Hydrogen Research

Our Hydrogen Research Capabilities

ISER's Hydrogen Research specialists offer a diverse scope of expertise to support the latest advancements in this fast-moving field of global green energy.

Hydrogen Research at University of Adelaide

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Researcher Contact Hydrogen Expertise
A/Prof. Kathryn Amos 831 34309 Clastic sedimentology, focusing on understanding the controls behind processes of sediment transport and deposition in a range of environments, based on the study of modern environments and the rock record.
Prof. Peter Ashman 831 35072 Clean energy, H2 production technologies, H2 utilisation, biomass, bioenergy and solar thermal energy.
Prof. Christian Doonan 831 35770 Functional Materials, Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions
Prof. Michael Goodsite 831 34320 Sustainability decision support framework for industrial system prioritisation – focused on assessing energy mix and environmental efficiencies. 
Dr Rachelle Kernen rachelle.kernen@adelaide.edu.au Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and salt-sediment interaction to subsurface hydrogen storage and exploration and critical mineral deposits.
Hassan Khalili hassan.khalili@adelaide.edu.au Green Hydrogen production
Prof. Paul Medwell 831 35920 Chemical and thermal processes in energy and combustion, Energy efficiency, Energy Generation, conversion and storage Engineering, Hydrogen Distribution, Hydrogen Storage, Hydrogen-based energy systems
Prof. Gregory Metha 831 35943 Hydrogen Production Technology
Prof. Graham 'Gus' Nathan 831 35822 Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering
Prof. Shizhang Qiao 831 36443 Synthesis and characterisation of nanostructured materials as well as their applications in catalysis, energy storage and conversion (fuel cell, batteries, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis).
Dr Alexandra Wawryk 831 35021 Energy and natural resources law, including renewable energy law (particularly hydrogen), petroleum regulation and environmental law. 

Prof. Yao Zheng

831 35981 Oxygen reduction reaction, hydrogen evolution reaction, electrocatalysis