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The Knockout Stage Discussion Part 2

Discussion in 'Euro 2016' started by JamestheDW1, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Agreed. You are mosquitoes on this website indeed, Ronaldo fanboys, finding little things to criticise, negativity, that is you guys in a nutshell. You guys are a bunch of clowns and you will never hear the end of it if you lose to Poland, or even in the semi-finals with your pickiness, arrogance and your "use paragraphs" like you think this is a Literature class.
    barcaq8 repped this.
  2. CDPontaDelgada

    CDPontaDelgada Member+

    CD Santa Clara
    Aug 15, 2012
    Ponta Delgada PT
    Nat'l Team:
    Bad enough to come here and talk to others about Portugal who want a civil discussion and insight on our team but once again you can't stop talking about Portugal. Your lot won Spain 2-0 and instead of celebrating you lot flooded our forum...... Poor Marco Delvechhio completely embarrassed himself in there


    Says the guy that spends his day lurking our forum. Nothing better to do but talk about a NT he doesn't like for the dumbest of reasons

    Also the same guy that cries to his mod cooch to get everyone banned from the Italy forum

    Lol this guy is a troll who has something against Portugal that has nothing to do with football the mosquito comment just proves my point

    He must be one of those Canadian Italians that lives in his moms basement while remarried a Portuguese guy and gets "porkchopped" every night

    Tu és um grande cornudo fdp
  3. theFOOTBALLlover

    FC Porto, SC Freamunde & Fraser Park FC
    Jan 17, 2015
    You're a broken record mate. Never hear the end of it? How pathetic. This coming from a Pom who had his NT lose in the round of 16. A team who Portugal eliminated 2-3 tournaments in a row in the past decade.

    I have no issue with people saying Portugal will lose. We absolutely could but you are 'basing' your prediction on results, the one group game you watched and a bunch of highlights that you watched. Then you use that to make general statements that anyone could make. All this smeared with your clear bias.

    We aren't here to give you a 'literature' lesson but it does help the people reading to have a new paragraph every time you make a new point.
  4. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    So I will say the same thing for you whenever you talk about Sporting CP, Porto and Benfica in the league but you could not watch every single game of theirs yet you still base your predictions around them all. At least I can admit my team is terrible unlike you who thinks that a team that can not win a game in 90 minutes is deemed good enough. But of course it is Portugal and you are Portuguese. Denial and bias all over your face actually lol
  5. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    You better hope that Portugal beat Poland at this rate
  6. Nani_17

    Nani_17 Member+

    Nov 3, 2011
    Real Madrid
    Seriously guys, I would consider leaving JamestheDW1 alone. I mean read his post word for word. How basic his understanding is of the sport and how rudimentary his outlook on everything is. He is either very young, or he arrived to school on the short bus. Also it could be Possible he has some Italian DNA. Either way, he's sensitive and just doesnt know any better.
    artielange84 and verde-rubro repped this.
  7. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes you all heard what he said! Do not reply back to my posts and let me win the argument! Lol basic. Rudimentary. What amusing ways to criticise someone. Now all of you can go back to your Ronaldo fanboy forums
    barcaq8 repped this.
  8. theFOOTBALLlover

    FC Porto, SC Freamunde & Fraser Park FC
    Jan 17, 2015
    What about the league? I know I don't watch all the games. Never said I had. Good enough for what? I gave you a detailed analysis of Portugal's tactics and player performances. I've mentioned the many imperfections in our squad. I said we could win if we put certain parts of our game together. I've been super critical of Portugal and you can read back to all my posts from each game. I posted a massive summary in this thread. I've never criticised or mentioned Poland because I haven't watched them.

    I was tipping Croatia to beat us based on watching them for only 45 minutes against Turkey and I was surprised at how poorly they played against us. But I realise one of the main reasons we beat them and they played poorly is because they weren't able to find solutions to our new tactical approach and FS made some good changes to the squad by replacing players that were hurting our structure and exposing us.

