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Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies's Reviews > Dorothy Must Die

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle  Paige
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Welcome to Oz. Take a look at the Yellow Brick Road. Like it? Good. Now run away, run faaaaaaaaaaar away. Pray for a tornado to take you back to Kansas, because man, Oz is fucked up as shit.
“Oz has changed,” Gert said. “The trees don’t talk. The Pond of Truth tells lies, the Wandering Water stays put. The Land of Naught is on fire. People are starting to get old. People are forgetting how it used to be.”
But let's get back to the beginning, what the fuck happened?! How did Oz get to...this?

The Summary:
Tornado or no tornado, I wasn’t Dorothy, and a stupid little storm wasn’t going to change anything for me.
Amy Gumm is white trash. She lives in a trailer in Kansas, with a drug-addict mom, no dad, and no future. She's stuck with her mom's pet rat named Star that, with her luck, might turn out to be Peter Pettigrew in the long run (I'm just kidding). Life fucking sucks. So when a tornado warning is announced, Amy doesn't really care. What's the worst it could do? Kill her? Life sucks, remember, so who cares about dying? Until well, shit, the tornado actually happens. Hint: it really sucks to be airborne in a metal trailer.
My stomach dropped and kept dropping. I felt my body getting heavier, my back plastered to the cushions now, and suddenly—with a mix of horror and wonder—I knew that I was airborne.
The trailer was flying. I could feel it.
She lands, thankfully intact, but it soon became very clear that she's not in Kansas anymore.
“Welcome to Oz,” the boy said, nodding, like he expected I’d figured that out already. It came out sounding almost apologetic, like, Hate to break the bad news.
And yes, Oz is bad news. Cause this ain't your grandmother's Oz. That cute little film with the pretty pretty verdant land of Oz? Nope. This Oz is more post-apocalyptic than fairy-tale.
A vast field of decaying grass stretched into the distance. It was gray and patchy and sickly, with the faintest tinge of blue. On the far side of the pit was a dark, sinister-looking forest, black and deep. The air, the clouds, even the sun, which was shining bright, all had a faded, washed-out quality to them. There was something dead about all of it.
After some mysterious parting words, the boy disappears, leaving poor Amy wondering what the actual fuck just happened? So she's alone in a strange land, cute boys appear and disappear out of nowhere. There's a yellow brick road. Should Amy make like Dorothy and follow Der Yellow Brick Road? *angelic choir sings AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~*
I knew the answer already: what I was going to do next was the same thing I’d been doing my whole life.
I turned back. Just put one foot in front of the other. Nothing had changed except the color of the road.
Fuck, no!! This girl's got some common sense. She doesn't want to go wandering into a nuclear wasteland-Oz. Amy runs away! Bah, unfortunately, there's really nowhere else to go. I mean, think about it, you can either follow the ONE BRIGHT THING in this dilapidated world, or you can go wandering off to fuck-knows-where in the dark scary totally creepy mysterious forest with man-eating corn stalks.
Before I could even touch it, a black vine sprung up from the ground and curled around my arm like a whip, squeezing tight. It burned.
*snorts* And I thought High Fructose Corn Syrup was bad.

Amy follows the road. Reluctantly. Shit's looking reeeeeeeal familiar. There's Glinda, the Good Witch, only she looks like a Stepford Wife with a plastic grin. And apparently plastic grins are a thing in Oz, as a very angry Munchkin sees fit to tell Amy.
Other than the twitching, [her lips] didn’t move. At all. Even when she talked.
“What’s with her mouth?” I asked Star under my breath.
I jumped when an actual voice answered in a hoarse whisper from behind me.
“(A) it’s PermaSmile, and (B) are you out of your dumbass mind?”
Ok, so there really ARE munchkiins! Hooray! Except they're really sad munchkins, and to be fair, you would be too if your fellow Munchkins were being imprisoned and made to work their ass off to generate magic all damn day. And the monkeys, the flying monkeys. Fuck, they're now imprisoned, and some of them have had to take drastic actions.
“Don’t mind those,” he explained, seeing the look of confusion on my face. “That’s just where my wings used to be. Before I cut them off.”
So yeah, clearly Oz sucks now. So what happened?!
“They talk about Oz where I’m from. I’ve heard about it my whole life. But this is messed up. What happened here?”
Indigo’s impassive face twisted into a snarl. “Dorothy happened,” she said.
Oh, Dorothy. The lovely Dorothy. The crazy as shit Dorothy. You know that saying about power going to people's head? Yeah. That's what happened. Dorothy got more cray-cray over the years, and now she's imprisoning people, making poor munchkins work, enslaving flying monkeys, forcing everyone to wear Perma-Smiles like :DDDDDDDDDDD!!1!!1 every fucking day. And it's up to Amy to save them all.

