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Objective: Throughout history, gout has been referred to as the " disease of the kings " , and has been clearly associated with the lifestyle of the aristocratic social classes. According to the written sources, several members of the... more
Introduction: This paper seeks to address the following questions: Can we establish that meaningful relationships existed between some Gallo-Roman sanctuaries and the Iron Age lieux de mémoire (‘places of memory’) over which they were... more
This research applies the new Coimbra method for therecording of enthesal changes (EC) on a Dutch urban population. The sample consists of 66 individuals buried between 1450 and 1573, at the Franciscan monastery in Alkmaar, the... more
Parturition scars have been frequently studied in the last decades, but their association with pregnancy and birth is still controversial. Other biomechanical, biometric, and lifestyle factors are also likely to influence the development... more
This study aims to develop age-at-death standards for Valley of Mexico skeletal collections. Using 159 individuals, with a dental age-at-death between 0 to 15 years, we develop linear and quadratic inverse regression models of age-atdeath... more
A brief reference guide to the identification of small mammals (such as rabbits, moles, squirrels, hedgehogs, mice and voles) created using the reference collection at the University of Exeter.
El objetivo del presente estudio es predecir el tamaño del canino permanente a partir de mediciones tomadas en los dientes posteriores (premolares y molares), y utilizar los valores predichos del tamaño del canino para estimar el sexo... more
Recent archaeological researches in the eastern side of the Iron Age settlement from Saharna-Dealul Mănăstirii identified a pit with a wooden structure inside it, in which a skeleton belonging to a 35-45 years old male individual male... more
Archaeologists have been proposing models about the prehistoric settlement of the Brazilian coast based on cultural differences and/or innovations observed in the archaeological record. However, are cultural changes associated with... more
"Presso il laboratorio di Antropologia Morfologica del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi dell’Università di Torino è in uso da alcuni anni un sistema di archiviazione dei dati antropologici. Si tratta di una scheda... more
This book is designed to appeal to students and practitioners of osteology and palaeopathology, medical historians and forensic archaeologists; it can be used as a reference guide in the field and the laboratory. Human health affects all... more
Archeological excavations carried out in the famous Cathedral Square of Pisa brought to light a multiple ground grave dating to the early Middle Ages (8th–10th Centuries AD). The well preserved skull of an adult female aged about 30... more
Aged 10,000 and Changing Gender – a Portrait of the ‘Birthday Boy’ From Koelbjerg Seventy-five years ago, Svend Andersen found a human skull while digging peat in Grøftebjerg Bog at Koelbjerg near Vissenbjerg on western Funen (fig.... more
The article presents the diagnosis and aetiology of an arthropathological horse (Equus sp.) radius from the Middle Palaeolithic site of Pfeddersheim (Rhine-Hesse, Germany). For the contextualisation of the results the chronological and... more
Estudo de vestígios osteológicos provenientes da Câmara do Sepulcro II dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz).
"This article identifies and discusses seven new cases of complete maxillary canine-premolar transposition in ancient populations from the Santa Barbara Channel region of California. A high frequency of this tooth transposition has been... more
This slideshow lists the many ways human bones differ from non-human, and can aid in lecturing such material. When possible, a practical (hands-on) lecture should follow, preferably with a box of commingled human and animal remains.
Abstract: Archaeologists–feminist or otherwise–use biologically sexed human remains to make inferences about cultures' conceptions of gender. Creating an easy link between 'sex' and 'gender', however, is not without problems. Recent... more
ABSTRACT: The archaeological excavation of Unidad de Ejecución número 3 del PGOU de Llíria was carried out between September 2011 and August 2012, coinciding with the redevelopment works. The intervention, directed by Francisco De Manuel,... more
Article published in the April issue of a South African archaeological magazine, The Digging Stick.
Archaeological science adopts scientific techniques from different fields, such as biology, chemistry and geology, and applies them to the study of the human past. Even though there are many books with archaeological activities for... more
Malta bestiarium
Emotions of remote millennia
What the first Siberians sewed with
World of Incipient Jomon

Мальтинский бестиарий
Эмоции сквозь тысячелетия
Чем шили первые сибиряки
Мир начального дзёмона
A new transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field that emerges in pedagogics is commented. Arts coupled with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is the STEM with Arts (STEAM). It introduces students and educators to... more
The association of osteoporosis and nutrition has long been documented, and nutrition is acknowledged as a major risk factor for bone loss, affecting bone health in distinct ways. Both biomedicine and anthropology (or, more precisely,... more
The paper provides an analysis of pathological abnormalities identified in the bone remains of children from burials dating back the Middle Bronze Age. We were able to establish that the minor children of Catacomb culture were subjected... more
Structural violence is harm done to individuals or groups through the normalization of social inequalities in political-economic organization. Researchers working in both modern and prehistoric contexts focus on the lived experiences of... more
Osteoarchaeology: A Guide to the Macroscopic Study of Human Skeletal Remains covers the identification of bones and teeth, taphonomy, sex and ancestry assessment, age estimation, the analysis of biodistances, growth patterns and activity... more
SUMMARY Investigations to the south of Ock Street and to the west of West St Helen's Street carried out by Oxford Archaeology in 2002–3 have revealed new evidence for the development of Abingdon from the Iron Age to the post-medieval... more
Throughout England and Wales, deposition in burial vaults beneath churches generally came to a halt in the 19th century, though burial continues in many churchyards, either in the historic portion or in new extensions. This paper is... more
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
In July 2010 an excavation was undertaken in the car park of the Masonic hall at Bawtry, South Yorkshire as part of a field school run by the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, with support from Wessex Archaeology... more
En este trabajo se analiza la presencia de distintos indicadores paleopatológicos en los restos de un varón adulto de edad avanzada exhumado en la Sacramental de San Justo (Madrid). Según la documentación aportada por las autoridades... more