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SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 (SCOPUS (ISI) THE GLOCAL AFRICAN ASSEMBLY ON LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY 2023 https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/ OCTOBER 18-21, 2023 University of Nairobi Kenya The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 CALL CONTENTS Note 1. AFALA-bration...................................3 2. Conference Theme..........................4 3. Theme Strands.................................5 4. Chronotope.......................................6 5.Conference Format..........................7 6. Submission Guidelines..................8 7. Presentation Guidelines...............9 8. UoN Campus Map...........................10 9. UoN Conference CENTRE..............11 10.Program ............................................13 11. Publishing and Indexing..............14 12. Conference Fees / Funding.....................15 13. Central Comm.................................16 14. Scientific Comm.............................17 15. Regional Advisory Comm............18 16. Affiliates...........................................19 17. Partners............................................20 18.Contacts.............................................21 The GLOCAL is a Non-Profit Unit, at SOAS, University of London, where all publishing with the SOAS GLOCAL is free. The SOAS GLOCAL will always endorse meritocracy, and refuses to adopt systems that require the implementation of paid fees for publishing. The SOAS GLOCAL sources funding and grants from funding bodies, to assist those scholars who require funding to access Linguistic Cultural Anthropology, and related fields, and who display exceptional talent in their fields. 2 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA AFALA-BRATION The African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023, the (SCOPUS / ISI) GLOCAL AFALA, at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, symbolizes a significant leap forward for Linguistic Anthropology, from the previous highly successfully attended GLOCAL conferences, to further problematize current perspectives and praxis in the fields of African Linguistic Cultural Anthropology, African Linguistics, and African Society. A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 The University of Nairobi, hosting the GLOCAL AFALA in 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, constitutes one of an interchanging series of annual hosts, and in this way, the GLOCAL global network expands to involve institutions worldwide. We thus welcome you to the (SCOPUS / ISI) GLOCAL AFALA 2023, the 2023 Annual African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology, and to the AFALA in general. Conceptualized in the year 1998, the GLOCAL AFALA and its 2023 assembly responds to concerns by those within Linguistics and Anthropology, Sociolinguistics, Sociology, Cultural studies, and centrally, Linguistic Anthropology, pertinent to Africa, in order to reduce the gap between a focus on African regions and work by African scholars, a gap largely emanating from issues of funding and expertise. The GLOCAL AFALA 2023 will build on these efforts, and on the global networks for African Linguistic Anthropology, to connect African with global Universities and their academics. Professor W. Onyango-Ouma Chair Director, Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi The (SCOPUS / ISI) GLOCAL AFALA 2023 will increasingly opportune academics to exchange knowledge, expertise, and valuable Linguistic and Anthropological data, through the interpersonal and inter-institutional networks that the GLOCAL conferences build. To ground these efforts, the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 Conference, with the University of Nairobi at the centre, and with major University partner and co host SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies, at the University of London, will network a growing number of institutions globally, to support this much needed African yet fully global project. With all stringently reviewed papers SCOPUS / ISI indexed, and published in high impact Journal Publications, the theme for the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 is Linguistic Landscapes, Cultural Climates, a theme pertinent to the current state of many African regions and countries visa-vis their global analogues. 3 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA CONFERENCE THEME Linguistic Landscapes, Cultural Climates Mazingira Ya Lugha, Hali Ya Hewa Ya Kitamaduni A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 The (SCOPUS / ISI) GLOCAL AFALA 2023 thus invites work that addresses the complexity of African linguistic landscapes and their cultural climates. Papers and posters should acknowledge and describe processes of linguistic complexity at these African cultural centres, and by those scholars working on African cultural centres. The framing of both language and speech community within particular geographical and cultural localities, and within the boundaries of tradition and heritage, is always an arduous task. This is intensified in African contexts, where language and cultural mixing and switching are normative if not common practices, as processes vital to African politics of identity. A continuous re-stylizing of previous language practices then, mediates the cultural practices of new generations, while this re-stylizing becomes complexified by new and intensified mobilities, technologies, return migrations, multimodalities, by (continuously) rewritten historiographies, by colonized and decolonized ideologies, innovative scholarly work, and so forth. The overlapping of the channels of this stylizing can be understood anthropologically, through a lens of cultural scapes and climates, where emergent communities identify with and grow from existing cultural patterns and cultural subjectivities. To facilitate this process in African regions, much language and cultural mixing and switching occurs as normative practice. Concurrently, the complexity of society in (sub)urban Africa makes for an infinitely fertile context for ethnography of language and culture, thus supplementing knowledge of the linguistic landscapes of African regions. The GLOCAL AFALA 2023 theme, Linguistic Landscapes, Cultural Climates, Mazingira Ya Lugha, Hali Ya Hewa Ya Kitamaduni, well symbolizes the complexity of the set of intersubjective identities throughout African urban and suburban centres. These complex climates are a fertile ground for Linguistic Anthropological attention, while scholars can draw from a range of peripheral yet pertinent fields, to work on these geographic and cultural localities. 