Wait, what?! What the actual FUCK?! No! Amy just got here! She doesn't want this shit! She hasn't even graduated from high schoool. What the fuck is this about saving Oz?!
"That’s why you’re here. We need you to stop her.”
I sat up straight. I didn’t know the first thing about magic. I didn’t know the first thing about Dorothy. “Me? I just got here. How am I supposed to stop anyone from doing anything?”
That's right! You tell them, Amy. I'd run away too. Screw this destiny shit. But there's a sect of people, the Order of the Wicked whose plans are to restore Oz to its former glory. Dorothy has stolen Oz's magic, and they want Amy's help to restore it. So what do they want Amy to do?
“Simple. You’re going to kill her.” She looked right at me and said, “Dorothy must die.”

Sorry. I get a little excited over murder.

Needless to say, there's a lot of work to be done to take Amy from white-trailer-trash to "Teen assassin." There's going to be magical training, combat training, and tea parties. Yes, tea parties. Don't worry, it's all part of the Master Plan. *cackles*

Will Amy be able to help the people of Oz? Will she be tempted to make the same choices that Dorothy did?
“It’s your choice,” he said. “It’s not magic that makes you who you are. It’s the choices that you make. Look at Dorothy.”
“What about Dorothy?”
“That’s exactly what makes Dorothy evil.”
The Setting: Just fantastic. This is Tim Burton's Oz.

I'm not sure if someone has bought the rights to the movie yet, but this is a book that deserves to be visualized. The setting is just beautiful. It is such a dark, twisted version of Oz. There's the beauty and darkness of the land itself, the stunning Emerald City hiding all sorts of horrors. You think you know the Tin Man?
His oversize jaw jutted out from the rest of his face in a nasty underbite, revealing a mess of little blades where his teeth should have been.
The Scarecrow? The Lion? Not these versions. The Lion and his army of rabid animals (including a giant fucking murderous bunny) will eat you up. Get ready because people will die.

This book is so dark. The characters are so angry, with good reasons. So many have been enslaved, so many have been killed, sacrificed at the whim of Dorothy and her gang. Yes, there are munchkins, but munchkins have family, friends, loved ones who have died, too.
“You asked why they work for her,” she said. “You asked why the Munchkins don’t just tell Glinda to fuck off and take her machine somewhere else.”
“Yeah. I was wondering that. Maybe it was stupid of me.”
“It was,” Indigo said, shooting me an annoyed look. “Do you think they have a choice?"
They cannot stand up against the power of those with magic. Hell, even the trees aren't allowed to be happy.
“Did that tree just move?”
“They talk, too, but they’ve taken a vow of silence.”
“The princess felt that their conversation ruined the apple-eating experience and was therefore a violation of the Happiness Decree.”
Dorothy: My one complaint here is that Dorothy looks like a slut. Really, was it necessary to have Dorothy the Evil resemble a street walker? But man, her appearance is deceiving.
Instead of farm-girl cotton it was silk and chiffon. The cut was somewhere between haute couture and French hooker. The bodice nipped, tucked, and lifted. There was cleavage.
Lots of cleavage.
Don't be fooled by her appearance, Dorothy is twisted. It takes brains and manipulation and power to get as far as she did in the land of Oz. She commands her minions, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, Glinda...etc, and they, in turn, command their own army. Dorothy may be vain, but power gets to people's head, and before you know it, they turn crazy. And yep, that's what happened. I'm not fond of the fact that Dorothy is pictured to be so vain, but underneath all that, there's sheer madness. And I can totally understand why she hates Amy so much.
Dorothy’s face was burning with aggrieved rage. “I am the only one. There can only be one.”
My gut twisted. I understood. We had the same story. It was like we were wearing the same dress to the prom. Dorothy thought her landing here was fate—that it made her special. Another girl from Kansas meant that it was just a regular occurrence and that she wasn’t special at all. Or—worse—that I was here to take her place.
She loves torturing animals, and there was a scene involving a mouse that was truly painful to read. Look up psychopath, that's Dorothy in a nutshell.

