
Magna Square 2

The making of Egham: how to pull a town centre up by its bootstraps

Allford Hall Monaghan Morris and Runnymede council have delivered a mixed-use scheme that aims to reverse the slow decline of this busy Surrey town. Thomas Lane reports

South Point primary central learning space

Learning on the job: how Wales is leading the way with net zero schools

The Vale of Glamorgan council and ISG have spent the past 10 years refining and monitoring their standardised school solution and have now gone from gas guzzlers to carbon negative, Thomas Lane reports


It’s M&S’s Oxford Street neighbour – and it’s being refurbished, not demolished

The former House of Fraser store is just half a mile from the M&S flagship which the retailer controversially wants to knock down and rebuild. Thomas Lane meets the team to find out how they are making the refurbishment work

London College Fashion mid level stairs

Fashion statement … London college becomes first to make its new home on the waterfront

The London College of Fashion has brought its six separate sites under one roof for the first time in more than 100 years. Tom Lane reports


In pictures

  • Richard Rogers: A life in buildings

  • In pictures: Adjaye’s Florida library campus

  • In Pictures: Fosters’ Roman antiquities museum

  • In pictures: Heatherwick plans £500m makeover of 1970s shopping mall in Nottingham

  • In pictures: Fit-out specialist completes finance firm’s new Shoreditch HQ

  • In pictures: Winners of 2021 RIAS awards announced

  • In pictures: Arup unveils images of James Bond-inspired underground car showroom for Aston Martins

  • In pictures: Twelve Architects unveils plans for Manchester High Line

  • In pictures: Arcadis moves into new City office

  • McAlpine starts on latest Stanhope White City office