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Book on Seabed pockmark craters and seepage of fluids through the seafloor and lake floors
Three-dimensional (3D) modelling is becoming a ubiquitous technology for the interpretation of cultural heritage objects. However most 3D models are based on geomatic data such as surveying, laser scanning or photogrammetry and therefore... more
la presente publicación describe algunos aspectos relevantes desde los puntos de vista jurídico, técnico y científico para que el Ecuador sea parte del ordenamiento jurídico de los mares, y luego de conocer todas las ventajas, se adhiera... more
In contrast to the use of marine seismic reflection techniques for reservoir-scale applications, where seismic inversion for quantitative sediment analysis is common, shallow-water, very-high-resolution seismic reflection data are seldom... more
The aim of this study is to assess the global occurrence of large submarine canyons to provide context and guidance for discussions regarding canyon occurrence, distribution, geological and oceanographic significance and conservation.... more
Small, low cost Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) provide ideal platforms for shallow water survey, as they are capable of unmanned navigation and can be programmed to acquire data at constant depth, or constant altitude above the... more
In the São Paulo Plateau area cold seeps associated with natural gas and/or oil seepages are expected occur potentially supporting deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems. The evidences for a presence of biological communities related with the... more
Наред с интензивното развитие на дистанционните методи и дигиталната фотограметрия, приложението на безпилотните летателни системи (БЛС) предоставя отлични възможности за прецизни измервания на Българската черноморска крайбрежна зона... more
In 2011 a systematic underwater field survey and an invasive investigation were executed in the Yangtze Harbour planning area, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, commissioned by Port of Rotterdam Authority. The aim of the work was to locate and... more
Worrying about that finding that perfect gift – look no further – Volume 1 of Europre’s Lost Frontiers is now in press. Informative and, even better, open access – the introductory monograph of the project will be published in August by... more
Crustal rheology controls the style of rifting and ultimately the architecture of rifted margins. Here we review the formation of three magma-poor margin pairs, Iberia-Newfoundland, the central segment of the South Atlantic Rift, and the... more
Salt water intrusions of marine origin are a major cause of contamination for coastal fresh water aquifers. They are generated mainly by the uncontrolled exploitation of fresh water in pumping stations from coastal areas. In Romania, such... more
The Andaman-Nicobar Accretionary Ridge forms the eastern boundary of the Bay of Bengal and is presently being constructed by accretion and underplating of sediments offscraped from the obliquely colliding Bengal Fan. Net accretion is... more
Marine geohazard research has developed during recent decades, as human activities intensified towards deeper waters. Some recent disastrous events (e.g., the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Japan tsunamis) highlighted geohazards socioeconomic... more
This paper addresses some formation evaluation challenges and petrophysical particularities regarding two gas fields of Early Pliocene age, belonging to the biogenic hydrocarbon system of Western Black Sea Basin-Romanian continental... more
Keywords: methane seepage oil seepage macro-seepage bacterial mats ebullition pockmark methane-derived carbonates environmental effects allochtonous nutrients water fertilization The two main observations characterising marine and... more
This paper discusses the geological and geophysical interpretation of rift structures in the region extending from the Rio Grande Rise, in the Southeastern Brazilian margin, towards the Cabo Frio High, which separates the Campos and... more
The continental and adjacent marginal features along southeast Brazil were investigated, focusing on the basement structural relationships between onshore and offshore provinces. Lateral and vertical variations in the magnetic anomalies... more
The aim of the research work is to prepare geomorphological map for land use planning with the help of remotely sensed data of Ishwardi Upazila in Pabna district northwestern part of Bangladesh. About 246.9 sp. km area was mapped from... more
The Western Continental Margin of India (WCMI) has evolved as a result of two stage rifting and breakup events, the first one between India and Madagascar during the mid Cretaceous, and the second event between India and Seychelles during... more
Computational underwater image analysis is developing into a mature field of research, with an increasing number of companies, academic groups and researchers showing interest in it. While on the one hand, the basic question is addressed... more
In this study, a buckler crab, Cryptopodia angulata, reported for the first time from Majali, Karwar, West coast of India. This species occurs rarely in the Indian coastal waters and this is the first report from Karwar coast. External... more
The Cauvery–Palar basin is a major peri-cratonic rift basin located along the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) that had formed during the rift-drift events associated with the breakup of eastern Gondwanaland (mainly India–Sri... more
Over the last decades, human impact on the coastal and marine environment has reached unprecedented levels. In order to mitigate this impact, it is necessary to facilitate the integrated management of the marine environment and to... more
The oceanic lithosphere in the Bay of Bengal (BOB) formed 80–120 Ma following the breakup of eastern Gondwanaland. Since its formation, it has been affected by the emplacement of two long N-S trending linear aseismic ridges (85oE and... more
T hisresearchcomparedtheinterpretationresultsoftheVerticalElectricalSoundingdataacquiredusingtheconventional SchlumbergerandmodifiedSchlumbergerarrayswithaviewtoassessingtheeffectivenessofthemodifiedSchlumbergerarrays... more
Marine gravity anomalies derived from satellite radar altimetry now provide an unprecedented resolution for mapping small-scale seafloor and sub-seafloor tectonic fabric. The new data reveal the detailed fabric of fracture zones,... more
Лаборатория по Археогеофизика Лабораторията е създадена през 2006 г. за внедряване на космически технологии (георадари) в търсенето и геофизическите проучвания на... more
We calculated the sedimentary budget of the Northwest Sub-basin (NWSB), South China Sea for different geological times based on interpretations of four multichannel seismic profiles across the basin with constraints from International... more
With the extensive filtering described, the poorly coupled transmitter-receiver dipoles, and the EM coupling issue,
it is not clear to us that the anomalies (Veeken et al, 2009) describe are real.
Multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data acquired in 2011 from R/V Marcus Langseth in a broad grid over the Chukchi Sea margin reveal multiple glacigenic features on the top and slopes of the outer Chukchi Shelf/Rise and adjacent... more
The earthquake of 21 May 2014 (Mw 6.0) in the northern Bay of Bengal (BOB) highlights the importance of studies on intraplate earthquakes in the oceanic regime in understanding the state of stress of the oceanic lithosphere. The epicenter... more
The Kocaeli 1999 Earthquake with an Mw = 7.4 caused major hazards throughout the NW of Turkey from Tekirdag to Bolu. Historical data indicates that some of the earthquakes around Izmit Bay have caused tsunamis. In this study, tsunami... more
We use two-dimensional pre-stack depth migrated seismic reflection profiles and seafloor bathymetry to describe the continental margin structure and a massive mass-transport deposit off the west coast of India. This giant slide runs from... more
In the inaugural (July 1966) issue of the Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia, the Society's founding president, Neville S. Haile, wrote an interesting note on the enactment by Malaysia's parliament of the Continental Shelf... more