Amy: Amy is the kind of character that I love; she feels realistic. Yes, she does heroic things sometimes, like rescue people she really shouldn't be rescuing, but she acknowledges her stupidity. She is not TSTL, she sometimes has a few mean thoughts, and she gets a little mouthy and talks back when she's nervous. The difference between Amy and other bitchy YA characters is that Amy is never malicious. She's just kind of a jerk sometimes, like me.

Amy also has a tendency to get scared, to run away. And that's just fine with me. She's not perfect.
Why did I hesitate? Was I that weak?
I told myself that I didn’t want to ruin the Order’s plans—they’d told me to wait—but I knew that wasn’t entirely it. I’d chickened out.
I understand perfectly. I'm a wimp. I like the normal, the routine, if you hand me a Special Destiny, fuck no, you can take my destiny and you can have it. I just want to read books and be mean.

Amy actually trains for her skills, for her magic. It doesn't come to her naturally. She also doesn't hesitate to kill. Can I get a fuck yeah?
I sliced diagonally across his chest and then drew the knife out only to plunge it right back in, drawing an X along his left side with the blade.
Final comments: Reader beware that this is the first installment in the series, so expect a lot of world building, a lot of plot development, but not a lot of resolution. This book is a setup for the eventual showdown.

There is romance, but it's light. Amy has a crush, there is a hot guy in the book, but the romance is very light and it didn't bother me. The plot takes priority.

Overall: Highly recommended.
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Reading Progress

October 1, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
October 1, 2013 – Shelved
April 1, 2014 – Started Reading
April 1, 2014 –
0.0% "This is the most eye-catching title I've seen in a long time. This book better not let me down."
April 1, 2014 –
1.0% "I first discovered I was trash three days before my ninth birthday—one year after my father lost his job and moved to Secaucus to live with a woman named Crystal and four years before my mother had the car accident, started taking pills, and began exclusively wearing bedroom slippers instead of normal shoes."
April 1, 2014 –
3.0% "And then she rolled into her heels, wound up, and—before I could duck—punched me square in the jaw. I felt my head throbbing as I stumbled back and landed on my butt.

There's cattiness in this book, and it's well-written enough that I don't even mind =)"
April 1, 2014 –
5.0% "I thought of Dustin and his wasted scholarship, and about my father, who’d left me behind just to get out of here. I thought of what this place did to people. Tornado or no tornado, I wasn’t Dorothy, and a stupid little storm wasn’t going to change anything for me."
April 1, 2014 –
7.0% "As my skin touched his, I saw his face, and I felt electricity shooting through my body. His eyes were the first thing I noticed: They were emerald green with flecks of something I couldn’t even describe to myself.

April 1, 2014 –
8.0% "“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

I had been dropped here by a tornado, and now I was standing on something that looked remarkably like a road of yellow bricks."
April 1, 2014 –
9.0% ""You’re like her in so many ways, but I can tell you’re different.""
April 1, 2014 –
12.0% "I'm actually really enjoying this book, despite the hint of insta-love. The main character is bitter and angry, and trailer trash. She's more inclined to run away than to get into stupidly heroic situations. The writing is great. This is looking to be a fantastic book so far."
April 2, 2014 –
20.0% "His oversize jaw jutted out from the rest of his face in a nasty underbite, revealing a mess of little blades where his teeth should have been.

Meet the Tin Man."
April 2, 2014 –
33.0% ""You're going to kill her." She looked right at me and said, "Dorothy must die."

April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: ya
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: twins-triplets-clones
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: romance
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: magic
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: kick-ass-heroine
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: fantasy
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: assassin
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: alternate-retelling
April 2, 2014 – Shelved as: action
April 2, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 156 (156 new)

Kelesea I'm so excited to hear your thoughts on this book, Khanh. I'm finally ordering it tomorrow--I'm so excited!

message 2: by Kaora (new)

Kaora Sounds like Oz meets Kill Bill.

Larissa I'm super excited to read this one! I hope you enjoy it (:

message 4: by Soli (new)

Soli Fantastic T.O.P!