4 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA 2.3 THEME STRANDS DESCRIPTION A FA 2.0 LA SELECTION Anthropological Linguistics Applied and Theoretical Sociolinguistics Buddhism Discourses Christianity Discourses Cognitive Anthropology and Language Communication Anthropology Conversation Analysis Critical Linguistic Anthropology Debating Prominent Linguistic Anthropologists Discourse Analysis Ethnographical Language Work Ethnography of Communication Folklore and Language Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic Anthropology Interfaith Dialogue Islam Discourses Language and Spatiotemporal Frames Language, Community, Ethnicity Language Contact and Change Language, Dialect, Sociolect, Genre Language Documentation Language Endangerment Language, Gender, Sexuality Language Ideologies Language in Real and Virtual Spaces Language Materiality Language Minorities and Majorities Language Revitalization Language Socialization Materiality / Materialism in Linguistic Anthropology Methodology in Cultural Anthropology Methodology in Linguistic Anthropology Multifunctionality Multimodality Narrative and Metanarrative Non-verbal Semiotics Oral Tradition Poetics and Performativity Political Discourse Anthropology Pragmatics Post-Structuralism and Language (Oral and Non-Oral) Semiotics and Semiology Social Psychology of Language Sociolinguistics Text, Context, Entextualization The Anthropology of Education Time and Space While the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 strands are guiding in that the conference participants can categorize their work within one (or more) of the strands, the conference organizers encourage submissions that cut across these strands and which transgress current boundaries of the SOAS GLOCAL conferences. While the strands emphasize Anthropology, Linguistics, and other fields such as Discourse Studeies, Cultural Studies, and Semiotics, the SOAS GLOCAL encourages a continuous reversion to the Anthropological qualities of language, that is, the observation and understanding of language in a complex ecological environment within which the Anthropos functions and interacts. While this work is predomniantly field based, Linguistic Anthropology should not shun armchair theorists whose work contributes a great deal to the scholarship of Linguistic Anthropology. These many strands address field-based and theoretical Linguistic Anthropology, both of which contribute significantly to a larger understanding of Linguistic Anthropolgy. Work on these strands will push the boundaries of current practices in Linguistic Anthropology, while also recentering and reappropriating eclectic work in traditional Linguistic Anthropology, thus forming a tension between normative and expansive notions of Linguistic Cultural Anthropology. 5 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 CHRONOTOPE SUBMISSION LOCATION DESCRIPTION Abstract Submission Opens: October 20, 2022 The GLOCAL will be held at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. The campus is in Nairobi, as the largest and most central academic institution in the Nairobi, academically and geographically. Abstract Submission Deadline: September 26, 2023 The venue is ideal for large conferences, with full facilities for break out sessions, Keynote speeches, and for entertainment, as well as expansive display areas for exhibitions and forth. The university is surrounded by the African natural environment and by a large urban centre, conducive to the holding of a large international conference. Submission Link: https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/submit/ (2021 URL retained for COVID) Notification of acceptance: By September 19, 2023 REGISTRATION Late Bird Registration October 20, 2022 - October 20, 2023 (end of conference) PHYSICAL CONFERENCE ADDRESS University of Nairobi Presenters must register by September 26, 2023, to guarantee a place in the program. Registration will remain open after this, but organizers cannot guarantee placement after this date. 1 Kipande Road Nairobi Kenya Registration Link: https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/reg/ (2021 URL retained for COVID) CONFERENCE DATES Day 1: Wednesday. October 18, 2023 Day 2: Thursday. October 19, 2023 Day 3: Friday. October 20, 2023 Day 4: Saturday. October 21, 2023 - Full day optional Anthropological tour (separate cost) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES By October, 2023 PROCEEDINGS PUBLICATION (ISI / SCOPUS) November 2023 6 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 CONFERENCE FORMAT GENERAL PAPERS TALKS Individual papers will be presented in sessions in accord with their respective strands. Presentation times will be 25 minutes, with five minutes of interaction time following each presentation. Potential participants will only submit an abstract for review and presentation, where full papers are required only after the conference, for publication in the proceedings book. The SOAS GLOCAL talks include the Keynote talks, talks by linguists and cultural experts, as well as those with knowledge of local contexts. These talks are also given by publishing companies, and bodies and organizations with work relevant to Linguistic Cultural Anthropology. COLLOQUIA The Anthropological excursion will include a guided tour and discussion of a location of significance to African Anthropology. More information will be provided on these options for this at a time closer to the conference. The website will provide all updates on the Anthropological excursion. ANTHROPOLOGICAL EXCURSION Each colloquium will house several papers grouped into one theme, and which all respond to one particular question, though in complex and varied ways. The colloquium organizer will manage the time lengths of each paper, though these are usually 25 minutes in length each, followed by five minutes of interaction with attendees. Here, only the main abstract must be submitted for review, and all individual papers will be accepted upon acceptance of the main colloquium abstract. Full papers by each participant are required only after the conference, for publication in the proceedings book. CULTURAL PERFORMANCES Cultural performances at the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 will be throughout the conference, during breaks, at the opening and closing ceremonies, and during the dinner, when the major performance will be given. These performances are culturally authentic, and seek to provide insights into Kenyan Cultural heritage, while aiming to encourage scholarly and other work on local performance and Linguistic and Anthropological mechanisms. POSTER PRESENTATIONS All posters at the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 will be