Friends of DPC What is the Dialysis Patient Citizens Community?

We are a non-profit organization of more than 28,000 dialysis and pre-dialysis patients and families joined together to help improve kidney patients’ quality of life. We provide information about dialysis care, tell our lawmakers about the issues that matter to patients, help strengthen the partnership between patients and caregivers and provide a strong community for our members.

As a friend of dialysis patients, you can remain up-to-date on the issues dialysis patients face so that you can take action on these issues on behalf of those patients you are close to. You will also remain current on all of our educational activities.

Benefits of Membership:

Learning more about kidney disease and dialysis. We provide up-to-date information about kidney disease, as well as resources to help you better manage your health. You will receive quarterly newsletters, e-newsletters, and invitations to informative calls.

Contributing to a unified voice. Lawmakers listen and change can happen when large groups of constituents talk. A strong voice of dialysis patients supported by those who care about them can help make important improvements for everyone living kidney disease.