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Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker's Reviews > Willing Victim

Willing Victim by Cara McKenna
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Made our badass hidden gem..


OMG. I'm annoyed. You have an author that can clearly write, characters that are terrific, and you put the story in a short story? So. Unfair.

Seriously, I loved the characters (ok, how can you not adore Flynn) and I loved the story and I want more. Get rid of the title, the cover, and add about 200 pages because the writing and the story deserve a lot more page time.

This is a 5 star story stuck in a 3 star package.
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Reading Progress

May 15, 2012 – Shelved
May 16, 2012 – Started Reading
May 16, 2012 –
0.0% "Ok...my mood swings for my books is huge. I go from innocent YA all the way to dark erotica and twisted and/or gruesome horror. I love it all. I've been told this is much more than the title and book summary and to read it. Say no more, I'm reading it!"
May 16, 2012 –
72.0% "Wow. I don't even call this a dark erotica, it's just a well written erotica."
May 17, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Stacia (the 2010 club) Agree on all points - especially the craptastic cover that doesn't match the characters' descriptions. Flynn was pretty great, wasn't he?

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Stacia ~ the professional insomniac wrote: "Agree on all points - especially the craptastic cover that doesn't match the characters' descriptions. Flynn was pretty great, wasn't he?"

Yes he was. The only thing bad about this book was that it ended.

message 3: by Nay (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nay I agree emphatically!

~ Cariad ~ I could have reAd a few more hours worth! Fantastic book...I want a cover change and a second book!

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