displayed throughout the duration of the conference. Attendees will be able to access the poster display area at all times. However, poster presenters will be available at designated times so as to discuss their work with others, and to respond to questions on their work and research. EXHIBITIONS AND DISPLAYS The SOAS GLOCAL conferences house a plurality of exhibitions during the conferences, including: Endangered Languages Exhibitions Ethnographic Exhibitions Heritage Exhibitions Cultural Exhibitions WORKSHOPS The GLOCAL AFALA workshops are free for all registrants and attendees. These include methodology, publishing strategies, ethnographic methods, and more. Conveners of these workshops include prominent scholars from academic institutions globally. While these workshops are largely interactive, some content is through transmissive pedagogies, whereas some workshops require participants to prepare material prior to the workshops. PROCEEDINGS PUBLICATIONS ISI / SCOPUS / AHCI / CPCI Indexed proceedings Special issues in high impact journals 7 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Only colloquium main abstracts are peer reviewed by the review committee. The acceptance of the colloquium, and all presentations within that colloquium, is predicated on the success of the review of the main proposal for that colloquium. A participant may be first author/presenter in any number of presentations, be it individual papers, posters, or papers within colloquia. A participant may act as chair, discussant, or coauthor in any number of sessions. The language of GLOCAL conferences is English. However, abstracts may be submitted in any language together with an English translation. Presenters can present in any language, but must prepare an English translation for the presentation. The GLOCAL AFALA Committee will send schedules to accepted individuals and groups. Presenters must register and pay prior to the dates stipulated, to confirm their place at the GLOCAL AFALA 2023, and hence to be confirmed in the program. Presenters must organize their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The GLOCAL AFALA organizers have secured accommodation at various locations (see website for accommodation), details of which will be available when registering for the GLOCAL AFALA. OVERALL Submission of proposals for papers, posters, and colloquia should be completed via the online submission portal, or by email. 18-word maximum presentation title 400-word maximum abstract, including references Colloquia: Abstracts for colloquia must be uploaded in the submissions box. The abstract must contain the colloquium main description, and a summarized description of each individual paper to be presented at the colloquium. This information must include names and affiliations of each author and presenter, the title of each session / presentation, and other relevant information. General Sessions: For individual papers submitted for review and acceptance into the general sessions, the first author will be the nominated ‘Corresponding Author,’ but can also be a ‘Presenting Author.’ Each author must also confirm their role: Presenting Author, Non-Presenting Author, Chair, or Discussant. EVALUATIONS Proposals for individual papers, posters, and colloquia will be evaluated by the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 Review Committee, with criteria as follows: Appropriateness and significance of the topic to GLOCAL AFALA 2023 themes; Originality/significance/impact of the research; The clarity/coherence of research requires solid and rigorous theoretical and analytical framework(s), a description of research, strong data collection, findings/conclusions, and rhetoric, and a convincing exegesis; For colloquia, the authors and presenters must foreground the significance of the overarching topic and/or framework(s) addressed, and its coherence with individual presentations. All selected general session abstracts will be double blind reviewed. All proposals must present or interpret original work otherwise yet unavailable. GENERAL PAPERS Time keepers will be provided by the GLOCAL AFALA if needed. Only abstracts need to be submitted for review where full papers are only required for procedings publication. All presentations (slides, files, recordings) must be forwarded to the Head of Communications at least one week prior to the conference. 8 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA 2.3 PRESENTATION GUIDELINES COLLOQUIA A FA 2.0 LA SUBMISSION LINK 1.5 hours with 3-5 contributors Colloquia provide an opportunity for several presenters within the boundaries of a theme or topic to present together in a supportive environment. Colloquium organizers can tailor time lengths to each presentation, but must allow time to include opening and closing remarks, presentations, and audience interaction. The colloquium chair is responsible for organizing the group and for submitting the colloquium in response to the Call for Papers through the platform on behalf of all contributors. All colloquium submissions must be uploaded to the submission site using the Colloquium Submission Form Template provided. Panel organizers here will be responsible for panel chairs. Time keepers will be provided by the GLOCAL AFALA, if needed. https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/submit/ REGISTRATION LINK https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/reg/ POSTERS Posters will be displayed at designated times throughout the GLOCAL AFALA 2023. Posters are for one-on-one discussion of a symposium-related theme or topic. A block of time will be allocated for presenters to discuss their posters. Posters will be displayed in the designated areas (main halls). Presenters will be assigned a space to display their poster(s). Posters should be A0: 841 x 1189 mm width x height (landscape or portrait). A guiding but not necessary template for the poster can be found at the link https://glocal.soas.ac.uk/poster-template/ Submissions should contain a summary of key elements for the presentation. Posters can include visuals or academically descriptive objects, where color is optimal. Posters must be clear, concise, and simple, with large fonts, with the title of the project, and author information (name and affiliation). 