    Yes I do want Portugal to win because I'm a Portuguese Australian. I'm not ashamed to say that.
    verde-rubro and NewLaw83 repped this.
  9. theFOOTBALLlover

    FC Porto, SC Freamunde & Fraser Park FC
    Jan 17, 2015
    Why do you hate Ronaldo so much? He played for United.
  10. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Tevez used to play for Man United too.
  11. CDPontaDelgada

    CDPontaDelgada Member+

    CD Santa Clara
    Aug 15, 2012
    Ponta Delgada PT
    Nat'l Team:
    His mom pets herself to his photos

    And makes him sniff her fingers when she is finished
  12. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Lol you are so stupid it is actually funny
  13. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Now you all go out there and prove yourselves to Europe. Everyone is writing you off for all the right reasons yet you all go out and make excuses after excuses and pick arguments with people, well get out there and prove yourselves then! Show me that you can win by playing good football in 90 minutes!
  14. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    And no that does not mean winning by luck
  15. theFOOTBALLlover

    FC Porto, SC Freamunde & Fraser Park FC
    Jan 17, 2015
    I'm not making excuses. I've told you what Portugal have done in the last 4 games. I've been critical of Portugal since the first game but there have been improvements.

    Ask yourself.. How did Portugal beat a good Croatia side? Don't say Croatia played bad, blab bla bla.. Look at it tactically. What did Portugal do to ensure Croatia didn't play at their best.

    Look at how we didn't create much but somehow found a way to win with apparently a 'schoolboy' goal.

    Look at the changes that FS made in the squad from the group stage to the game against Croatia. Did it have an influence?

    Analyse the game at a deeper level. Teams win and lose for a reason. Teams make their own luck.

    And tomorrow (Sydney time), we could be eliminated or we could keep on progressing. We'll have to see.
    verde-rubro and NewLaw83 repped this.
  16. Nani_17

    Nani_17 Member+

    Nov 3, 2011
    Real Madrid
    You know I can't help but wonder what your issue is with Ronaldo. I mean we aren't really say much about him, I have also said I wish he would grow up and was less childish, but you keep saying "Ronaldo fanboys". Do you maybe have some inner feelings about him, maybe a shirtless photo of him that gives you certain feelings that you are not comfortable with, and struggle with so in turn it makes you angry?
  17. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I have already said why I did not like him millions of times when you look at how I mention individualism, getting all the attention and acting like a 13 year old
  18. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    We have 4 hours to go, and boy am I looking forward to those 4 hours to pass by
  19. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    #69 SCP_16, Jun 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
    Iceland bro, Iceland! LMAO. We've made those snaggle-tooth Britts our bitches every international tournament. I got so bad they had to blame Ronaldo winking at the Ref to excuse how sh*t their entire organization and FA are. A job so shitty even Gareth Southgate doesn't want it LMFAO
  20. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I actually agree with this one. We are an awful team full of individuals as well, and Portugal are definitely better than us, all this which I admit as an England fan because there is no question about it. Lol snaggle-tooth though
  21. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Lol I only just got my stream up only to find out that Poland scored! Dear oh dear...
  22. Chess_Panther

    Chess_Panther Member+

    Apr 29, 2007
    Porto, Portugal
    Funny how my post makes a lot more sense than yours after this match ah?

    Lack of proper finishing was our major issue (which was stated in my post). Had C. Ronaldo scored in those 3 great opportunities and we would went through. Non convincingly in terms of offensive transition, again, as I stated, but good enough to deserve to go through.
    Am I pleased? God no, but at least be humble enough to admit that your observations are over simplistic instead of whining like a little kid.

    Portugal deserved to go through in this match but it's pretty obvious that I'm not one bit pleased by watching this. It's agonizing.
    CDPontaDelgada and verde-rubro repped this.
  23. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Well deserved win for Portugal although I think both teams played as well as each other in different ways, but Portugal had that bit of fortune by standing out that bit more in the penalty shootout. 18 year old Sanches was my MOTM, he was brilliant. Passing, dribbling, shooting, strength and a powerful top corner penalty was what really stood out about him today and I tell you what, Bayern Munich really knew what they were doing when they bought him. His attitude looks really good and as long as he keeps on improving, he goes the extra mile and he carries on his willingness to learn them he will become one of the best midfielders in the world. One thing for sure, I do not want to think about playing against him in an average U18 match lol
    ---Z--- repped this.
  24. Chess_Panther

    Chess_Panther Member+

    Apr 29, 2007
    Porto, Portugal
    After reading this it's pretty obvious you have a bias. You're so out of your depth, it's amazing. This is your grand analysis?

    That might explain why England can't produce good coaches.
    theFOOTBALLlover repped this.
  25. JamestheDW1

    JamestheDW1 Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Hey you are through to the semi finals! You should go and celebrate with your Ronaldo fanboys instead of finding a little sentence to criticise and argue about lol

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