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Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡'s Reviews > Willing Victim

Willing Victim by Cara McKenna
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it was amazing

“None of the normal dating rules apply to this.”

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Laurel & Flynn’s story is provocative, sensual and highly erotic read with a story arc that pushes boundaries and is crafted with a dose of perfection and layers that, when peeled away, reveal a depth I had not expected. It’s a story that over the years many reading friends have told me to read and now I understand why. I could kick myself for not venturing into the world of Laurel and Flynn sooner. It comes with a warning, one that should be both headed and respected, set in a world comprising of underground boxing, risqué role playing between open minded protagonists who have palpable attraction and some of the most authentic dialogue I have ever read. It’s not a conventional story but there’s a gritty edge, a realness that I so appreciated and the glimpse of their world is everything I crave in my erotic reading experiences. I love everything about Flynn, literally all his manly ways are divine and I especially LOVE the way he calls her Kiddo.

As the plot develops the history of Flynn and Laurel emerges depicting the perfect motivation for their thoughts, words and actions in the most subtle and wonderful way. Shorter than the average novel, the author is able to show so much, so eloquently as this highly engaging story with an engaging vivid quality moves forward with pace and the perfect dose of angst. The punchy succinct narrative compliments the direct nature of the character’s personalities ensuring that not a word or syllable is wasted. I was addicted to the pages from the beginning to the very end and highly anticipated the second book which would provide a highly anticipated conclusion to their love story.

Note: This is a two-book series
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Reading Progress

October 1, 2016 – Started Reading
October 1, 2016 – Shelved
October 4, 2016 –
100.0% "LOVED"
October 4, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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~IreneOust~ WOOHOO!! I wish we could use messenger stickers here!! So happy you decided to give this a go ... Can't wait to hear your thoughts. xo

message 2: by S.M. (new) - added it

S.M. West Ooh, I wanna read now too! xo

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** So glad you enjoyed this one, too! I can't wait for the second book. Flynn had me enthralled from the first page to the last.

The Sassy Bookworm Fab review! :D

Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥ Awesome review, J!! :D

Jennifer Kyle Fab review Jx <3

message 7: by Sabrina (new) - added it

Sabrina Great review, hon! Xx

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ ~IreneOust~ wrote: "WOOHOO!! I wish we could use messenger stickers here!! So happy you decided to give this a go ... Can't wait to hear your thoughts. xo"

Thank you, lady xooxox

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ S.M. wrote: "Ooh, I wanna read now too! xo"

It's sooo good! xo

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Mirjana ***Let's Sound It Out - - - Mary-On-A*** wrote: "So glad you enjoyed this one, too! I can't wait for the second book. Flynn had me enthralled from the first page to the last."

Thanks! xoxo

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Eve Recinella (Between The Bookends) wrote: "Fab review! :D"

Thank you, Eve xox

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Jessica-❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥ wrote: "Awesome review, J!! :D"

Thanks, Jessica xox

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Jennifer wrote: "Fab review Jx <3"

Thank you! xoxo

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Sabrina wrote: "Great review, hon! Xx"

Thanks xox

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Sharon ∞❥ is an angst book junkie ❥∞ wrote: "wonderful review Jx!"

Thanks, Sharon xxx

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