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Very few places on Earth are untouched by pollution. Chemical compounds manufactured by human beings occur in the snow on the tops of the tallest mountain peaks and in the atmosphere beyond to the bottom of Earth’s deepest abyssal trenches. All forms of life are affected by pollution in some way. Some types of pollution, such as light and noise pollution, which involve energy rather than matter, may be easier to manage and control than the chemicals that contribute to various types of air, water, and land pollution.

The Pollution Solution is within our reach!

Pollution: the most solvable of Earth's 21st-century environmental challenges.

This problem largely rests with us (human beings) in our pursuit to create useful products and different ways to power our machines. Focusing our efforts on limiting and eliminating the production of harmful pollutants will go a long way in cleaning up the pollutants already affecting Earth’s biosphere. Learn about the causes and effects of different types of pollution and about some of the strategies and solutions that can limit pollutants’ release into the environment and their production.

By 2050, plastic production is expected to make up 15% of global carbon emissions


Know the problems

When we think of pollution, we often envision chemicals that foul the air and water and refuse that piles up in landfills or litters roadsides. One can certainly argue that air, water, and land pollution are foremost in our minds, because they directly affect the health and well-being of human beings and other forms of life, including those we depend on for our food. Other, less-apparent forms of pollution are also important. Noise, light, and thermal pollution affect how human beings and other animals behave and experience the world and often where they decide to live. Nevertheless, the type of pollution that has attracted the most attention in recent years is plastic pollution, in part because of its ability to pervade our air and water, as well as our land. Learn more about the different types of pollution.

Air Pollution

Gases, fine particulates, or liquid aerosols that are released into the atmosphere and that may reach concentrations that cause undesirable health, economic, or aesthetic effects.

Land Pollution

Solid or liquid waste deposited in a large enough amount that it contaminates the soil and groundwater, threatens public health, or causes unsightly conditions and nuisances.

Water Pollution

Any substance that interferes with the beneficial use of water in surface water bodies and in groundwater and the functioning of natural ecosystems that depend on clean water.

Plastic Pollution

Synthetic plastic products and their components that build up in the environment to the point where they create problems for wildlife and their habitats and human populations.

Waste We Create

IN 2016

Million Tonnes

IN 2016

Billion Tonnes


Know the Causes

Although pollution can come from natural sources (such as volcanoes, which can release particulates and dangerous gases into the air), most of the world’s pollution comes from the activities of human beings. Over the last 100 years or so, rapid human population growth along with the universal desire to improve one’s standard of living has led to the manufacture of innumerable materials and chemicals, many of which do not break down easily in the environment. In addition, the fuels we use to power our machines leave residues that coat machine parts and waste gases that linger in the atmosphere. Earlier in human history, the effects of pollution were localized. Now, however, the activities of so many people are affecting the stocks of clean air, water, and other common-pool resources that we often take for granted. Learn more about the causes of the different forms of pollution.

Electronic Waste

Electric and electronic equipment, which are made of highly toxic substances, that have lost their value or no longer satisfy their original purpose.


The process of making products from raw materials with the use of manual labor or machinery. Manufacturing is carried out systematically to assemble components into finished products on a fairly large scale.


Small pieces of plastic, less than 5 mm (0.2 inch) in length, that result from plastic pollution. They appear in a variety of products (cosmetics, synthetic clothing, plastic bags, bottles, etc.) and often readily enter the environment in wastes.

Mass Production

The specialization, division of labor, and parts standardization involved in the production of goods cheaply and at high volume.

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Some 4.8 million to 12.7 million tonnes (5.3 million to 14 million tons) are discarded into the oceans annually by countries with ocean coastlines.

As a result of actions and agreements such as the Clean Air Act, acid deposition in both Europe and eastern North America has been significantly reduced from levels seen during the 1970s and 1980s. Acid deposition is increasing in other parts of the world, however, with Asia seeing a steady increase in emissions of SO2 and NOx as well as NH3—a phenomenon most apparent in parts of China and India, where coal burning for industrial and electricity production has greatly expanded since about 2000. The introduction of stringent emission controls in China in 2007, however, had produced a 75 percent decline in the country’s SO2 emissions by 2019.

Although carbon dioxide is considered a normal component of the atmosphere, as carbon dioxide concentrations increase many scientists have come to view carbon dioxide as a pollutant because of its ability to enhance Earth’s greenhouse effect.

Although light pollution may not appear to be as harmful to public health and welfare as air and water pollution, the skyglow it creates reduces nighttime visibility and has been shown to disorient migrating birds to the point where they collide with brightly lit buildings and towers.

Domestic sewage is a major source of plant nutrients, mainly nitrates and phosphates. Excess nitrates and phosphates in water promote the growth of algae, sometimes causing unusually dense and rapid growths known as algal blooms. When these blooms die, the process of decomposition uses up dissolved oxygen in aquatic habitats.

Did you know?

It is estimated that at least 5.25 trillion individual plastic particles weighing roughly 244,000 tonnes (269,000 tons) are floating on or near the surface of the oceans.

Know the Solutions

Finding solutions to Earth’s pollution problems seems daunting, but we should remember that the international community has already rallied to phase out chemicals that had been depleting Earth’s ozone layer, and the ozone layer has begun to recover. Positive change is always possible, even at the global scale. Also, there are several philosophical approaches and practical steps available to help us create a cleaner world. Read more about other solutions already underway to deal with pollution.


The recovery and reprocessing of waste materials for use in new products. Recycled materials include iron and steel scrap metals, aluminum cans, glass bottles, paper and other wood items, and plastics.

Pollution Control

Any of a variety of means used to limit damage done to the environment by the discharge of harmful substances and energies. Such technologies might include sanitary landfills, emission control systems, and recycling.

Extended Producer Responsibility

A practice and a policy approach in which producers take responsibility for the management of the disposal of products they produce once they become no longer useful to consumers.

Ethical Consumerism

A form of political activism based on the premise that purchasers consume both goods and the processes used to produce them, and thus consumption becomes a political act that sanctions the values embodied in a product’s manufacture.

Take Action

The issues facing Earth are big, but imagine the difference we could make if we all took steps to address them. Learn about the small but important changes you can make in your daily life to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, save water, help wildlife, and limit pollution.