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The Science of the Total Environment 217 Ž1998. 251]256 Speciation of trace elements in discharges from the pulp industry L. Skipperuda,U , B. Salbua , E. Hagebø b a ˚ Norway Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, The Agricultural Uni¨ ersity of Norway, N-1432 As, b Department of Chemistry, Uni¨ ersity of Oslo, N-0315 Oslo, Norway Received 2 March 1998; accepted 20 April 1998 Abstract The concentrations and size distribution pattern of trace elements in wastewater discharged from a pulp industry located at Oslo Fjord, Norway, have been studied. The annual discharge to the fjord amounts to approx. 34 kg Cd, 18 kg Ce, 15 kg Co, 10 kg Cs, 1500 kg Cu, 8200 kg Fe, 150 kg Ni, 420 kg Pb, 1100 kg Rb, 1.2 kg Sc, 3 kg Sm, 5100 kg Sr and 3500 kg Zn. Information on the size-distribution pattern of the trace elements in discharged waste water was obtained using the tangential cross-flow ultrafiltration technique. Instrumental neutron activation analysis, INAA, was employed to determine the concentration levels of Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Eu, Fe, La, Rb, Sc, Sm, Sr and Zn. Lead, Cu and Ni were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace, GFAAS, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, ICP-AES. Almost all of the alkali metals Cs and Rb, the alkaline earth metal Sr and also Ni in discharged waste water were found to be present in the low molecular weight fraction. A major fraction of Co, Cu and Pb was present in the low molecular weight fraction, while a significant fraction was found as colloids, particles or both. Cadmium, Fe and Zn in discharge waste water were predominantly present as colloids. Approx. 50% of Sc was present as particles, 100% of Ce was present as particles, and most of the Sm was found as colloids. Due to coastal currents and trace element background levels in coastal water, the contribution of mobile trace elements to Norwegian coastal sea water is probably of minor importance provided that wood from highly contaminated areas is not utilised in the pulp industry. If the particle fraction accumulates outside the outlet, however, a local environmental impact over the years should be expected. Q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Trace elements; Pulp industry; Waste water; Speciation; Particle impact U Corresponding author. 0048-9697r98r$19.00 Q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0048-9697Ž98.00200-9 252 L. Skipperud et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 217 (1998) 251]256 1. Introduction Many industries process raw materials which contain natural and artificially introduced trace elements. The elements become redistributed via industrial processes and are released into the environment. Mobility and bioavailability of the trace elements found in raw material may increase during industrial processing. Information on discharges of trace elements from industrial processes is, however, relatively scarce. The forest industry is an important raw material processing industry in Norway and the discharge of different elements from a pulp production plant to coastal water was studied. The pulp industry in Norway processes alone, approx. 6 million m3 annually. The Norske Skog, Tofte Industries is centrally located at the Oslo Fjord and processes 1.1 million m3 spruce and pine wood annually, produced in the southern part of Norway, and 0.3 million m3 of eucalyptus imported from Argentina and Uruguay. Pulp production at this plant is based on the sulphate process, with combustion of bark as the main energy source. Wood, bark and water used in processing have low concentrations of trace elements. Due to the volume processed within the pulp industry, however, a considerable amount of elements are transferred from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems on an annual basis. Fig. 1 illustrates the sulphate process, including the recovery cycles of NaOH, Na 2 S and CaO ŽKrosshavn et al., 1996a.. The concentration levels, fluxes and annual budgets of the different elements in raw materials, process materials, products and wastes have been presented previously ŽSkipperud et al., 1998.. The purpose of this investigation was to study the speciation of trace elements in discharge waste water from the pulp plant. 