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The effects of waves with a uniform current on marine aquaculture gravity-type cages were analyzed using a numerical model previously validated by physical model tests. The present analysis employs a numerical algorithm to study the... more
This paper presents a theoretical model for the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emissions during plastic deformation and crack propagation in metallic materials. It is shown that under an externally applied stress, edge dislocations... more
We study the effect of critical fluctuations on the $(B,T)$ phase diagram in extreme type-II superconductors in zero and finite magnetic field using large-scale Monte Carlo simulations on the Ginzburg-Landau model in a frozen gauge... more
Lung surfactant, a mixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerols, fatty acids and four lung surfactant specific proteins, forms tightly packed monolayers at the alveolar interface which are capable of lowering the... more
We report on theoretical studies of molecularly thin Langmuir films on the surface of a quiescent subfluid and qualitatively compare the results to both new and previous experiments. The film covers the entire fluid surface, but domains... more
We analyze in detail the fluctuations and correlations of the (spatial) Fourier modes of nano-scale single-layer islands on (111) fcc crystal surfaces. We analytically show that the Fourier modes of the fluctuations couple due to the... more
Constitutive rules are developed to include three-dimensional dislocation mechanisms, such as line tension and dynamic junction formation, within a two-dimensional dislocation dynamics formulation. Some of the junctions that form... more
Heterogeneities in the cell membrane due to coexisting lipid phases have been conjectured to play a major functional role in cell signaling and membrane trafficking. Thereby the material properties of multiphase systems, such as the line... more
We discuss three topologically different methods for calculating the surface tension between a flat solid and a liquid from theoretical and computer simulation viewpoints. The first method, commonly used in experiments, measures the... more
We report on theoretical studies of molecularly thin Langmuir films on the surface of a quiescent subfluid and qualitatively compare the results to both new and previous experiments. The film covers the entire fluid surface, but domains... more
... 10:37 AM–10:49 AM. Preview Abstract. Authors: Lu Zou (Kent State University). Jacob M. Pugh (Harvey Mudd College). Elizabeth K. Mann (Kent State University). Andrew J. Bernoff (Harvey Mudd College). James C. Alexander J. Adin Mann,... more