Waiting you review *w*

message 5: by Dear Faye (new)

Dear Faye Woot! Now I want to read this ><

message 6: by Mike (new)

Mike Huzzah, a good book for you Khanh!

Though, given that it is the first book in the Dorothy Must Die series I can only assume that Dorothy is still alive by the end of this book.

As always looking forward to your review and not feeling as bad knowing it did not come about because of your suffering.

Nasty Lady MJ Glad to see you like it. I'm hoping that it grows on me as I continue reading it. So far, I sort of feel like a black sheep on this one. I don't exactly hate it, but at the same time I don't love it.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)


message 9: by nidah05 (SleepDreamWrite) (last edited Apr 02, 2014 08:36PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

nidah05 (SleepDreamWrite) That's it!

Also who is that? Love the hair.

message 10: by Brigid (new)

Brigid I already showed this to Sha, but I'll put here as well. I just want to give people the chance to decide for themselves what they think. I'm not even totally sure if its accurate or not. But, it certainly seems to be. I'm glad the author has gotten her voice out, from what I've heard she's a great writer. It's just the publisher the book is connected to.

Full Fathom Five

message 11: by Brigid (new)

Brigid Nidah (SleepDreamWrite) wrote: "That's it!

Also who is that? Love the hair."

I'm guessing a JPOP singer, right. I don't listen to that music. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Nidah (SleepDreamWrite) wrote: "That's it!

Also who is that? Love the hair."

It's T.O.P from Big Bang a K-pop group.

message 13: by Vicky Marie (new)

Vicky Marie Whoohoo! Can't wait for your review. :3

Becki Yuss. I is so glad you liked it.

message 15: by Zohal (new)

Zohal I can't wait to check this book out! :) :D

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Faye: ^_____^ You need this.

Mike: (view spoiler)

Howdy: Yeah, it has its faults, for one thing, the book dragged along in the middle parts because nothing rally happened, but I really love the setting and the development.

Crimson: TOP makes everything better.

Brigid: Thank you. I didn't know about FFF, but I knew about that ass, James Frey. I didn't know they were associated :(

Brigid: K-pop, Big Bang is more hip-hop than bouncy j-pop.

Shutterbug: It's up ^_^

Becki: I was cackling madly throughout the book

Isabelle: I hope you like it!

Neil (or bleed) I. NEED. THIS.

Becki I was gushing.

(view spoiler)

Kerri (Book Hoarder) Yaaaaay! I'm so glad you liked this, I'm so excited about it.

message 20: by Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies (last edited Apr 02, 2014 09:42PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Neil: Yes, you do!

Becki: I'm kind of glad for that (view spoiler)

Kerri: It is a long book, but it flew by really quickly =) I had a lot of fun with this.

Anasylvia: It's one scene, and you can skip over it, because there's ample warning when it happens.

Becki @ Khanh. I know. (view spoiler)

Shera (Book Whispers) I"m not in to anything Oz, but this made me really want to read this book.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Shera: Neither am I. I've neither watched the movie nor read the book. But I do know what happens, because Oz is pretty much everywhere. This book does a really good job of catching you up even if you haven't read the books.

message 24: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Markus Dang. Just -- wow. I think I'd love this book exactly because I've never been that big a fan of Oz, so I love the idea of someone messing with it like this. Then again, it sounds like any reader in her right mind would enjoy this. (Okay, maybe not die-hard Oz fans. I guess this could be painful for them. {makes the "whatever" hand gesture})

Thanks for the awesome review!

message 25: by Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies (last edited Apr 02, 2014 10:11PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies It depends on your definition of die-hard. I think there are purists who just want characters to stay as they are. I don't really mind if it strays from canon. For example, I like Greek mythology, but I don't mind a reinterpretation, as long as it makes sense, and I feel that the setting in this book makes sense and stays true to the original book. It's just a little (ok, a lot) more twisted.

But I love it like that ^_^

message 26: by Kribu (new) - added it

Kribu It does sound like an interesting take, both on the whole Oz thing and also on the heroine.

The mention of animal torture made me reconsider getting it, but if you say it's skippable and comes with ample warning, hmm. (I can take human torture a whole lot more easily, but mention killing or torturing animals and... yeah.)

message 27: by ally ¯\(ツ)/¯ (new)

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ I typically hate retellings. But because you liked it, I'll give it a shot.

message 28: by Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies (last edited Apr 02, 2014 10:22PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies There was just one scene that made me wince. I usually don't care. Reading about something doesn't affect me, but I have a soft spot for mice.