2. Experimental Multi-element determination was carried out by instrumental neutron activation analysis, INAA ŽSalbu and Steinnes, 1992., while lead, copper and nickel were analysed by atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace, GFAAS, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, ICP-AES. 2.1. Sampling and sample treatment Samples of wood and fresh water were collected during May and October 1993 while waste water was collected during May, October and December 1993. Sampling of discharge waste water was also carried out in February 1994 when the samples were subjected to an ‘in situ’ tangen- Fig. 1. The sulphate process. L. Skipperud et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 217 (1998) 251]256 tial cross-flow ultrafiltration technique ŽSalbu, 1991.. Pore sizes of the membranes were 0.45 m m and 10 kDa, respectively. In order to reduce sorption, the system was conditioned with a sample aliquot Ž- 250 ml. prior to sampling the fraction. In order to pre-concentrate, 20]250 ml freshwater and waste water sample were freeze-dried, and the residues dissolved in 5 ml 0.1 M ultrapure HNO3 . This solution was then pipetted into acid washed ampoules for instrumental activation analysis, INAA ŽOughton and Day, 1993; Skipperud et al., 1998.. Wood was dried at 1058C for 24 h. In order to pre-concentrate, the wood was then carefully ashed at 4008C for 5 h. Unbleached and bleached pulp samples were also carefully ashed at 4008C for 5 h. At this temperature, loss of the elements studied due to volatilisation is avoided. The ash was then weighed into acid washed ampoules for INAA. Blank samples were prepared from empty vials, or vials into which 0.1 M ultrapure HNO3 Žthe same number of aliquots. had been evaporated. Analytical calibration was based on gravimetrically prepared solutions of the elements dissolved in 0.1 M nitric acid prepared with doubly distilled, deionized water. Calibration materials for INAA were prepared from bulked homogenised sample materials Žsoil, sediment or grass., spiked with aliquots of calibration materials, and thoroughly mixed. Calibration materials and solutions were weighed into ampoules and irradiated alongside the sample ampoules. Thus a number of multielement calibration standards were produced, having a wide range of concentrations. Their uniformity were established by replicate NAA. Analytical accuracy was tested by analysis of three standard reference materials: Ža. GBW 07405 ŽGSS-5., Chinese soil, Chemical Research Centre for China, China; Žb. SL-1, Lake sediment, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria; and Žc. BCR No 186, Lyophilised pig kidney, Community Bureau of Reference, Belgium. 2.2. Methods of analyses 2.2.1. INAA All ampoules were heat sealed, placed in stan- 253 dard aluminium cans Ž13 cm = 6 cm diameter. and then irradiated with thermal neutrons in the Jeep II reactor at Kjeller. Ampoules with sample and standard reference materials were packed into layers within the can. Irradiation time was approx. 15 h and the thermal neutron flux 5 = 10 12 neutronsrcm 2 s. The activated products were then measured using gamma spectrometry with Ge-detectors ŽCanberra, 20% efficiency and approx. 2 keV resolution at 1.332 keV. interfaced to a PC equipped with Spectran AT software ŽCanberra, CT.. 2.2.2. GFAAS and ICP-AES Water samples were acidified prior to GFAAS ŽAAS: Perkin Elmer 3030, GF: Perkin Elmer HGA 400. and ICP-AES ŽPolyscan 61E, model 1268900, Thermo Jørrel ASH., using standard techniques. Wood samples were ashed and digested in aqua regia ŽHNO3rHCl 2:1. prior to GFAAS and ICP-AES using standard techniques. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Annual production Spruce and pine Ž1.1 million m3 . produced in the southern part of Norway are processed annually along with 0.3 million m3 eucalyptus from Argentina and Uruguay by the pulp industry. Approx. 22 million m3 of fresh water from two local lakes are utilised per annum. Approx. 0.23 million m3 bark is combusted yearly in order to generate energy. The production in 1993 was 325 000 tons of bleached pulp. Solid waste, mostly bark and green liquor sludge, are deposited at the industrial site. The bark ash volume is approx. 