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The petrography and mineralogy form an integral part of Petrological studies of any area. The petrographical and mineralogical data is very useful in mapping and correlating the flow sequences and in establishing the flow stratigraphy.... more
In this paper, we describe the application of Object Based Image Analysis for the knowledge-based, automated mineral classification from petrographic micrographs. Digital color images, acquired by an optical, petrographic microscope at... more
A growing collection (now close to 1500 videos highlighting close to 400 samples) of short (~30s each) videos showing a variety of both common and rare minerals in thin section through 360° rotations. These videos illustrate distinctive... more
The petrographic and geochemical composition of the Dharla River sediments has been examined to infer their sediment type, degree of weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings. Petrographically the sediments are characterized by the... more
This thesis describes a series of experiments on oxidising sandstone from a yard owned by the City of Sydney Council which is part of the old Saunders Quarries; Hell Hole, which was shut down 130 years ago. These tests were conducted to... more
Lucrarea de faţă tratează analiza petrografică şi geochimică a gresiilor din Fm. de Şard. Prin intermediul datelor obţinute din analiza petrografică şi geochimică au fost determinate tectofaciesuri, ce au rolul de a furniza informaţii... more
Il volume è il risultato di un progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare che ha visto coinvolti due dipartimenti dell’Università di Cagliari (Dip. di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche e il Dip. di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio) e l’Istituto... more
Pour la caractérisation pétrophysique et pétrographique des roches du système mixte carbonaté, siliciclastique et évaporitique du Desmoinesien supérieur du Bassin du Paradox (Utah, USA), trois affleurements de terrain et six carottes de... more
A total of 83 wall joint mortar samples collected from the Sarno Baths complex in Pompeii (Naples, Italy) were analysed by optical microscopy (OM) and X-ray powder diffraction-quantitative phase analysis (XRPD- QPA) in order to scan the... more
This work focuses on the physical structure and processes of the Italian coasts and takes advantage of the original joint research recently carried out by the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Parma and the ENEA Marine... more
Die Lage der Gemeinde Winden zwischen den Abhängen des Leithagebirges und dem Westufer des Neusiedler Sees weist nicht nur in historischer, sondern auch aus geowissenschaftlicher Sicht überaus interessante Aspekte auf. Die Positionierung... more
Archeometric Research of Some Early Inscriptions (Homoródkarácsonyfalva, Vargyas, Székelyderzs, Székelyudvarhely) Written in Székely/Szekler Script: Preliminaries The Székely or Szekler Script is one of the most mysterious phenomena in... more
Publikasi provenan batupasir vulkanik formasi Semilir yang diendapkan pada submarine fan masih terbatas. Komposisi batupasir Formasi Semilir dianalisa menggunakan teknik sayatan tipis dan klasifikasi Dickinson & Suczek (1979) untuk... more
МЕТОДИ ПРИРОДНИЧИХ НАУК В АРХЕОЛОГІЇ Вступне слово (Ю.В. Болтрик, С.А. Горбаненко, І.Д. Потєхіна) (240—246) Корінний В.І., Рудь В.С., Косаківський В.А. Петрографічні визначення знарядь праці з трипільських поселень Буго-Дністровського... more
ABSTRACT A detailed geologic mapping coupled with petrographic mineral identification and description were carried out on various rock types around NE Okene, Kogi State, south-central Nigeria. The studied area is located between... more
File ini adalah contoh cara mendeskripsi batuan yang telah mengalami alterasi. Dibuat sebagai salah satu tugas Ujian Tengah Semester mata kuliah Alterasi Batuan (GL5043) Program Studi Magister (S2) Teknik Geologi ITB.
This research deals with the economic and commercial Phoenician networks during the early Iron Age in the southern Levant. Optical Mineralogy (petrography) analysis was conducted on a large scale on three categories of early Iron Age... more
Se realiza un análisis de la salida de campo realizada en la materia de Petrografía, en la carrera de Ingeniería en Geología de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Karya tulis sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan mata kuliah Alterasi Batuan (GL5043), Program Studi Magister (S2) Teknik Geologi ITB.
gambar serta deskripsi singkat dari sayatan tipis batuan sedimen baik nikol sejajar maupun silang nikol.
The ceramic variability of fine ware pottery in Early and Middle Bronze Age Carpathian Basin (2600/ 2500-1500/1450 BCE) has been used as an argument for the existence of distinct, large-scale communities. The recent technological studies... more
50 days free download: A recent petrographic study of ceramic jars from Giza imported into Egypt during the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid Age (c.... more
Aspek mikrofasies dan diagenesis batuan karbonat Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan telah dipelajari guna mengetahui mekanisme pengendapan batuan dan sejarah proses geologi paska pengendapan batuan. Sampel-sampel batugamping yang telah... more
This study deals with the geology, petrography, geochemistry and radioactive mineralization of older granites, younger granites and associated pegmatites to record their suitability for ceramic industry and other purposes in Wadi Abu... more
From 2017, an unknown rural settlement in Contrada Castro at Corleone (Palermo Province, western Sicily) was investigated as part of the ‘Harvesting Memories Project’. The stratigraphic sequence, supported by radiocarbon dating, has... more
A laboratory study demonstrates that high volume, 45% by mass replacement of portland cement (OPC) with 30% finely-ground basaltic ash from Saudi Arabia (NP) and 15% limestone powder (LS) produces concrete with good workability, high... more
Available! During Roman times various rock types have been selected for the manufacturing of religious and funerary sculptures, others have been carefully chosen for particular architectural and ornamental pieces. The latter stones... more
This collection presents state-of-the-art approaches to the use of inorganic raw materials in the period known as prehistory. It focuses on stone-tools, adornments, colorants and pottery from Europe, America and Africa. The chapters... more