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A 12th-13th-century A.D. ceramic assemblage from Alexander’s Hill at Sagalassos in southwestern Turkey provides new evidence for the typo-chronological study of Byzantine pottery. A functional analysis of the assemblage, along with... more
"La produzione ceramica post-medievale a Pisa è analizzata in questa sede attraverso i materiali provenienti da due scavi stratigrafici effettuati in anni diversi nel centro storico a nord del fiume Arno: Villa Quercioli e via della... more
This article from the ‘Classics Review’ section of the journal ‘ethnoarchaeology’ provides the back story and update for “Ceramic Theory and Cultural Process” published in 1985 and reprinted many times since then. That book built on the... more
The paper examines the composition and chronology of MM III contexts at Ayia Triada and discusses, in particular, those that can help clarify the chronological sequence of the period. Select pieces of the ceramic record are presented... more
In the last decade the investigation of handmade pottery (“impasto”) in the Phoenician sites of Western and Central Mediterranean received a noteworthy impulse. Despite the frequently incomplete state of preservation of vessels, the... more
"Utilitarian Ceramic Production and Distribution in the Prehistoric Tonto Basin" synthesizes sand temper-based provenance evidence collected over 15 years from three widely spaced project areas. Ideas regarding pottery manufacture in... more
"Alameda Brown Ware and San Francisco Mountain Gray Ware Technology and Economics" addresses topics related to the production and distribution of Alameda Brown Ware and the consumption of San Francisco Mountain Gray Ware as reflected in... more
An important medieval site offering a wide selection of islamic pottery basically from the 12th and 13th centuries or Almohad period.
On the basis of recent archaeological evidence unearthed in the course of systematic excavations by the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) in southwestern Turkey, this paper attempts to pull... more
"A Petrographic Approach to Sand-Tempered Pottery Provenance Studies: Examples from Two Hohokam Local Systems" summarizes methods developed by the authors to model sand temper resource compositions in Arizona's Tucson and Tonto basins and... more
This ASLU volume examines the built environment and aspects of domestic material culture of the Late Byzantine/Frankish, Ottoman and Early Modern Cyclades in the Aegean (13th – 20th centuries). On the basis of primary archaeological data... more
The article presents the preliminary observations deriving from the study of immured vessels in churches of the Prefecture of Rethymnon (Crete). Mention is made of the areas where this practice finds its largest diffusion, of the main... more
Excerpt from article: The southern Levant and the Black Sea area are two regions that exhibit this broad, but thin, spread of Campana A ware. By considering the distribution of Campana A and its appearance in well-defined use contexts in... more
This paper defines the notion of standardization, presents the methodological approach to analysis, points to the problems and limitation arising in examination of materials from archaeological excavations, and presents the results of the... more
A região de Aveiro possui grandes reservas de argila de muito boa qualidade. A existência desta matéria-prima levou a que a produção cerâmica desde cedo tomasse parte das actividades produtivas das comunidades locais, facto que se... more
In north-western Europe it has long been realised that potsherds should not be used exclusively as a dating tool but also as a means for examining aspects of socio-economic organisation, trade and exchange, dining and drinking habits. In... more
This is the first of two chapters that discuss the pottery recovered during recent excavations at La Villa, AZ T:12:148 (ASM). This collection was recovered from features in Madison Street and 13th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. A total of... more
Embora o "castelo branco" seja um símbolo identitário da cidade albicastrense, a maioria dos habitantes da capital da Beira Baixa, pouco ou nada sabe sobre a História de um monumento que marca de forma incontornável o passado e a paisagem... more
The book consists of the papers presented at the 13th European Archaeological Association congress, in the session “Ten centuries of Byzantine trade”, which was organized in the frames of the congress, and research articles covered a... more
Confronto tra le quntità relative ai Bacini e le ceramiche da scavo di importazione mediterranea a Pisa tra fine X e fine XIII secolo con considerazioni sul volume e il carettere delle importazioni, sull'aree attestate e sul rapporto con... more
Si presenta una sintesi sul complesso rapporto tra ceramiche rivestite (e non) e ricostruzione socio-economica della società pisana medievale tra XI e XV secolo, tramite il confronto dei dati degli scavi eseguiti nel centro storico di... more
After the first Topical Congress (Montpellier- Lattes, France, 19th-21st November 2014), the second will be hold in spring 2015 at the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza (Ravenna, Italy) and will be titled «In&Around.... more
Situé dans les montagnes du centre sud de la Corse (Alta Rocca), à près de 1000 m d’altitude, et fouillé depuis 2008, le vaste gisement de Cuciurpula (Serra-di-Scopamène/Sorbollano, Corse-du-Sud) est l’un des habitats du Premier Âge du... more
A study of a stratified group of Middle Byzantine ceramics from the site of Hierapolis in Phrygia, including cooking wares and a lead glazed chafing dish.
This paper analyze the variables which simultaneously influence vessel distribution and consumption patterns in Northeast of Ghana: infrastructure of mobility (roads, means of transport), scale of production and qualities of pots, labour... more
This chapter discusses the prehistoric Native American pottery recovered from the Fort Lowell-Adkins Steel locus of the Hardy Site, AZ BB:9:40 (ASM). A total of 6,783 sherds, representing no fewer than 750 vessels, were recovered from the... more
A study of a stratified group of Middle Byzantine ceramics from the site of Hierapolis in Phrygia, including cooking wares and a lead glazed chafing dish.
The present volume is the second systematic publication of archaeological material from the excavations conducted by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology on the Timpone della Motta in the years 1991-2004. This volume addresses the... more
La céramique glaçurée des XIe-XVIIe siècles mise au jour dans les années ’70 par la 1e Éphorie des Antiquités Byzantines lors des fouilles de sauvetage à Acronauplie, forteresse dominante sur Nauplie à l’est du Péloponnèse, offre... more