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2020 Project Management Training Bundle - 10 Project Management Courses. Includes All Project Management Training Online Courses provided by Master of Project Academy. PMP®, Agile, Scrum and Microsoft Project. 20+ Hours PM Training.... more
Project methodologies have grown with time when there is a need for a project if satisfying that model will have lasted. There are multiple SDLC Models available but no one fits perfectly, as all of them have some drawbacks. Considering a... more
Context: Development of software-intensive products and services increasingly occurs by continuously deploying product or service increments, such as new features and enhancements, to customers. Product and service developers must... more
With the increasing popularity of Agile Methods, many software organisations are moving away from traditional methods to adopt Agile development methodologies. Instead of being predictive, Agile is rather adaptive and people-focussed. It... more
Construction projects in Egypt are categorized with high uncertainties. Coping with change in construction projects is such a big challenge that a project manager could face in managing a project. Change is something evitable specially... more
Sabe aquela hora que bate uma dúvida de como priorizar as atividades em seu sistema kanban? Se você usa o Sistema Kanban e quer priorizar suas atividades e não sabe como, veja como as classes de serviço podem te ajudar. Para ficar mais... more
Agility is nothing new; it has a long history. The study of Agility is a science; the military has been studying it for centuries. Using Agility can help organizations and people succeed in their efforts, but doing Agility well requires... more
Business Agility é a capacidade de uma empresa se adaptar rapidamente às mudanças do mercado, independentemente de as mudanças serem internas ou externas. Se a organização puder navegar por essas mudanças de maneira produtiva e... more
The rapid evolution of technology has changed the way organizations operate and increased the competition along with the customers’ demands. Many organizations have turned to agile management methodologies in order to adapt and follow the... more
Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase Tollgate Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,... more
In many industries, the key to success lies in the ability to attract and accomplish projects. In some domains, attracting and performing projects require that several partners work together. A typical example is in the construction... more
Many organizations are improving both the efficiency and effectiveness of their software development efforts by implementing an agile software development methodology. Agile methodologies including eXtreme programming (XP), Scrum, and... more
Current Agile methodology doesn’t put into consideration the effect of the variability of skills required to perform the tasks of the project. Furthermore, it does not account. In advance, for the availability of those skills among the... more
W artykule omówiono zastosowanie zwinnej metodyki scrum w organizacji pracy w samozarządzających się zespołach projektowych na zajęciach uniwersyteckich. Przedstawiono w nim przede wszystkim założenia procesu uczenia się, charakter i... more
Xebia Academy Global is conducting  Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) training & certification programme in India. Certified Scrum Developer®(CSD) credential is a reflection of the holder’s technical assessment and grasp of Scrum principles.
Agile software development (ASD) resulted from widespread professional discontent with traditional approaches; development projects' high failure rates; and, most important, the need for speedy, responsive delivery of software for... more
When I was a kid, I heard this story. Once upon a time, there was a king. One day the king called the astrologist to ask about his future. After doing the calculation astrologist replied, that all of the king's relatives will die in front... more
There is still lack of confidence of the overall success in the SW development projects or of the outputs coming out from the IT project delivery. Typical management approach strengths on using proper project management (PM) methods to... more
Project methodologies have grown with time when there is a need for a project if satisfying that model will have lasted. There are multiple SDLC Models available but no one fits perfectly, as all of them have some drawbacks. Considering a... more
Most studies of the IT projects implemented either internationally or locally shows that the error factor affecting the project implementation which is either measured by the project timeline affected by one or more of the project... more
Herramientas para el control, planificación y mantenimiento de los procesos de producción
Il existe une forte perception au sein de l’industrie du développement logiciel voulant qu’une entreprise ou une équipe de développement qui doit se conformer à un modèle de maturité, par exemple le Capability Maturity Model Integration... more
Las metodologías de desarrollo ágil se caracterizan por su flexibilidad y adaptabilidad a los cambios que surgen a lo largo del proyecto, buscando así reducir costos y aumentar la productividad, resaltando los métodos iterativos e... more
A web based course monitoring report system is required to be developed. The CMR requires roles for various number of users such as the Course Leader, Course Moderator, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Director of Learning and Quality. Each user... more
Organizations across sectors are succeeding by adopting new leadership practices, described variously as Lean, Agile, Radical, and Open. Using specific examples, the authors present the thinking and practice of these new approaches to... more
With the increasing popularity of Agile Methods, many software organisations are moving away from traditional methods to adopt Agile development methodologies. Instead of being predictive, Agile is rather adaptive and people-focussed. It... more
This article presents a case study of adopting the Scrum process for Java development using tools coming from the open source software world. The approach is focused on small to medium sized software enterprises, which can sometimes be... more
Project Management had a drastic change when Agile and Scrum practices came into being. As a result, the personnel certified with Agile and Scrum certification started getting more mileage from the recruiters and their existing employers.
Abstract—Mobile application is trendy and receives high demand in marketplace. Thus, mobile technology has been identified as a potential delivery alternative since it is able to provide services anywhere anytime. Basically, most of the... more
A major challenge in any engineering endeavour is taking a poorly organised, uncertain, inconsistent, incomplete, and over generalized requirements specification and turning it into a well-structured design. In order to manage quality and... more
E-commerce nowadays has expanded in the past years, and it is substituting the traditional brick and mortar stores. And most of the brands now have their own web or mobile application so the users can shop online, it is easier and faster.... more
Agile innovation methods have revolutionized information technology. Over the past 25 to 30 years, they have significantly increased success rates in software development, improved quality, and speed to market, and boosted the motivation... more
A critical review of the so called agile processes and the agility concept in the enterprise.
"We present the application of software process modeling and simulation using an agent-based approach to a real case study of software maintenance. The original process used PSP/TSP; it spent a large amount of time estimating in... more
Most of the teams don't a definition of ready for user stories and waste number of hours with whole team in backlog refinements. This document list down the definition.
With the advent of agile development methods such as SCRUM, the unpredictable and dynamic process of software development has for the first time become manageable in an efficient manner. It is no surprise that these developments have... more
Scrum modellerinde performans ölçüm yaklaşımı geleneksel yöntemlerden farklıdır ve uygun bir şekilde yeniden tasarlanmalıdır. Müşterek hedeflerin bireysel başarının önüne geçtiği, ürün bakış açısıyla oluşturulmuş birçok Scrum metriğinin... more