9 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA UoN CAMPUS MAP 10 A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA UoN CONFERENCE CENTRE A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 Car park Main Entrance 11 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA UoN CONFERENCE CENTRE 12 A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 A FA 2.0 LA The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA 2.3 PROGRAM Time OCT 18, WED OCT 20, FRI 07:00 Registration Opening Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions 10:00 BREAK BREAK BREAK 10:30 Plenary Plenary Demonstration 12:00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 13:30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions 15:00 BREAK BREAK BREAK 15:30 Workshop Workshop Workshop 17:00 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Closing 08:30 BREAK 19:00 Dinner 13 OCT 21, SAT Anthropological Excursion OCT 19, THUR The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA 2.3 PUBLISHING AND INDEXING 7 STAGES OF PUBLISHING A FA 2.0 LA HIGH IMPACT PUBLICATIONS Through our official Publishing partner, Taylor and Francis, the world’s leading Academic Publisher, The GLOCAL AFALA now has pathways to publish academic material, and to assist contributors and authors to be placed in globally highly ranked publication channels, and in high impact SCOPUS / ISI / AHCI / SSCI journals. Submit Proposal Mentoring All conference proceedings, and conference papers and their authors, will be SCOPUS and ISI indexed. The GLOCAL AFALA boasts its adherence to, and dedication to, publishing of quality papers. A thorough review process will ensure that all work by participants involved in the GLOCAL AFALA and who publish with the GLOCAL AFALA will be of the highest callibre. Here, the GLOCAL AFALA collaborates with participants and presenters to revise, redraft, and develop work. Blind review process GLOCAL Revision All publications will be decided on by appropriate review procedures, both by the GLOCAL AFALA Materials Review Committees, and by the respective journals to which these will be published. Develop Paper The GLOCAL AFALA is a Non-Profit Organization, and all publishing is FREE. The GLOCAL AFALA refuses to implement a pay to publish system, and will always endorse a meritocratic environment for academics, thus refusing to accept any work that requires the implementation of paid fees. Furthermore, the GLOCAL AFALA will always source funding and grants from funding agents to assist those who need funding to access Linguistic Anthropology. Submit to journal Ongoing revision CULTURAL IMPACT PROCEEDINGS (SCOPUS / ISI) Through the GLOCAL AFALA 2023 conference, contributors achieve cultural impact with their work. The conference and GLOCAL Unit are situated within extensive global networks of Linguistic Cultural anthropology, central to which is the significance of such a body working towards capacity building and social transformation. SPECIAL ISSUES (HIGH IMPACT) SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS MEDIA PUBLICATIONS 14 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA CONFERENCE FEES AND FUNDING A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 NORMAL REGISTRATION FUNDING DESCRIPTION Early Bird $170 Regular Bird $210 Late Bird/On-site $250 The GLOCAL AFALA 2023 is sourcing funding to assist participants who require funding and who show exceptional strengths in their respective schoalrships. Every annual conference has thousands of applications annually. As such, the conference carefully scrutinizes all submitted applications, in order to maximize the distribution of all funding to participants, and to limit the misdirection of funding. STUD./AFFIL. REGISTRATION Early Bird $140 Regular Bird $170 Late Bird/On-site $200 The range of previous funders includes the Wenner Gren Foundation, the Japan Foundation, and others. The SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023, as SCOPUS and ISI (Web of Science) indexed, will source such funders, and others, and will chanel these funds through full transparency. EXCURSION Flat fee: $60 The conference fee includes a daily buffet lunch, morning and afternoon break refreshments, and one buffet dinner with a cultural performance, as well as all presentation opportunities, and all workshops, talks and performances. APPLICATION FOR FUNDING LINK https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/funding/ 15 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA AFALA 2023 CENTRAL COMMITTEE Chairs Professor W. Onyango-Ouma Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Co Chair Professor Nathan Hill SOAS University of London, U.K. Vice Chair Professor Helga Shroeder Department of Linguistics & Languages University of Nairobi, Kenya General Central Committee Professor Salome Bukachi Inst. of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Professor Tom Ondicho Inst. of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Professor Charles Olungah Inst.of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Professor Benson Mulemi Dept. of Social Science and Development Studies Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya Dr. Khamati Shilabukha Inst. of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Dr. Dalmas Omia Inst. of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Head of Communications Samantha Emery GLOCAL Unit SOAS University of London, U.K. 16 A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA GLOCAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Alessandro Duranti (Uni of California, USA) Adams Bodomo (Uni of Vienna, Austria) Aditi Bhatia (Polytechnic Uni, Hong Kong) Aditi Ghosh (Calcutta Uni, India) Adrian Pablé (Uni of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Akhil Gupta (Uni of California, USA) Albert Backus (Tilburg Uni, Netherlands) Alessandra Fasulo (Uni of Portsmouth, UK) Alexander Coupe (NTU, Singapore) Alexis Michaud (F.N.C.S.R., France) Alice Mitchell (Uni of Cologne, Germany) Alinda Damsma (Uni College London, UK) Amanda Weidman (Bryn Mawr Cllge, USA) Amara Prasithrathsint (Chulalongkorn Uni, Thailand) Ana Celia Zentella (Uni of California, USA) Andrea Hoa Pham (Uni of Florida, USA) Andrea E. Pia (LSE, England) Ana Deumert (Uni of Capetown, South Africa) Andreas Stoffers (Uni Malaya, Malaysia) Andrew Wong (California State Uni, USA) Angela Garcia (Stanford Uni, USA) Anna De Fina (Georgetown Uni, USA) Anne Pauwels (Uni of London, UK) Asmah Haji Omar (Uni Malaya, Malaysia) Ayse Zarakol (Cambridge Uni, UK) Balthasar Bickel (Uni of Zurich, Switzerland) Barbara Watson Andaya (Uni of Hawai, USA) Bas Aarts (University College London, UK) Beatrice Szczepek Reed (King’s College London, UK) Ben Rampton (King’s College London, UK) Bert Vaux (Cambridge Uni, UK) Bjarke Frellesvig (Uni of Oxford, UK) Bruce Mannheim (Uni of Michigan, USA) Brian King Critical (Uni of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Bruce Connell (York Uni, Canada) Brigittine French (Grinnell Cllge. USA) Calbert Graham (Cambridge Uni, UK) Carole Bourne-Taylor (Oxford Uni, UK) Carole Counihan (Millersville Uni, USA) Carlos Fonseca (Cambridge Uni, UK) Cécile Vigouroux (Simon Fraser Uni Canada) Cécile Anne Marguerite (Pomona College, USA) Chiara Meccariello (Cambridge Uni, UK) Chia-Rung Lu (National Taiwan Uni, Taiwan) Chris Featherman (MIT, USA) Christine Jourdan (Concordia Uni Canada) Christos Giovanopoulos (Vrijie Uni Netherlands) Clara Bergen (City Uni of London, UK) Clara Devlieger (LSE, UK) Clifford Ando (Uni of Chicago, USA) Collette Snowden (Uni of South Australia, Australia) Collin Williams (Cardiff Uni, Wales) Cris Shore (Goldsmiths Uni of London, UK) A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 Zurich Uni of Applied Sciences, Switzerland) Darin Weinberg (Cambridge Uni, UK) David Eberh (Uni of Salento, Italy) Delia Carmela Chiaro (Uni of Bologna, Italy) Dimitris Dalakoglou (Vrije Uni, Netherlands) Don Kulick (Uppsala Uni Sweden) Eirini Theodoropoulou (Qatar Uni, Qatar) Elisabetta Costa (Uni of Groningen, Netherlands) Elizabeth Keating (Uni of Texas, USA) Elizabeth Solopova (Oxford Uni, UK) Eugenio Biagini (Cambridge Uni, UK) Eve Vivienne Clark (Stanford Uni, USA) Fabienne Baider (Uni of Cyprus, Cyprus) Fabio Gasparini (Free Uni Germany) Friederike Lupke (Uni of Helsinki, Finland) Gabriella Modan (Ohio State Uni, USA) Hans Ladegaard (Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong) Hans Steinmüller (LSE, UK) Harri Englund (Cambridge Uni, UK) Hartmut Haberland (Roskilde Uni, Denmark) Heather Brookes (Uni of Capetown, South Africa) Helen Van Noorden (Cambridge Uni, UK) Henriette Hendriks (Cambridge Uni, UK) Herbert Pierson (St. John’s Uni, USA) Howard Giles (Uni of California, USA) Hugo Cardoso (Uni of Lisbon, Portugal) Ian Roberts (Cambridge Uni, UK) Ianthi Tsimpli (Cambridge Uni, UK) Ikuko Nakane (Uni of Melbourne, Australia) Ilana Gershon (Indiana Uni, USA) Ingrid Piller (Macquarie Uni Australia) Isilay Gürsu (British Institute at Ankara, Turkey) Jack Sidnell (Uni of Toronto, Canada) James Essegbey (Uni of Florida, USA) James Ferguson (Stanford Uni, USA) James Kirby (Uni of Edinburgh, UK) James Fox (Australian National Uni, Australia) Janet McIntosh (Brandeis Uni, USA) Janet Watson (Uni of Leeds, UK) Jay Schutte (Uni of Chicago, USA) Jean Filippi (Royal Uni of Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Jef Verschueren (Uni of Antwerp, Belgium) Jennifer Dailey-O’Cain (Uni of Alberta, Canada) Jenny Cheshire (Queen Mary Uni of London, UK) Jenny L Davis (Uni of Illinois, USA) Kathleen Riley (Rutgers Uni USA) Jianhua Wang (Yunnan Minzu Uni, China) Jo Angouri (Uni of Warwick, UK) Johanna Hanink (Brown Uni, USA) John Lowe (Oxford Uni, UK) John Victor Singler (NYU, USA) Jonathan Prag (Oxford Uni UK) Jörg Haustein (Cambridge Uni UK) 17 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA GLOCAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Jorge Diaz-Cintas (Uni College London, UK) José Luis Lanata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Joseph Errington (Yale Uni, USA) Joseph Hankinson (Oxford Uni, UK) Judith Pine (Western Washington Uni, USA) Julie Abbou (Aix-Marseille Uni, France) Julie Faulkner (Monash Uni, Australia) Kabir Tambar (Stanford Uni, USA) Kamala Russell (Uni of California Berkely, USA) Karin Barber (Uni of Birmingham, UK) Katherine Chen (Uni of Macau, Macau) Katherine E. Hoffman (Northwestern Uni, USA) Kathryn Howard (California State Uni, USA) Katrien Pype (Birmingham / KU Leuven, Belgium) Kendall King (Uni of Minnesota, USA) Kenneth Van Bik (California State Uni, USA) Keren Rice (Uni of Toronto, Canada) Kira Hall (Uni of Colorado, USA) Kofi Agyekum (Uni of Ghana, Ghana) Kristine Horner (Uni of Sheffield, England) Ksenia Alexeyevna Ershova (Stanford Uni, USA) Kuniyoshi Kataoka (Aichi Uni, Japan) Laura Miller (Uni of Missouri, USA) Lawrence Reid (Uni of Hawai, USA) Leigh Swigart (Brandeis Uni USA) Lesley Milroy (Uni of Michigan, USA) Li Wei Applied (Uni College London, England) Liana Chua (Cambridge Uni, UK) Lionel Wee (National Uni of Singapore, Singapore) Loretta Kim (Hong Kong Uni, Hong Kong) Lorna Dillon (Cambridge Uni, UK) Lukas Meier (Cambridge Uni, UK) Luke Fleming (Uni de Montréal, Canada) Luna Sabastian (Cambridge Uni, UK) Lutz Marten (Uni of London, UK) Luisa Carrió-Pastor (Polytechnic Uni Valencia, Spain) Maisa Taha (Montclair State Uni, USA) Mandana Seyfeddinipur (Uni of London, UK) Manduhai Buyandelger (MIT, USA) Manolis Varvounis (Democritus Uni Thrace, Greece) Marcel Danesi (Uni of Toronto, Canada) Henriette Hendriks (Cambridge Uni, UK) Margaret Cohen (Stanford Uni, USA) Margaret Hillenbrand (Oxford Uni, UK) Mariam Durrani (Harvard Uni, USA) Marina Bondi (Leiden Uni, Netherlands) Marina Terkourafi (Leiden Uni, Netherlands) Marinus van den Berg (Leiden Uni, Netherlands) Mark Aldenderfer (UC Merced, USA) Mark Alves JSEALS EIC. (Montgomery Cllge. USA) Mark Aronoff (Stony Brook Uni, USA) Mark Turin (Uni of British Columbia, Canada) Marta Magalhães Wallace (Cambridge Uni, UK) A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 Martha Sif Karrebæk (Uni of Copenhagen, Denmark) Matei Candea (Cambridge Uni, UK) Martin Maiden (Oxford Uni, UK) Mary Bucholtz (Uni of California, USA) Mathias Jenny (Uni of Zurich,,Switzerland) Mathijs Pelkmans (LSE, UK) Matthew Hull (Uni of Michigan, USA) Merav Shohet (Boston Uni, USA) Michael Dietler (Uni of Chicago, USA) Michael Hurley (Cambridge Uni, UK) Michael Lambek (Uni of Toronto, Canada) Michael Lempert (Uni of Michigan, USA) Michael Peletz (Emory Uni, USA) Michael Potter (Cambridge Uni, UK) Michael Scott (LSE, UK) Michel Doortmont (Uni of Groningen, Netherlands) Michelle Lazar (National Uni of Singapore, Singapore) Miki Makihara (Queens College, CUNY, USA) Mie Hiramoto (National Uni of Singapore, Singapore) Momoko Nakamura (Kanto Gakuin Uni, Japan) Monica Hellström (Oxford Uni, UK) Myriam Lamrani (Harvard Uni, UK) Nana Oishi (Uni of Melbourne, Australia) Nancy Hornberger (Uni of Pennsylvania, USA) Nancy Smith-Hefner (Boston Uni, USA) Nathan Hill (Uni of London, UK) Nikolas Coupland (Cardiff Uni, UK) Nick Thieberger (Uni of Melbourne, Australia) Nishaant Choksi (Kyoto Uni, Japan) Ofelia Garcia (CUNY, USA) Paja Faudree (Brown Uni, USA) Patrick Baert (Cambridge Uni, UK) Patrick Eisenlohr (Uni of Göttingen, Germany) Patrick Lewis (Uni of Chicago, USA) Paul Anderson (Cambridge Uni, UK), Paul Copp (The Uni of Chicago, USA) Paul Foulkes (Uni of York, UK) Paul Garrett (Temple Uni, USA) Paul Sambre (Katholieke Uni, Belgium) Pedro Mendes Loureiro (Cambridge Uni, UK) Peter Austin (SOAS, UK) Peter De Costa (Michigan State Uni, USA) Pia Pichler (Goldsmiths, Uni of London, UK) Qing Zhang (Uni of Arizona, USA) Rachel Harrison (SOAS, UK) Ramy M. K. Aly (American Uni in Cairo, Egypt) Rebecca Mitchell (Cambridge Uni, UK) Rikker Dockum (Swarthmore College, USA) Ritsuko Kikusawa (Nat. Museum of Ethn. Japan) Rita