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H. Kent Baker (American University, Kogod School of Business, Washington, DC)
Vesa Puttonen (Aalto University, School of Business, Helsinki, Finland)

Investment Traps Exposed

ISBN: 978-1-78714-253-4, eISBN: 978-1-78714-252-7

Publication date: 15 March 2017

This content is currently only available as a PDF


Baker, H.K. and Puttonen, V. (2017), "Index", Investment Traps Exposed, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 433-438. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78714-252-720171007



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited


AAA rating
, 248

Accredited investors
, 56

Actively managed fund
, 79, 342

versus index fund
, 342

Active management
, 294

Active return
, 367

Active share
, 303, 347

Actual returns
, 260

Adjustable rate mortgage
, 232

Affect heuristic
, 276

, 405

, 332

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
, 4

, 349

Alternative asset class
, 56

Alternative investment
, 56, 271

Anchoring and adjustment bias
, 117

Anchoring bias
, 117

, 13

, 397

Arithmetic return
, 260

The Art of Contrary Thinking
, 269

Asset class
, 55, 97

Assets under management
, 329

Availability bias
, 121

Availability heuristic
, 318

Average return
, 260

Baby boomers
, 21

Back-end load
, 339

Bandwagon effect
, 138

Basis point
, 338

The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism
, 315

Bear market
, 40, 212

The Beardstown Ladies
, 418

Behavioral biases
, 109

understanding and avoiding
, 139

Behavior gap
, 108

Belief perseverance biases
, 112

, 84

, 2

Bias blind-spots
, 32

Bid-ask spread
, 405

Blue chip
, 87

Blue chip companies
, 277

The Boston Post
, 160

Bounded rationality
, 264

Breakeven effect
, 128

, 83

Broken the buck
, 240

, 334

Bull market
, 40

Buy and hold
, 99

Call option
, 50

Capital advantage
, 400

Capital gain
, 78

Capital loss
, 78

Capital markets
, 97

Cash account
, 334

, 401

Closet indexers
, 346

Closet index funds
, 302

Closet indexing
, 85

Coefficient of determination
, 303

Cognitive bias
, 109

Cognitive dissonance
, 112

Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
, 248

, 209

Commodity pool
, 210

Common-Sense Investment Guide
, 418

Confirmation bias
, 112, 113

Conformity effect
, 137

Conservatism bias
, 115

Contingent deferred sales load
, 339

Contrarian investing
, 99

, 270

Country risk
, 304

Covered call
, 51

Credit crisis
, 240

Credit crunch
, 240

Credit derivative
, 248

Credit event
, 249

Credit linked note (CLN)
, 248

Credit risk
, 239, 295, 304

Credit squeeze
, 240

Currency markets, features of
, 398

Currency risk
, 242, 304

Currency speculation
, 397

Current moment bias
, 130

Day trading
, 294, 398

Default risk
, 48

Defined benefit pension plan
, 6

Defined contribution plan
, 6

, 271

Discount broker
, 335

Disposition effect
, 127

Diversifiable risk
, 47

, 53, 269

, 58

Dollar-cost averaging (DCA)
, 67, 83, 99

The Donnie Deutsch Show
, 190

, 157

Downside risk
, 261

Due diligence
, 19

, 48, 242

Efficient market
, 110

Emotional bias
, 109

Endowment effect
, 133

Establish quantitative investment criteria
, 140

Excessive optimism
, 136

Exchangeable security
, 378

Exchange of futures for physicals
, 210

Exchange-traded fund (ETF)
, 80, 382

, 50

Expected return
, 260

Expense ratio
, 301, 338, 342

Expenses, loads, and performance
, 342

Familiarity bias
, 124, 125

Fee-based advisors
, 14

Feeder hedge fund
, 172

Fee-only advisors
, 13, 14

, 11

Financial leverage
, 398

Financial literacy
, 2

Financial planning
, 9

529 plan
, 293

Floating rate note
, 241

, 177

Foreign exchange market
, 211

Foreign exchange transaction
, 397

, 231, 278

401(k) plan
, 43

Framing bias
, 120

Fraud recovery fraud
, 187

Front-end load
, 339

Full-service broker
, 334

Fundamental analysis
, 128

Fundamental investing principles
, 140

Fundamental value
, 99

Fund flows
, 299

Fund of funds (FOFs)
, 59, 297, 353

Fund supermarket
, 340

, 210

Future shock
, 183

Gambler’s fallacy
, 114

Gambler’s ruin problem
, 400

Geometric mean
, 260

Glamour stock
, 268

Growth company
, 277

Growth investing
, 99

Growth stock
, 99, 268, 277, 296

Halo effect
, 153

Hedge fund
, 272, 349, 366

, 349

Herd behavior
, 110

, 137

Herd mentality
, 65

, 117, 275

High frequency trading (HFT)
, 405

High risk investment
, 228

High-yield investment programs (HYIPs)
, 192

Hindsight bias
, 116

Holding limits
, 98

Home bias
, 125

Hot stock
, 269

Hulbert Financial Digest
, 422, 423

Hybrid fund
, 338

Ibbotson SBBI 2015 Classic Yearbook
, 45

Idiosyncratic risk
, 58

Illusion of control
, 404

Illusion of control bias
, 115

Illusion of inclusion
, 151

Illusion of knowledge
, 134, 151, 404

Inattention bias
, 132

Income stock
, 296

Incubated/limited distribution fund
, 312

Independent Financial Planning