2600 m3 and the green liquor sludge volume is nearly 8000 m3. The annual waste water volume is approx. 17 million m3. The average concentrations of trace elements in wood, fresh water and discharge waste water are given in Table 1. The annual fluxes of trace elements in wood, freshwater and discharge waste water are given in Table 2. Due to the high volume processed, the major contributors of trace elements are the Norwegian spruce and pine. The concentration levels of the trace elements were approx. 2]300 times higher in waste water than in L. Skipperud et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 217 (1998) 251]256 254 Table 1 Concentrations of Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, La, Ni, Pb, Rb Sc, Sm, Sr and Zn in the chips and fresh water processed and the discharged waste water from an industrial pulp process in 1993 Sample Wood Sprucerpine Ždry wt.. Eucalyptus Ždry wt.. Water Fresh water Waste water U Wood Sprucerpine Ždry wt.. Eucalyptus Ždry wt.. Water Fresh water Waste water U Cd Ž m grl. Ce Ž m grl. 130 " 3 Co Ž mrl. Cs Ž m grl. Cu Ž m grl. Eu Ž m grl. 21 " 1.3 750 " 160 - 0.25 6.9" 0.6 31 " 2 453 Ž n s 1. 0.52" 0.05 12 " 2 - 0.4 0.61" 0.07 0.2" 0.01 67 " 20 - 0.05 - 0.05 Sc Ž m grl. Sm Ž m grl. Sr Žmgrl. 0.83" 0.09 0.35" 0.04 9.8" 0.6 0.5" 0.1 1.8" 0.2 2.6" 0.3 12 " 1 0.39" 0.03 - 0.003 0.067" 0.007 0.01" 0.005 0.07" 0.01 0.11" 0.001 0.2" 0.02 - 0.018 0.3" 0.04 0.014" 0.005 0.21" 0.02 7"1 50 " 3 19 " 4 13.9" 0.8 0.2 Ž n s 1. 1.88" 0.06 0.54" 0.03 10.6" 0.06 0.11" 0.05 0.9" 0.1 Ni Ž m grl. Pb Ž m grl. 24.5" 4.5 58 " 34 Rb Žmgrl. 84 " 3 288 Ž n s 1. 124 Ž n s 1. - 0.02 9"1 - 0.05 1.7" 0.1 2.4" 2 Fe Žmgrl. 0.21" 0.09 0.5" 0.1 La Ž m grl. 300 " 0.4 23 " 2 0.84" 0.04 - 0.9 Zn Žmgrl. 17 " 1 Average of samples taken in May and October ŽU and December.. the processed fresh water except for La, being depleted in the waste water. Detailed information on the concentrations of the trace elements in raw materials, process materials, products and waste products as well as annual fluxes are presented elsewhere ŽSkipperud et al., 1998.. Table 2 Annual transfer of Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, La, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sc, Sm, Sr and Zn in chips, fresh and waste water from the industrial pulp process in 1993 Sample Wood Sprucerpine Eucalyptus Water Fresh water Waste water Tons p.a. Cd Žkgryear. 579 700 134 400 75 3.3 22 100 000 16 900 000 4.4 34 Ni Žkgryear. Wood Sprucerpine Eucalyptus Water Fresh water Waste water 579 700 134 400 22 100 000 16 900 000 Ce Žkgryear. 3.7 2.6 12 18 Pb Žkgryear. Co Žkgryear. 29 1.9 2 15 Rb Žkgryear. Cs Žkgryear. 12 4.1 Cu Žkgryear. Eu Žkgryear. Fe Žkgryear. La Žkgryear. 430 60 - 0.1 0.07 4000 1700 1.7 3.1 -8 10 4.4 1500 - 1.0 - 0.8 5000 8200 18.5 - 15 Sc Žkgryear. Sm Žkgryear. 30 31 48 16 1400 60 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 - 0.4 150 - 1.1 420 - 70 1100 0.2 1.2 2 3 Sr Žkgryear. Zn Žkgryear. 6000 1600 10 100 52 - 400 5100 300 3500 L. Skipperud et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 217 (1998) 251]256 3.2. Speciation of trace elements The physico-chemical forms of trace elements in discharge waste water were investigated using a tangential cross-flow ultrafiltration technique with filter pore size of 0.45 m m and 10 kDa yielding the following fractions: Particle fraction ) 0.45 m m; Colloidal fraction 10 kDa } 0.45 m m; and Low molecular weight fraction - 10 kDa. The size distribution of trace element species in discharge waste water is presented in Fig. 2. As expected for the alkali metals, Cs and Rb, and the alkaline earth metal, Sr, a major fraction, 84%, 92% and 61%, respectively, was found to be in the low molecular weight fraction. Approx. 