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Center for Online and Internet Addiction - Help and Resource for Internet Addicts, Health... Page 1 of 6 ... Poster presented at the 107th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division 43, August 21,1999,1:00-1:50PM... more
Flores Moreno, Carmen Leticia; Conde Flores, Alberto y Arellano Ceballos, Aideé Consuelo (Coords.) (2021). Jóvenes y violencia. Diálogos, travesías y desafíos. Universidad de Colima. Universidad de Colima, Dirección General de... more
Resumen: Introducción. El incremento de la popularidad que ha tenido Internet en los últimos años ha generado cambios importantes en las formas en que las personas realizan búsquedas de información de salud. Esto no sólo sucede en la... more
The aesthetic expressions produced and reproduced within post-war spectacular youth (sub)cultures used to be seen as a display of resistance to and subversion of ‘social order’, perceived as opressive of youth life experiences and... more
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global event. Physical distancing and other restrictions imposed by national and local governments all over the world to contain the spread of the virus almost certainly have had a significant... more
In response to new and exacerbated challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous children and youth in Canada have developed innovative and holistic solutions to amplify their voices, continue cultural engagement and combat... more
This article problematizes the assumption that national policies have a direct impact on youth participation at the local level and analyses the relationships between local forms of youth participation and local and national policies.... more
The simplicity, truth and goodness are what young people seek in the depth of their hearts, as all layers of their brain constantly absorb the deluge of images and information from the never-ending cyberspace, through the solitude of... more
COVID-19 has resulted in a global public health crisis. Measures adopted by governments across the world to reduce transmission have resulted in the closure of educational institutions and workplaces and reduced social interaction. The... more
Social exclusion has been identified as a prominent factor informing our understanding of young people involvement in gang life, violence and crime. While the literature on social exclusion focuses on the education and employment systems,... more
The COVID-19 pandemic caused countries around the world to initiate societal lockdowns, especially during the spring of 2020. This article focuses on online gaming’s role in young people’s lives during the lockdown in Denmark. Informed by... more
The study investigated the body image and quality of life of young and middle aged married women after mastectomy. Previous studies have shown the effect of age on the body image and quality of life of breast cancer women (Pakseresht,... more
Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM) grew from applied research exploring emerging design methods and practices to support new generation product and interface design. The products and interfaces are concerned with: the... more
Clifford Shaw’s (1930) The Jack-Roller is a landmark study of naturalism, ethnography and crime. It is the ‘own story’ of Stanley—a young delinquent in Chicago. Shaw’s series of ethnographic studies on delinquency sought to humanize... more
The present study is part of a wider research conducted in Greece on social capital and the correlation of its two dimensions – social trust and participation – with variables, such as gender, age, income etc. The study also attempts to... more
Objective In recent years, it has been focused much attention on gait analysis. Factors such as speed, age and gender affect gait parameters. The purpose of the present study was to compare the electromyographic activity pattern of knee... more
In this special edition on popular music, we seek to explore Simon Frith’s (1978, The sociology of rock, London, UK: Constable, p. 39) argument that: ‘Music’s presence in youth culture is established but not its purpose’. ‘Songs that sing... more
The young people at the centre of Buffy the Vampire Slayer present themselves as an alternative family that contrasts with the programme’s conventional families. This device helps to raise awareness about changing family structures in... more