, 17

Index funds
, 342

, 79, 294

Index-linked bond
, 278

Index risk
, 294

Inflation risk
, 47, 257

Information advantage
, 400

Information processing biases
, 117

Informed investor
, 377

In-group bias
, 113

Initial public offering (IPO)
, 89, 203

Initial value
, 373

Insider trading
, 87, 155

Interest rate risk
, 48, 242, 295, 304

Interest rate swap
, 48

Intrinsic value
, 99

Investment advice
, 9

Investment club
, 414

Investment fraud
, 148

Investment plan development
, 139

Investment policy statement (IPS)
, 93

Investment strategy
, 98

Investment turnover
, 79

Jayenne 4
, 374

Junk bonds
, 49

Level load
, 340

, 271

Leveraged ETFs
, 52

Life-cycle or target-date funds
, 296

Limited attention bias
, 124

, 95, 273

Liquidity risk
, 49, 239, 304

Load and no-load funds
, 338

Load funds
, 292

, 338

Local bias
, 125

Lock-up period
, 91

Longevity risk
, 44

Long-only positions
, 271

Long-only strategy
, 367

Long-short equity fund
, 366

Loss aversion
, 126, 265

Lottery scam
, 186

Lower costs of online trading
, 404

Low risk investment
, 228

Lulling payments
, 178

, 51

Margin account
, 334

Margin buying
, 51

Market capitalization
, 295

Market maker
, 405

Market risk
, 47, 239, 304

Mark to market
, 240

Mean reversion
, 267

Mental accounting
, 119

Microcap frauds
, 200

Microcap stock
, 198, 200

, 194

, 247

, 227

Momentum stocks
, 298

, 318

Money market fund (MMF)
, 239

, 99

The Montel Williams Show
, 190

Mortgage-back security (MBS)
, 229

, 52

Mortgage underwriting
, 233

Multi-level or network marketing
, 157

Mutual fund
, 77, 289, 290, 336

Mutual fund prospectus
, 292

Naked call
, 51

Narrow framing
, 120

Negative or avoidance screening
, 408

Negativity bias
, 132

Net asset value (NAV)
, 240, 290, 383

Net exposure
, 367

The New York Times
, 65, 159

Noise trader
, 64

No-load fund
, 340

No-load mutual fund
, 292

Nominal return
, 45

Non-UCITS funds
, 306

One-time or shareholder fees
, 78

Ongoing expenses
, 338

Online trading
, 335, 403

Optimism bias
, 150

, 334

Option account
, 334

Option premium
, 51

OTC market
, 200

Outcome bias
, 122

Outsmarting the Scam Artists
, 148

, 403

Overconfidence bias
, 134

Panic selling
, 126

Participation rate
, 373

Passive investing
, 86

Passive management
, 79, 294

Pathway to Prosperity
, 193

Penny stocks
, 202

PE ratio
, 268

Performance of SRI mutual funds
, 409

Planning fallacy
, 19

Ponzi scheme
, 158

POP Finance
, 416

POP Finance: Investment Clubs and the New Investor Populism
, 416

Portfolio drift
, 60

Positive/affirmative screening
, 408

Precious metals
, 214

Preference shares
, 235

Preferred stock
, 235

Pre-IPO investment scams
, 203

Prepayment risk
, 295

Present bias
, 42

, 372

, 192

Prime bank programs
, 206

The Prince
, 261

Private equity
, 273

Promissory note
, 207

Prospect theory
, 263, 264

, 251

Pump-and-dump scheme
, 198

Purchasing power risk
, 47

Pyramid scheme
, 157

R2 or R-squared
, 303

Rational behavior
, 262

Real return
, 45

, 60, 99

Rebalancing thresholds
, 98

Recency bias
, 122, 299

Regret aversion
, 129

Regular fund operating costs
, 78

Relativity trap
, 117

Representative bias
, 113

Representativeness heuristic
, 113

Retail investors
, 235, 363

, 259

Return smoothing
, 57

Reverse convertible
, 378

Revertible note
, 378

, 261

, 262

Risk capacity
, 96

Risk perception
, 264

Risk-return trade-off
, 261

Risk tolerance
, 95, 96

, 30, 332

Rudy Nutrition
, 201

Rules of thumb
, 117

Sales load
, 301

, 111, 264

Screening processes
, 407

, 230

Selective attention
, 132

Self-attribution bias
, 135

Self-control bias
, 129

Self-deception bias
, 133, 135

Self-enhancing bias
, 135

Self-protecting bias
, 135

Self-serving bias
, 135

The 7 Secrets of Extraordinary Investors
, 32

Sharpe ratio
, 368

Short selling
, 271, 366

, 130

Sin stock
, 409

Social bias
, 110

Socially responsible investing (SRI)
, 407

Special purpose entity
, 248

Specific risk
, 47

SRI and conventional mutual funds
, 408

Standard deviation
, 54, 261

Status quo bias
, 131

Stock participation accreting redemption quarterly-pay securities (SPARQS)
, 380

Stocks for the Long Run
, 269

Strategic asset allocation
, 97

Strike price
, 50, 372

Structured note
, 364

Subordinated debt
, 236

, 230

Sunk cost
, 127

Sunk cost fallacy
, 127

Survivorship bias
, 309

, 248

Swindling Billions: An Extraordinary History of the Great Money Fraudsters
, 148, 166

Systematic risk
, 47

Tax-loss harvesting
, 332

Technological Risk
, 7

Threshold-only strategy
, 61

Time-and-threshold strategy
, 61

Time-only strategy
, 61

Total return
, 259

Tracking error
, 388

, 2

, 306

, 203

Unsystematic risk
, 47

USA Today
, 206

, 265

Value investing
, 99

Value stock
, 268, 296

, 261

Wall Street Journal
, 108, 206

Window dressing
, 293

Wolf of Wall Street
, 199

Zero-sum game
, 399