10% of the remaining Cs is present as colloids while only 5% is present as particles; 4% Rb is found both as colloids and as particles. The rest of the Sr in the waste water is present in the colloidal and particle fractions as 18% and 21%, respectively. Stable Cs and Sr show similar patterns in the waste water as 137 Cs and 90 Sr studied earlier by Krosshavn et al. Ž1996b.. The transition elements, Fe, Co and Ni, are present in all three fractions. For Fe and Co the major fraction is colloids, 59% and 55%, respec- 255 tively, while for Ni the major fraction, 82%, is low molecular weight forms. This indicates that Ni is more mobile than the other two iron metals. All the remaining Co is present as low molecular weight fraction while the remaining fraction of Fe was equally distributed between the colloidal fraction, 20%, and particle fraction, 21%. The lanthanides, Ce and Sm, are present only in the particulate and colloidal fractions. One hundred percent of the Ce is present as particles while 86% of Sm is present in the colloidal fraction and the remainder is present as particles. Cd and Zn are present mostly in the colloidal fraction, 83% and 62%, respectively. Six percent Cd and 12% Zn are present as particles while 4% Cd and 26% Zn is present as low molecular weight forms. Pb and Cu are present as 45% and 26% as colloids, 38% and 41% in the low molecular weight fraction while the remaining, 17% and 33%, is present as particles, respectively. The low molecular weight fraction is more mobile and bioavailable than colloids and particles. Thus the major fraction of the alkali metals, Cs and Rb, the alkaline earth metal, Sr, and also some of the transition elements, especially Ni, should be considered mobile and potentially bioavailable when it is released into the fjord. The colloidal fractions will be transported in the coastal water downstream from the outlet, while Fig. 2. Speciation of some trace elements in the discharge waste water from the pulp plant. 256 L. Skipperud et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 217 (1998) 251]256 the particle fraction might be deposited outside the waste outlet of the industry. Based on the present particle fraction, the annual amount that might be deposited in the fjord right outside the release point is almost 1700 kgryear Fe, 1100 kgryear Sr, 500 kgryear Cu, 400 kgryear Zn and 100 kgryear Pb. In this case, an environmental impact assessment close to the site should be expected. 4. Conclusions The concentration levels of the elements were considerably higher in discharge waste water than in the fresh water processed in the pulp plant. Most of Cs, Cu, Ni, Rb and Sr in discharge waste water were present as the low molecular weight species with just a minor fraction as colloids and particles. For Cd, Ce, Co, Fe, Pb, Sc, Sm and Zn in waste water a significant fraction was associated with particles andror colloids with a minor fraction in the low molecular weight fraction. If the particle fraction is deposited outside the pulp plant, sedimentation of approx. 1700 kgryear Fe, 1100 kgryear Sr, 500 kgryear Cu, 400 kgryear Zn and 100 kgryear Pb could be expected. Due to transporting currents and dilution, the contributions of mobile trace elements Že.g. low molecular weight forms or colloids. from this pulp plant to the trace element levels in Norwegian coastal sea water is low, providing that wood from highly contaminated areas is not utilised. Thus a local environmental impact over the year should be expected. Acknowledgements Norske Skog, Tofte Industries are acknowledged for their co-operation. We appreciate particularly the valuable assistance of B. Pettersen and technical assistance from M. BorgeSkaar and G. Brekka. Technical assistance from G. Østby is gratefully acknowledged. References Krosshavn M, Skipperud L, Lien HN, Salbu B. Transfer, pathways, enrichment and discharge of 137 Cs and 90 Sr in the pulp industry. Health Physics 1996a;71Ž3.:326]334. Krosshavn M, Bjørnstad HE, Engh L, Lien HN, Salbu B. Speciation of 137 Cs and 90 Sr in Discharges from the Pulp Industry and the Marine Recipient. J Environ Radioact 1996b;32Ž1, 2.:157]164. Oughton DH, Day JP. Determination of caesium, rubidium and scandium in biological and environmental materials by neutron activation analysis. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 1993;174:177]185. Salbu B. Analysis of trace elements and their physico-chemical forms in natural waters. Microchim II 1991:29]37. Salbu B, Steinnes E. Applications of Nuclear Analytical Techniques in environmental research. Analyst 1992;117: 243]249. Skipperud L, Salbu B, Hagebø E. Transfer, pathways, enrichment and discharge of trace elements in the pulp industry measured by means of Neutron Activation Analysis. Sci Total Environ 1998;in press.