court Orders Issued During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Criminal Justice Act Interim Voucher Payments

This report summarizes court orders (administrative, standing, or general) that the U.S. federal courts have issued regarding authorization of interim payments to Criminal Justice Act (CJA) panel attorneys.

February 15, 2023
Electronic Filing in State Courts

This report presents the results of an analysis of electronic filing practices in state courts to identify courts that require attorneys to complete electronic filings on the due date before a certain time other than midnight local time. We examined state-court systems in thirty states, chosen to include at least half of the states that comprise each of the eleven federal numbered circuits. An appendix includes rule excerpts. This report supplements a report on Electronic Filing Times in Federal Courts.

November 22, 2022
Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot (MIDP) − Final Report

This study presents findings related to the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot (MIDP) project in new civil cases initiated in district courts. The Center conducted the study at the request of the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules.

During the pilot project, the Center posted program resources.

November 1, 2022
COVID-19 and the U.S. District Courts: An Empirical Investigation

This report uses caseload data to examine case-processing trends in the United States district courts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

October 29, 2022