Kothari (Ashoka Uni, India) Rizwan Ahmad (Qatar Uni, Qatar) Robert Amery (Uni of Adelaide, Australia) Roberta D’Alessandro (Utrecht Uni Holland) 18 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA A FA 2.0 LA GLOCAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Roberto B. Sileo (Cambridge Uni England) Rogers Orock (Uni of Witwatersrand, S. Africa) Ronda Brulotte (Uni of New Mexico, USA) Rosalind Thomas (Oxford Uni UK) Rose Marie Beck (Leipzig Uni Germany) Rupert Stasch (Cambridge Uni UK) Rusty Barrett (Uni of Kentucky, USA) Ruth Wodak (Lancaster Uni UK) Salikoko Mufwene (Uni of Chicago, USA) Samuel Zeitlin (Cambridge Uni UK) Sander Adelaar (Uni of Melbourne, Australia) Sarah Easterby-Smith (St. Andrews Uni UK) Sazana Jayadeva (Cambridge Uni UK) Scott Kiesling (Uni of Pittsburgh, USA) Sean O’Neill (Un. of Oklahoma, USA) Selvyn Jussy (Uni of Calcutta, India) Sergei Bogatyrev (Uni College London, UK) Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer (Uni of Chicago, USA) Shalini Shankar (Northwestern Uni USA) Sharon Carstens (Portland State Uni USA) Shalini Shankar (Northwestern Uni USA) Sharon Carstens (Portland State Uni USA) Simon Pickl (Cambridge Uni UK) Stanton Wortham (Boston College, USA) Stephanie Inge (Uni of Hradec Králové, Czech) Stephen May (Uni of Auckland, New Zealand) Steven Thorne (Portland State Uni USA) Susan Needham (California State Uni USA) Suzanne Romaine (Uni of Oxford, UK) Tan Kim Hua (UKM, Malaysia) Teresa Parodi (Cambridge Uni UK) Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge Uni UK) Thomas Hylland Eriksen (Uni of Oslo, Norway) Thomas Reuter (Uni of Melbourne, Australia) Timothy Heimlich (Cambridge Uni UK) Todd Sandel (Uni of Macau, Macau) Tommaso Milani (Uni of Gothenburg, Sweden) Tracey Heatherington (Uni of BC, Canada) Tran Tri Doi (USSH, Vietnam) Tran Thi Hong Hanh (USSH, Vietnam) Tristan Brown (MIT, USA) Umberto Ansaldo (Uni of H.K. Hong Kong) Verita Sriratana (Chulalongkorn Uni Thailand) Vina Tsakali (Uni of Crete, Greece) Vijay Bhatia (City Uni of H.K. Hong Kong) Webb Keane (Uni of Michigan, USA) Wendy Bennet (Cambridge Uni UK) Wendy Sandler (Uni of Haifa, Israel) Walt Wolfram (North Carolina State Uni USA) William Beeman (Uni of Minnesota, USA) Will Boast (Uni of Chicago, USA) William Hanks (Uni of California, USA) William Hurst (Cambridge Uni UK) 2.3 Yahya Asiri (King Khalid Uni, Saudi Arabia) Yazan Doughan (LSE, UK) Yee-Jean Fon (National Taiwan Uni, Taiwan) Ying Ying Tan (NTU, Singapore) Yoshiyuki Asahi (NIJLL, Japan) Yumiko Ohara (Uni of Hawaii, Hawaii) Zane Goebel (La Trobe Uni, Australia) Zuraidah Mohd Don (Uni of Malaya, Malaysia) Honorary Members Alexandra Jaffe (California State Uni, USA) Barbara Johnstone (Carnegie Mellon Uni, USA) Gunther Kress (Uni College London, UK) Harry Triandis (Uni of Illinois, USA) Jan Blommaer (Tilburg Uni Netherlands) 19 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 Monika Schmid (Uni of York, England) Nadia Macha Bizoumi (Democritus Uni Greece) Nihada Delibegović Džanić (Uni Tuzla, Bosnia/Herzegovina) Pádraic Moran National (Uni of Ireland, Ireland) Panagiotis G. Krimpas (Democritus Uni, Greece) Paolo Acquaviva (Uni College Dublin, Ireland) Patrick Crowley (Uni College Cork, Ireland) Philippe Hanna (Uni of Groningen, Netherlands) Rafael Lomeu Gomes (Uni of Oslo, Norway) Raili Marling (Uni of Tartu, Estonia) Rita M. da Silva Marnoto (Uni Coimbra, Portugal) Ryan R. Abrecht (Uni of San Diego, USA) Samim Akgönül (Uni of Strasbourg, France) Silvia Luraghi (Uni di Pavia, Italy) Thomas Bierschenk (Uni Johannes Gutenberg, Germany) Tina Otten (Uni of Groningen, Netherlands) Umut Yildirim (Free Uni of Berlin, Germany) Ur Shlonsky (Uni of Geneva, Switzerland) Vigdis Broch-Due (Uni of Bergen, Norway) Xose Rosales Sequeiros (Qatar Uni Qatar) Zoe Gavriilidou (Democritus Uni of Thrace, Greece) EUROPE Achim Rabus (Uni of Freiburg, Germany) Alex Alsina (Keith Pompeu Fabra Uni Spain) Alexander (Thein Uni College Dublin, UK) Ana Rocha (Uni of Coimbra, Portugal) Annely Tomson (Uni of Oslo, Norway) Bettina Migge (Uni College Dublin, Ireland) Carmen Arévalo (Uni Complutense, Spain) Carna Brkovic (Uni of Goettingen, Germany) Carpenedo Rodrigues (Uni Groningen, Holland) Catarina Martins (Uni Coimbra, Portugal) Cheryl Toman (Uni of Alabama, USA) Claudia Harsch (Uni of Bremen, Germany) Della Puppa (Ca’ Foscari Uni of Venice, Italy) Devyani Sharma (Queen Mary Uni, England) Elena Vilinbakhova (St. Petersburg Uni, Russia) Elisabetta Costa (Uni Groningen, Holland) Felix Ameka (Leiden Uni Netherlands) Florian Busch (Martin-Luther-Uni Germany) Frédéric Lebaron (Uni Ca’ Foscari, Italy) Francesco Della Puppa (Paris-Saclay Uni France) Françoise Blin (Dublin City College, Ireland) Gaëlle Planchenault (Simon Fraser Uni, Canada) Georg A. Kaiser (Uni Konstanz, Germany) Helena Torres Purroy (Uni Lleida, Spain) Jaspal Naveel Singh, (Open Uni, England) Joel Christensen (Brandeis Uni, USA) Johan Järlehed (Uni of Gothenburg, Sweden) Jüergen Leonhardt (Uni of Tübingen, Germany) Kellie Gonçalves (Uni of Bern, Switzerland) Kerry Ryan Chance (Uni of Bergen, Norway) Kyriaki Koukouraki (King’s College London, UK) Laura Gurzynski-Weiss (Indiana Uni USA) Laura Reeck (Allegheny College, USA) Lindita Sejdiu Rugova (Uni of Prishtina, Kosovo) Loredana Polezzi (Stony Brook Uni, USA) Lucija Simicic (Uni of Zadar, Croatia) Luraghi Silvia (Uni of Pavia, Italy) Maarten Mous (Leiden Uni Netherlands) Máiréad Nic Craith (Heriot-Watt Uni, Scotland) Mallorqui Ruscalleda (Indiana Uni USA) Maria Tamm (Stockholm Uni Sweden) Marilena Kariolemou (Uni of Cyprus, Cyprus) Marina Lambrou (Kingston Uni UK Markus Arnold (Uni of Cape Town, SA) Markus Messling (Saarland Uni, Germany) Michel R. Doortmont (Uni of Groningen, Holland) Martin Howard (Uni College Cork, Ireland) Martin Wagner (Uni of Calgary, Canada) Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus (Aix-Marseille Uni, France) Mireia Trenchs Parera (Pompeu Fabra Uni, Spain) Mirella Marotta (Uni Complutense Madrid, Spain) LATIN AMERICA Adam Hodges (Uni of Colorado Boulder, USA) Alain-Philippe Durand (Uni of Arizona, USA) Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon (Uni of Arizona, USA) Aquiles Tescari Neto (Uni of Campinas, Brazil) Cheryl Toman (Uni of Alabama, USA) Daniel Kinderman (Uni of Delaware, USA) David Tavarez (Vassar College, USA) Gabriela Vargas-Cetina (Autonomous Uni Yucatan, Mexico) Jennifer Cramer (Uni of Kentucky, USA) Kamil Ud Deen (Uni of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA) Lourdes Rey (Uni. del Norte, Columbia) Walter Little (State Uni of New York at Albany, USA) OCEANIA Alan Libert (Uni of Newcastle, Australia) Casta Tungaraza (Uni of Western Australia, Australia) David Giles (Deakin Uni, Australia) John Powers