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We have developed a monolithic Newton-multigrid solver for multiphase flow problems which solves velocity, pressure and interface position simultaneously. The main idea of our work is based on the formulations discussed in [1], where it... more
Miscible viscous fingering (VF) classically occurs when a less viscous fluid displaces a miscible more viscous one in a porous medium. We analyze the influence on such VF of differential diffusion between two species each of them... more
We investigate steam condensation induced water hammer (waha) phenomena and present experimental and theoretical results. The experiments were performed in the PMK-2 facility, which is a full-pressure thermohydraulic model of the nuclear... more
The stability of a partially mobile thin liquid plane-parallel film between two gas or oil phases is studied. The long wave approximation is used to analyze the influence of soluble ionic surfactants and non-surface active background... more
In high-velocity free-surface flows, the interactions between the fast-flowing flow and the atmosphere can lead to strong air-water mixing through the free-surface. The flow resistance may be derived from momentum and energy... more
It is almost impossible to solve the modern fluid flow problems without the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In petroleum industry, flow simulations assist engineers to develop the most efficient well design and it is essential... more
The icing, or the formation of ice on the airfoil of an aircraft, is a complex phenomenon which contribute many factor. When an aircraft passes through a cloud of supercooled droplets, the impact destroys the metastabile equilibrium,... more
This paper presents a new type of super-cavitating hydrofoil section designed to have optimal performance both in supercavitating conditions and in pre-cavitating conditions (including transitional regime). The main hydrodynamic... more
The transport of methane from marine sediments into the seawater and then into the atmosphere is important in the context of its role as a greenhouse gas. In the present work, we use an artificial laboratory setup in order to investigate... more
Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) has emerged as an attractive technology for addressing instrumentation requirements in various energy-related multiphase flow systems. ECVT can monitor multiple flow conditions and... more