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Partner Countries

The SDGs Fund for Development Cooperation supports projects carried out in low-income and low-income countries as defined by the Development Cooperation Committee (DAC/OECD) on the receiving countries of official development assistance. However, companies can work with small island developing countries (SIDS) as stated in the list below. Projects must be carried out in cooperation with a trusted partner in a developing country.

Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Low Income Countries which are not LDCs Lower Middle Income Countries and Territories which are not LDCs Upper Middle Income Countries and Territories and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Afghanistan DPR of Korea /North Korea Algeria Cuba
Angola Syrian Arab Republic Belize Dominica
Bangladesh Bolivia Dominican Republic
Benin Cabo Verde Fiji
Bhutan Cameroon Guyana
Burkina Faso Congo Marshall Islands
Burundi Cote d‘Ivoire Mauritius
Cambodia Egypt Nauru
Central African Republic El Salvador Niue
Chad Eswatini (Swaziland) Saint Helena
Comoros* Ghana Saint Lucia
DR Congo Honduras Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Djibouti India Suriname
Eritrea Indonesia Tonga
Ethiopia Iran Wallis and Futuna
Gambia Kenya
Guinea Kyrgystan
Guinea- Bissau* Micronesia
Haiti* Mongolia
Kiribati* Morocco
Lao DPR Nicaragua
Lesotho Nigeria
Liberia Pakistan
Madagascar Papua New Guinea
Malawi Philippines
Mali Samoa
Mauritania Sri Lanka
Mozambique Tajikistan
Myanmar Tokelau
Nepal Tunisia
Niger Ukraine
Rwanda Uzbekistan
Sao Tomé and Príncipe* Vanuatu
Senegal Viet Nam
Sierra Leone West Bank and Gaza Strip
Solomon Islands* Zimbabwe
South Sudan

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