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Ellie's Reviews > Second Chance Summer

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
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My brother opened the door of my room to find me in a sea of kleenexes, sobbing and crying my eyes out more or less like this. (But probably I was worse, I'm the ugliest cryer in the world. Seriously.)
He blinked, saw the book in my hands and blinked again.
He didn't say a word, just closed the door very quietly and walked away even more quietly.

I think I actually scared him.


My brother opened the door of my room to find me jumping on the bed and screaming like a banshee "OMG I can't believe it!!!!!! More than 200 likes!!!!!! Oh. My. God.!!!!! Two-freaking-hundreeeeeeeedssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He blinked, saw the computer on my desk and blinked again.
He didn't say a word, just closed the door very quietly and walked away even more quietly.

I wouldn't be surprised if he asked me a DNA sample to test our kinship.
(Just in case. Because, you know. Madness could be hereditary.)

PS: I am truly happy you enjoyed my review! Thank you for the lovely comments :) If you haven't yet, I hope you will read this book, which is one of my favourites.

PPS: My little brother is complaining that in this review he looks like "an insensible jerk afraid of a weeping woman". Thus, I solemnly swear he is sensitive and kind and truly NOT afraid of a girl who is crying. (See? I saved your reputation, little monkey! Are you satisfied now???)

PPPS: In case you were wondering, yes, I love him and I think he's the best brother in the world. (Ssssssssh... He doesn't have to know that!!!)
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Quotes Ellie Liked

Morgan Matson
“A thousand moments that I had just taken for granted- mostly because I had assumed that there would be a thousand more.”
Morgan Matson, Second Chance Summer

Morgan Matson
“Daddy," I whispered, feeling my own breath hitch in my throat. "I love you."
Just when I was sure he was asleep, the one corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. "I knew that," he murmured. "Always knew that.”
Morgan Matson, Second Chance Summer

Morgan Matson
“You said you didn’t want to waste your time on people who aren’t going to matter,” I said, and he nodded. “But how do you know they’re not going to matter? Unless you give it a shot?”
Morgan Matson, Second Chance Summer

Morgan Matson
“In all the medical dramas I’d ever seen, there was always some solution, some last-minute, miraculously undiscovered remedy. Nobody ever just gave up on a patient. But it seemed like in real life, they did.”
Morgan Matson, Second Chance Summer

Morgan Matson
“And I’ve realized that the Beatles got it wrong. Love isn’t all we need—love is all there is.”
Morgan Matson, Second Chance Summer

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October 7, 2012 – Shelved
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October 12, 2012 –
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October 13, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 1: by Yas (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yas hah! I so love your review - and the gifs too. Definitely sums up my experience with this book too.

Ellie Yas wrote: "hah! I so love your review - and the gifs too. Definitely sums up my experience with this book too."

Thank you Yas, I'm glad it did!! :)
I only hope you don't have a brother such as mine. He is a pain most of the time. (But, yeah, I love him. Sometimes.)

message 3: by Lauren (new)

Lauren I want to read this book sooo bad I just have to finish my other books first

Clairey I was absolutely the same!! I made the mistake of reading part of the end on a train, I had to stop because I kept crying

Rosy101 Omg i was crying sooo hard it was such an emotional time. It made me see i'm blessed to have a healthy family.

Jaelynn Monet McElrath I'm not trying to be mean but LOL like if we met in person like we totally what of got along cause when I read Serendipity and Me I cried in the back seat of my step-dad's truck because of that book it's a good book you guys should check it out

message 7: by Zara (new)

Zara ahhha best review! just because of this review I'm reading it.. I love scaring my brother!!

Aspen Awww.... Sometimes u need to cry tho. To get through life. Btw I love ur review!!!!

Kami Now I'm really intrigued by this book. I look forward to reading it. Nice review btw.

Morgan Ashley This has convinced me: I NEED THIS BOOK

message 11: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Lester I would walk out of the room too.

message 12: by Emma (new)

Emma Lol your brother sounds super funny.

Fahima Guemri haaaaaahhh definitely loved your review (of course) !! made me wanna read this book I can see that I m gonna love it too haha ;) !

message 14: by Abigail (new)

Abigail Reyes lol i love you and your brother

message 15: by Nida (new) - added it

Nida Kazi I love your review!

message 16: by alexis~ (new)

alexis~ Your review made me want to read it!!! AHHHHHHHH

Grace I don’t know you Ellie but it seems like you’re going to become a writer some day

message 18: by Jada (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jada This comment definitely convinced me to read this book, I'm so glad I did, one of my favorite books ever!

Annie Merrill Haha. My husband just called me and asked if I had a cold or something. No I was just bawling because of this book. It appears I wasn't the only one that this book brought tears to.

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