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The coherent time-stretch transform enables high-throughput acquisition of complex optical fields in single-shot measurements. Full-field spectra are recovered via temporal interferometry on waveforms dispersed in the temporal near... more
L'estesa rete di torri costruite tra XII e XIV secolo nella Campagna Romana ci spinge a ritenere che questo tipo di edifici possa non aver avuto mera funzione difensiva. Omogenea distribuzione delle torri sul territorio e loro non casuale... more
Micro/nanostructure photonic devices offer a variety of enabling properties, including low power-consumption, cost-efficient, compact size, and reliability. These distinctive features have been exploited in a wealth of applications... more
Focusing and guiding light into semiconductor nano-structures can deliver revolutionary concepts for photonic devices, which offer a practical pathway towards next-generation power-efficient optical networks. In this review, we consider... more
We report the first demonstration of high bit rate signal processing by a fiber-based photonic wire. We achieve 160 Gb/s demultiplexing via four wave mixing in a 1.9 microm diameter photonic wire tapered from As(2)S(3) chalcogenide glass... more
With the current technology revolution, underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) find several applications such as disaster prevention, water quality monitoring, military surveillance and fish farming. Nevertheless, this kind of... more
9th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIGL 2022) is a forum for presenting new advances and research results in the fields of Digital Image Processing. The conference will bring together leading researchers,... more
In any country, warning text is described on the signboards or wall papers to follow by everybody. This paper present Myanmar character recognition from various warning text signboards using block based pixel count and eight-directions... more
In recent years, reversible logic has emerged as a promising computing paradigm having application in low-power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnology and optical computing. Optical logic gates have the potential to work at macroscopic... more