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This paper presents hybrid and nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment that may be applied to diverse urban and peri-urban contexts. They offer multiple environmental and economic benefits, with the enhancement of human... more
Discussing the role of imaginary cities in evolving architectural and city narratives.
This chapter reviews some of the key parallels between the concepts of smart cities and smart tourism destinations. Evidence of new trends in the smart concept as well as the widening of the smart tourism destination concept to... more
Özet Kentler, geçmişten günümüze kültür ve medeniyetin geliştiği önemli merkezler olmuşlardır. Kentler, dönemsel olarak yaşanan ekonomik, çevresel, sosyal, kültürel, politik ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak değişim... more
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
As cidades da atualidade, de uma forma geral, são reflexos das visões de mundo vigentes. O homem, na tentativa de dominar os processos naturais, estabeleceu a estes sistemas modelos de entrada e saída de recursos lineares, contrariando o... more
The policy pointers presented in this report are the result of a three-year (2015-18) research project led by Federico Caprotti at the University of Exeter. The project, Smart Eco-Cities for a Green Economy: A Comparative Analysis of... more
Creating a resilient urban matrix has become a fundamental issue due to natural and human caused disasters, economic and ecological crises last few decades. Subsequently, integrating productivity in cities via landscape and planning tools... more
As communities strive to meet the challenges of changing global conditions, urbanists are called upon to shape built environments that can adapt and thrive in the changing global conditions, can meet carbon-reduction goals, and can... more
The urgency of climate proofing urban areas is increasingly recognized and various adaptation and mitigation measures are being developed. However, to combine these measures into comprehensive strategies is a challenge. The incorporation... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resiliensi kawasan pariwisata sanur terhadap tsunami mengingat bahwa kawasan pariwisata sanur memiliki potensi tinggi dalam usaha pariwisata namun memiliki risiko tinggi terhadap tsunami. Metode... more
Uluslararası literatürde afet kavramının tanımları incelendiğinde tabi ve kültürel kaynaklar için fiziksel, ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel kayıplar ortaya çıkaran, insanların yaşamsal faaliyetlerini durdurarak veya kesintiye uğratarak... more
presented by Oswar Mungkasa (Deputy Governor for Spatial Planning and Environment) in Climate Leadership Program Workshop, Jakarta 28 August 2017
This editorial article can be downloaded free of charge (until 30 Jan 2020) at: There is a growing... more
Blue and Green Infrastructure (BGI) provide one of the key Nature Based Solution (NBS) approaches for sustainable stormwater management in cities, in conjunction with extending the scope of Ecosystem Services (ES). In both the process of... more
"Resilience, a concept typical in the natural sciences, has for some years been part of vocabulary of spatial planning but it is as yet relatively unexplored. Its common definition still represents resilience as the capacity of a system... more
Qatar Airways is one of the most successful airlines of the last two decades. In 2017, when the coalition led by Saudi Arabia imposed an air, land, and sea blockade on Qatar, the socioeconomic background of the sheikdom was destabilised.... more
From New Clear Vision (Sept. 21, 2015).  A reflection on the recent Katrina commemoration events, on the true legacy of the Katrina disaster, and on what has been silenced in the name of resilience and redevelopment.
Well-designed affordable housing involves more than the provision of safe, decent, and inexpensive shelter; it needs to be central to the resilience of cities. Framing the issue as a matter of " what affordable housing should afford "... more
Climate change is one of the most challenging social, environmental and economic issues Ecuador and its capital, the Metropolitan District of Quito, are facing. It is estimated that in the last 100 years, the average temperature in Quito... more
The Historic Center of Florence, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, includes many examples of architecture characterized by rough-hewn rusticated block facades—a very common masonry technique in the Florentine Renaissance—made in Pietraforte... more
Fostering resilience in the face of urban risks and climate change pro cesses has definitely become a crucial task for planners and policy makers. Indeed, shaping spatial development through patterns of regeneration, renewal and new... more
Daylight is the source of illumination most appreciated by occupants of buildings for its capacity to render objects in their natural colours, contributing to the comfort of vision and the creation of shade and contrast between surfaces,... more
Through the pages of history, diseases, plagues, epidemics or pandemics as the case may be has ravaged humanity, causing widespread ailments, illness and deaths overtime, and known under different names such: as Athens, Antoninus, Cyprus,... more
Bài viết thảo luận về một số khía cạnh cần xem xét trong quản lý phát triển đô thị và nông thôn vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long trong bối cảnh mới. Với mục tiêu tăng cường khả năng chống chịu của khu vực trước các yếu tố bất định, tác giả đề... more
Studies in South Africa have shown that the City of Johannesburg, being the largest economic hub and a ‘World Class African City’, is vulnerable and faces many potential negative consequences from the impacts of climate change. The City... more
This paper will focus on the concept of resilience in the urban systems context. Generally, urban resilience is defined as the ability to absorb, adapt and respond to changes in a city or urban system. (Da Silva, 2012). As urbanization... more
The City of Johannesburg (CoJ) has recognized that the impacts of climate change are the biggest threat to sustainable development and need to be factored as a priority. Thus it has undertaken a climate change vulnerability assessment... more
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas, olas de calor urbano, sequías extremas e incendios forestales se han reportado cada vez con mayor frecuencia, perturbando la dinámica ambiental y la calidad de vida de los habitantes localizados en las... more
Laporan Ringkas. Summary Report
17 November 2016
diselenggarakan bekerjasama antara Pemrov DKI Jakart dan 100RC dengan didukung oleh AECOM sebagai mitra lokakarya.
Although the use of resilience in international relations and urban planning has given rise to a growing body of critical research, this contested concept continues to feature prominently in the conversation on the development of cities.... more
A discussion of the potential to create architecture and urban design that accommodate for environmental flux. Find open access link to article in the 'Publications' section of
There is a growing recognition of the need for daily contact with nature, to live happy, productive, meaningful lives. Recent attention to biophilic design among architects and designers acknowledges this power of nature. However, in an... more
Across the globe damages and casualties in cities are on the rise due to disasters and climate change. The course "Resilient Cities and Architecture" serves to discuss the basic approaches, strategies and instruments for creating and... more
Nowadays, the most common approach to seismic risk mitigation is characterized only by strategies reducing building vulnerability, through structural interventions, and it does not consider the possibility to intervene at urban scale,... more
CRRID, Chandigarh proposes to organize an International Conference on “Mountain Cities, Climate Change and Urban Sustainability” and 1st Chandigarh Climate Meet from November 6-8, 2017 and a two days Pre Conference Workshop on “Towards... more
Cities must become resilient to a wider range of shocks and stresses. Urban resilience is a broad concept that is sometimes blurred and abstract. Relate the concept of urban resilience with the concept of urban sustainability. The... more
prepared by Oswar Mungkasa (Deputy Governor of Jakarta for Spatial Planning and Environment) and Pandita (Spatial Planning Department of DKI Jakarta) for Mayors Forum, World Cities Summit. Singapore 10 July 2016
The article is about cities and climate change, and about ways to make cities more resilient to the effects of climate change. It takes organisational learning as its main orientation and designs on the base of this orientation... more
By exploring an emerging complex of interrelated research initiatives and design projects, this essay argues that resilience names a project that operates as a technique of governance and a global initiative to reimagine large scale urban... more
Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) integrates water cycle management into urban planning and design. When applying the WSUD practices to urban areas, environmental degradation can be minimized, while improving aesthetic and recreational... more