Ally: It's more of a continuation than a retelling. The original story still existed, this is just what happens when Dorothy goes nuts >_>

message 29: by Mike (last edited Apr 02, 2014 10:26PM) (new)

Mike Khanh (Destroyer of Dreams) wrote: "The Lion and his army of rabid animals (including a giant fucking murderous bunny) will eat you up. "

Well Andrea will like that part.

All in all it sounds like a well executed novel take on the Oz setting. Was there any reason given that Amy was a/the chosen one? Does it have anything to do with the Kansas drinking water?

And, as always, great review.

Tandie Yaaaaaas! I knew you'd love this!

message 31: by ally ¯\(ツ)/¯ (new)

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ That idea appeals to me even more :) Awesome.

message 32: by Liz (new)

Liz I'm glad you liked this, but I would feel better if the author wasn't a part of FFF. She used to work in television.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Mike: No reason was given. (view spoiler)

Tandie: You were right!

Ally: Great! I hope you give this a shot :D

Liz: I just found out about that. I'm pretty disappointed now :\

message 34: by Liz (new)

Liz Khanh (Destroyer of Dreams) wrote: "Mike: No reason was given. [spoilers removed]

Tandie: You were right!

Ally: Great! I hope you give this a shot :D

Liz: I just found out about that. I'm pretty disappointed now :\"

I'm sorry I burst your bubble.

message 35: by Kribu (new) - added it

Kribu That FFF thing sounds absolutely awful. Way to take advantage of authors.

I've already got a few of the books mentioned at the end of that article - but it does make me hesitate to spend money on more. (On the other hand, with the authors' entire income, basically, depending on revenue, boycotting will hurt the individual authors more than the company, I suspect. It's always a tricky choice in cases like this. Gah.)

message 36: by Liz (new)

Liz Kribu wrote: "That FFF thing sounds absolutely awful. Way to take advantage of authors.

I've already got a few of the books mentioned at the end of that article - but it does make me hesitate to spend money on..."

I don't think the authors get much of the profits in the case of FFF.

message 37: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Markus I'm an idiot. What's FFF?

message 38: by Brigid (new)

Brigid Deborah wrote: "I'm an idiot. What's FFF?"

I put a link above Deb.

message 39: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Markus Thanks, Brigid! And yikes!

message 40: by Brigid (new)

Brigid Deborah wrote: "Thanks, Brigid! And yikes!"

yeah. It's a shame, since the book seems to be good.

Natalie Monroe I've wanted to read this ever since I saw the kick-ass blurb. Now I want to read it even more!

And this line made me laugh out loud in the library:
I just want to read books and be mean.

Yzabel Ginsberg Glad I put this on my TBR. (Although not for the FFF reason, of course.)

Tandie I read the articles about FFF. Some of the book packagers sound like a positive collaboration with authors. Some published authors even seem to act as mentors. James Frey seems to be exploiting authors. They get $250 to $500 for writing an entire book and about 30% of profits after expenses.

Some authors are willing to take the crappy deal in order to get published & start their career. Unless I'm not understanding stuff, it hardly seems fair to boycott their books just because JF is a douchebag.

Giedre this sounds really good.

Yzabel Ginsberg Yeah, I'm not too at ease with the idea of boycotting those authors, since they're already getting the shaft. :/

On a side note: traditional publishing book deals in France (= small country compared to the US, the market isn't large enough to allow for big, six-zeroes deals) are, at a strict minimum, 1500-2000€. It's not a lot, but it's what a beginning author should fight for when negociating with a publisher. So 250$ is clearly... not even worth the paper used to print and proof your first draft. :(

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies France is so much more accommodating to artists/writers. I have a feeling this sort of stuff would never happen there.

Savina M. So excited that you liked it! I've been wanting to read this for a long time, and I'm glad to see it delivers.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Oh, it does. It was really fun. Of course, it's got its flaws, but I had a blast.

message 49: by Jess (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jess I really wonder who that Pete guy is. (I'm not done yet but I'm 70% in :))

message 50: by Ally (new)

Ally Great review !! This book, to me, sounds better than the original story of Oz of which I wasn't a fan !! Can't wait to read it now and also - pretty cover !! :D

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