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Mei Kuin Lai (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Stuart McNaughton (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Rebecca Jesson (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Aaron Wilson (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Research-practice Partnerships for School Improvement: The Learning Schools Model

ISBN: 978-1-78973-572-7, eISBN: 978-1-78973-571-0

Publication date: 13 March 2020

This content is currently only available as a PDF


Lai, M.K., McNaughton, S., Jesson, R. and Wilson, A. (2020), "Index", Research-practice Partnerships for School Improvement: The Learning Schools Model, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 127-128. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-571-020201009



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Mei Kuin Lai, Stuart McNaughton, Rebecca Jesson and Aaron Wilson



Acceleration/accelerating learning
, 1, 5, 9–10, 14, 45, 103, 114

Achievement data (see also Valued student outcomes)

analysis of
, 46–54

in the phases (case study)
, 25–31

and student learning
, 34–35, 39

and valued student outcomes
, 39

Agreed evaluation criteria
, 24, 38, 41–42, 56, 60

, 1, 4, 9–10, 33, 75, 83, 114–115

Capability building
, 58–59, 88–89

Co-designed solutions (see also Partnerships for design and sustainability)
, 40–41, 57

Collaborative analysis of data
, 14, 37, 95

artefacts for
, 54–55

, 55–56

principles for data analysis and use
, 45–54

principles for data collection
, 42–45

process and cycle
, 38–42, 78–79

rationale for
, 22–25

Content-area knowledge
, 23, 28, 42, 46, 55–56, 67, 112

, 17–22, 24, 39, 53, 58

Cultural expertise
, 61, 71

Data (see also Achievement data and Collaborative analysis of data)

Data literacy / skills for data analysis and use
, 24–25, 69–70

, 13

Design-based research (DBR)
, 7, 11–12, 31–32, 77, 87, 100–102

DBR-type approaches
, 12, 15, 22

Feedback loops
, 13, 82, 113

, 22, 30, 79, 95, 97

Leading inquiries: Reporting template
, 91–92

Knowledge (see also Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and Content-area knowledge)
, 1, 9, 18–19, 23, 110

for collaboration
, 67–71

Learning Schools Model (LSM)
, 1, 12–15

case studies
, 25–31

contribution to improving valued student outcomes and achievement
, 11–12, 14–15

contribution to methodology
, 99–106

contribution to theoretical knowledge
, 106–109

Key concept 1: Contextualisation of effective practice to local contexts
, 17–22

Key concept 2: Collaborative analysis of data
, 22–25

Mechanisms for learning
, 109–113

NZ context and affordances
, 32–35

Phase 1: Profiling
, 12–13, 26–28

Phase 2: Resourcing
, 13, 28–30

Phase 3: Sustainability
, 13, 30–31, 89–92

, 31–32

What we still need to learn
, 114–115

Partnerships for design and sustainability (see also PLCs)
, 57–58

knowledge and skills for collaboration
, 67–71, 111–112

, 61–64

, 59–61

purposes and roles
, 58–59

research into PLCs
, 64–67

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
, 28, 42

teaching expertise and
, 67–68

Practice-embedded research approaches (see also Design-based research)
, 7–8

reasons for
, 8–10

types of
, 7

Professional learning and development (PLD)
, 6, 13, 21, 28–29, 31, 37, 73, 86

to improve teaching practices
, 74–75

key principles
, 75–79

model: cascading structure
, 81–85

Professional learning communities (PLCs)
, 11–13, 22–25, 33

example in the phases
, 25–31

example of structure
, 65–66

PLD in
, 79

across-school sites
, 63–64

within-schools sites
, 63

, 61–62

structure and focus
, 62–63

, 12–13

Examples of
, 26–28, 46–54

before resourcing
, 75–76

Randomised control trials (RCTs)
, 3, 9, 15, 35

counters and criticisms
, 100–102

, 3, 9, 101, 103–104, 106

, 13, 28–30, 73

as bespoke
, 80–81

different forms of
, 85–86

PLD as
, 73, 75–79

, 1–4, 9, 11, 114

School leaders

and the collaborative analysis of data process
, 22–24, 40–41

in the phases (case study)
, 25–31

in PLCs and partnerships for design
, 58, 61–64, 69

and PLD
, 13, 83–84, 95

and sustainability
, 88, 89, 93–94

, 1, 6, 9–10, 30–31, 32, 87–88

developed through the LSM
, 89–92

importance of
, 88–89

, 96–97, 102

research into
, 92–96

Teachers (see also Teaching)

and the collaborative analysis of data process
, 22–24, 40–41

in the phases (case study)
, 25–31

in PLCs and partnerships for design
, 58–59, 62–64

and PLD
, 13, 76–78

and sustainability
, 88, 89–90


data analysis
, 49–54

expertise and PCK
, 67–68

practice artifact
, 54–55

Valued student outcomes
, 38–40, 61–62, 88

improvement of
, 11–12

and student learning and achievement
, 39, 54

, 1–4, 9–10, 20–21, 31, 33, 47, 50, 100–101, 114