Deakin Uni, Australia Patrick O’Sullivan (Uni of Canterbury, New Zealand) Sky Marsen (Flinders Uni, Australia) ASIA Analiza Perez Amurao (Mahidol Uni, Thailand) Bryan Viray (Uni of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines) Daniel Weston (Uni of Hongkong, Hong Kong) David Scott Hogsette (Wenzhou Kean Uni, China) Dickens Leonard (Indian Inst. of Technology, India) 20 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly of Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dinh Lu Giang (USSH, Vietnam) Indranil Dutta (Jadavpur Uni, India) Ingvild Badhwar (Valen-Sendstad Uni of Oslo, Norway) Jem Javier (Uni of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines) Mohsin Khan (Aligarh Muslim Uni, India) Noor Haji Othman (Uni Brunei Darussalam, Brunei) Norazuna Norahim (Uni of Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia) Patrick Dougherty (Akita International Uni, Japan) Rukmini Nair (Indian Institute of Technology, India) Sarawut Kraisame (Mahidol Uni, Thailand) Shobha Satyanath (Uni of Delhi, India) Thi Dieu Trang Dang (Inst. of Cultural Studies, Vietnam) Yingyot Kanchina (Mahidol Uni, Thailand) Yuan Li (Southern Uni of Science and Tech. China) A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 THE MIDDLE EAST Aslı Tekinay (Boğaziçi Uni, Turkey) Eiman Mustafawi (Qatar Uni, Qatar) Haifa F. R. Al- Buainain (Qatar Uni, Qatar) Jaffer Sheyholislami (Carelton Uni, Canada) Kübra Karaca (Ankara Uni, Turkey) Mariam I Al-Hammadi (Qatar Uni, Qatar) Mustafa Gulec (Ankara Uni, Turkey) Nisa Harika Guzel Köşker (Ankara Uni, Turkey) Orna Harari (Telaviv Uni, Israel) Ruth Fine (Hebrew Uni of Jerusalem, Israel) Xose Rosales Sequeiros (Qatar Uni, Qatar) NORTH AMERICA Awad Ibrahim (Uni of Ottawa, Canada) Blair Rutherford (Carleton Uni Canada) Denise Brennan (Georgetown Uni USA) Enric Ruscalleda (Indiana Uni-Purdue Uni, USA) Erez Naaman (American Uni USA) Heather Bamford (George Washington Uni USA) Hugo Ceron Anaya (Lehigh Uni USA) James Skidmore (Uni of Waterloo, Canada) Jane Goodman (Indiana Uni Bloomington, USA) Jaffer Sheyholislami (Carleton Uni Canada) Jeff Good (Uni at Buffalo SUNY, USA) Jessica Payeras (Uni of Quebec in Montreal, Canada) Joel Christensen (Brandeis Uni USA) Kerry Sluchinski (Uni of Alberta, Canada) Laura Reeck (Allegheny College, USA) Laura Gurzynski (Weiss Indiana Uni USA) Loredana Polezzi (Stony Brook Un USA) Lotfi Sayahi (State Uni of New York, Albany USA) Lori Repetti (Stony Brook Uni USA Luke Roman (Uni of Newfoundland, Canada) Marta Fairclough (Uni of Houston, USA) Martin Wagner (Uni of Calgary, Canada) Maya Ravindranath Abtahian (Uni of Rochester, USA) Melek Ortabasi (Simon Fraser Uni Canada) Michelle Daveluy (Laval Uni Canada) Robin Shoaps (Uni of Alaska Fairbanks, USA) Serena Connolly (Rutgers Uni USA) Steven Bednarski (Uni of Waterloo, Canada) Susan Hyatt (Indiana Uni–Purdue Uni , USA) Sylvie Roy (Uni of Calgary, Canada) Yael Halevi Wise (McGill Uni Canada) Walter Little (Uni at Albany SUNY, USA) 21 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA GLOCAL AFFILIATES (Selected examples) AMERICAS A FA 2.0 LA 2.3 University of Tulsa, Anthropology, USA Temple Uni Anthropology, USA Brown Uni, Modern Greek, USA Blinn College, Anthropology, USA Uni of San Francisco, French, USA Uni of Virginia, Anthropology, USA Uni of Washington, Linguistics, USA Uni of Washington, Classics, USA Uni of Wyoming, Arts & Sciences, USA Uni of Illinois, Hispanic & Italian Studies, USA Pontifical Uni of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Uni of São Paulo, Linguistics, Brazil Uni of São Paulo, Sociology, Brazil York Uni, Hellenic Heritage Foundation, Canada Mem. Uni Newfoundland/Labrador, Classics, Canada Pontificia Uni Católica de Chile, Anthropology, Chile Pontificia Uni Católica de Chile, Sociology, Chile Pontificia Uni Católica de Chile, Sociology, Chile Uni De Santiago, Linguistics & Literature, Chile Uni of Costa Rica, Linguistic Studies, Costa Rica Uni of Alabama, Anthropology, USA Uni of Alabama, Modern Languages/Classics, USA Nrthrn Arizona Uni, Global Languages/Cultures, USA San Diego State Uni, Ling. & Asian/M. East Lang, USA Uni of San Francisco, French, USA UCLA, Near Eastern Languages/Cultures ,USA UC Berkeley, French, USA UCLA, Linguistics, USA UCLA, Spanish, USA UC Irvine, Spanish and Portuguese, USA Loyola Marymount Uni, Greek Studies, USA Uni of Delaware, European Studies, USA Duke Uni, Jewish Studies, USA Florida Int. Uni, Global & Sociocultural Studies, USA Miami Uni, Anthropology, USA Uni of Florida, Languages, Literatures, Cultures, USA Uni of Hawai’i at Manoa, Linguistics, USA Uni of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Education, USA Northwestern Uni, Anthropology, USA Uni of Illinois, Hispanic & Italian Studies, USA Grinnell College, Global Engagement, USA Uniof Kansas, Anthropology, USA Uni of Kentucky, Linguistics, USA Boston College, Lynch Schl. of Education, USA Montclair State Uni, Anthropology, USA Montclair State Uni, Humanities / Soc. Sciences, USA Montclair State Uni, Spanish / Latino Studies, USA Uni of New Mexico, Linguistics, USA Fordham Uniy, Sociology & Anthropology, USA Georgetown Uni, Spanish and Portuguese, USA Hofstra Uni, Anthropology, USA SUNY Buffalo, Linguistics, USA SUNY Buffalo, Classics, USA Stony Brook Uni, Italian Studies, USA Stony Brook Uni, Linguistics, USA Uni of North Carolina, Anthropology, USA Ohio State Uni French and Italian, USA Ohio Uni, Linguistics, USA Uni of Tulsa, Anthropology, USA Temple Uni, Anthropology, USA Brown Uni Modern Greek, USA Blinn Collg. Anthropology, USA ASIA Uni of Dhaka, Modern Languages, Bangladesh Uni Brunei Darussalam, Arts & Social Science, Brunei Royal Uni of Phnom Penh, Linguistics, Cambodia Paññāsāstra Uni, Arts, Letters, Humanities, Cambodia Capital Normal Uni, History, China Beijing Normal Uni, Chinese Lang. & Lit., China Beijing Foreign Studies Uni, English & Int. Studies, China Beijing Uni of Civil Eng. & Arch., Sociology, China Chinese Anthropological Society, China Southern Uni of Sc. and Tech.,, Language Edu. China Hong Kong Polytechnic, Chinese / Bilingual Studies, HK Chinese Uni of Hong Kong, Anthropology, HK Chinese Uni of Hong Kong, English, HK Chinese Uni of HK, Chinese Language & Literature, HK Chinese Uni of HK, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Centre, HK Chinese Uni of Hong Kong, Chinese Studies, HK Indian Anthropological Society, India Calcutta Uni, Linguistics, India Jadavpur Uni, Languages and Linguistics, India Nalanda Uni, India Shekhawati Public School, Social Sciences, India Shekhawati Engineering College, Social Sciences, India Uni of Delhi, Linguistics, India Uni of Delhi, Germanic and Romance Studies, India Airlangga Uni, Humanities, Indonesia Uni of Indonesia, Anthropology, Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesian Anthropological Association, Indonesia Uni Gadjah Mada, Cultural Sciences, Yogya, Indonesia Aichi Uni, Japan Tunku Abdul Rahman Collg, S. Sc. & Hum., Malaysia Uni of Malaya, Languages and Linguistics, Malaysia Uni Putra Malaysia, Foreign Languages, Malaysia Uni College Berjaya, Liberal Arts, Malaysia Uni of Sindh, Anthropology and Archaeology, Pakistan Quaid i Azam Uni Anthropology, Pakistan Nanyang Technological Uni Humanities, Singapore HUFS, Graduate Scl of TESOL, South Korea MSU-Iligan Inst. of Technology, English, Philippines Benguet State Uni, Arts & Ss, Humanities,, Philippines Uni of the Philippines Diliman, Anthropology, Philippines National Chengchi Uni Foreign Lang. & Lit., Taiwan 22 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA 2.3 GLOCAL AFFILIATES National Chengchi Uni SE Asian Lang. & Cult., Taiwan National Donghwa Uni Ethnic Rel. & Cult., Taiwan National Taiwan Uni Linguistics, Taiwan National Taiwan Uni Foreign Lang. & Lit., Taiwan Thammasat Uni Sociology & Anthropology, Thailand Mahidol Uni Int. Collg, Humanities & Language, Thailand Vietnam National Uni USSH, Linguistics, HCM, Vietnam Vietnam Nat. Uni USSH, Anthropology, Hanoi, Vietnam Inst. of Cultural Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam Vietnamese Folklore Association, Hanoi, Vietnam Ton Duc Thang Uni, Foreign Languages, Vietnam A FA 2.0 LA Dublin City Uni Lang. & Intercult. Studies, UK Utrecht Uni Lang., Lit., and Comm., Holland Uni of Groningen, Language and Cognition, Holland Leiden Uni Humanities, Holland Uni of Warsaw, Applied Linguistics, Poland Uni of Bucharest, Oriental Lang & Lit, Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza Uni of Iași, Letters, Romania Uni of Edinburgh, Russian Lang. & Lit., Scotland Uni Salamanca, Social Psychology & Anthr., Spain Polytechnic Uni Valencia, Applied Linguistics, Spain Stockholm Uni, Swedish Lang. & Multiling., Sweden Stockholm Uni, Bilingualism, Sweden Stockholm Uni Linguistics, Sweden Uppsala Uni English, Sweden Uni of Lausanne, French, Switzerland EUROPE Uni of Korce, Foreign Languages, Albania Uni of Innesbruck, Lang., Lit., & Cult., Austria Sofia Uni, Classical and Modern Philology, Bulgaria Shumen Uni, Humanities, Bulgaria Uni of Cyprus, Classical Studies / Philosophy, Cyprus Uni Copenhagen, Eng, Germanic, Rom. Stud., Denmark Aarhus Uni, English, Denmark King’s Collg, Classics & Hellenic Studies, UK Newcastle Uni., Span, Port., Lat. Am. Studies, UK Uni College London, Applied Linguistics, UK Uni College London, Hebrew/Jewish Studies, UK Uni College London, Translation Studies, UK Uni of East Anglia, Arts and Humanities, UK Uni of Leeds, Endng. Lang., Cult., Ecosyst, UK Uni of London, Birkbeck., Appl. Ling., Comm., UK Uni of London, SOAS, UK Uni of Reading, Classics, UK Uni of Southampton, Ling., Lang. Edu & Acq., UK Philosophy of Education Society of GB, UK Uni of Exeter, Modern Lang. & Cult., UK Uni of Helsinki, Languages, Finland Uni Jean Monnet ECLLA, France Aix Marseille Uni Asian Studies, France Ludwig-Maximillians Uni Romance Phil., Germany J. Gutenberg Uni, Anth. & Afr. Stud., Germany American College, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Greece Democritus Uni, History and Ethnology, Greece ational & Kapodistrian Uni, Philosophy, Greece Aristotle Uni, Modern Greek, Greece Uni of Patras, Modern Greek Dialects, Greece British School at Athens, Greece NUni of Bologna, Cultural Heritage, Italy Uni Cattolica del S. Cuore, Ling. Sc., For. Lit., Italy Int. Uni of Lang. & Media, Humanities, Italy Intnl Uni of Languages & Media, Humanities, Italy Uni Cllg. Dublin, Lang., Cultures, Ling., UK Uni Cllg. Dublin, Spanish Studies, UK Trinity Cllg. Dublin, Asian Studies, UK Trinity Cllg. Dublin, Hispanic Studies, UK Trinity Cllg. Dublin, Lang, Lit., Cult,, UK AFRICA American Uni Cairo, Applied Linguistics, Egypt American Uni Cairo, English & Comp. Lit, Egypt MSA Uni, Languages, Egypt Uni of Ghana, Languages, Ghana Kwame Nkrumah Uni, Humanities & Soc. Sc., Ghana Uni of Nairobi, Anthr., Gender, African Studies, Kenya Covenant Uni Leadership Dev. Studies, Nigeria Uni of Lagos, Arts, Nigeria Ahmadu Bello Uni Zaria, Faculty of Arts, Nigeria Uni of Cape town, African Studies & Ling., S. Africa Uni of Dar es Salaam, Humanities, Tanzania Uganda Christian Uni Social Sciences, Uganda Makerere Uni, Lang., Lit. & Comm., Uganda Midlands State Uni Social Sciences, Zimbabwe OCEANIA Curtin Uni, Appl. Ling., TESOL, Lang., Australia Macquarie Uni M., C., Lang. & Lit., Australia Monash Uni Lang., Lit., Cultures, Ling., Australia Monash Uni Education, Australia Uni of W. Australia, Afr. Research Engag., Australia Uni of S. Australia, Communication, Australia Uni of Adelaide, Arts, Australia Uni of Wollongong, Liberal Arts, Australia Uni of Sydney, Chinese Studies, Australia MIDDLE EAST Tel Aviv Uni Classics, Israel American Uni Beirut, Arts & Humanit., Lebanon Qatar Uni English Literature & Linguistics, Qatar Qatar Uni Humanities, Qatar Community College of Qatar, Liberal Arts, Qatar Princess Nourah Uni, English Lang., Saudi Arabia King Saud Uni English Lang. & Lit., Saudi Arabia American Uni Sharjah, Internat. Studies, UAE 23 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA 2.3 CONFERENCE PARTNERS Central Publisher Partners A FA 2.0 LA Foundations The GLOCAL AFALA 2023 is working with a number of foundations and organizations, within the Southeast Asian region, and also globally. In this way, the GLOCAL AFALA aims to assist scholars to access work and research in Asian Linguistic Cultural Anthropology, and to build on the betterment of large society, through capacity building, and through social transformation. Furthermore, through work in Linguistic Cultural Anthropology, the GLOCAL AFALA, together with the University of the Philippines DIliman, the GLOCAL's 3000 global affiliate universities, and its Scientific committee of over 500 schoalrs globally, is increasing its efforts to achieve both academic and cultural impact for all involved.. Other Publisher Partners 24 The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI, KENYA CONTACT Head of Communications Ms Samantha Emery https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/contact/ Website Main: https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/ Submission: https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/submit/ Registration: https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/reg/ Academia https://soas.academia.edu/GLOCALSOAS Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/soas-glocalunit/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GLOCALSOAS GLOCAL App https://glocal.soas.ac.uk/the-glocal-app/ 25 A FA 2.0 LA 2.3