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Duke sued over grade fraud, negligence, unjust enrichment, breach of contract. Student sued teacher and school over failing grade.
Gallo-römische Bischöfe und ihr wachsender Einfluss während Spätantike und Frühmittelalter haben in der Forschung seit einiger Zeit Konjunktur. Während bisherige Arbeiten dabei zumeist auf verschiedene Gesichtspunkte bischöflicher... more
Kárpátalját 47 évig uralta a szovjet hatalom, amelynek erőszakos kommunista ideológiája erkölcsromboló társadalmi folyamatokat indított el. Ezek nem múltak el a rendszer eltűntével, sajnos kézzel foghatóan jelen vannak mindennapjainkban.... more
ENG Domestic workers in Spain occupy a vulnerable position in the labor market, and in society in general, due to economic, legal and cultural factors. Because of this vulnerability, they are frequently accused of crimes by their... more
O presente trabalho busca apresentar a importância da arquitetura de metadados para a adequada organização e recuperação da informação. Primeiro é feito um panorama do volume excessivo de processos judiciais em tramitação no Brasil para... more
Many construction projects in Thailand had insignificant conflicts that led to significant damages on stakeholders which main factors were the stakeholders. This article shows the factors causing the conflicts. The data were collected... more
In launching its military campaign against Ukraine four years ago, Russia violated not only fundamental norms and principles of international law, but also a slew of bilateral and multilateral agreements. Ukraine has, thus, chosen to... more
In legal contexts, lawsuits are considered important documents because they involve verdicts or the same decision of the judicial authority. All or some of the verdicts of the dispute are resolved. So, they are binding and decisive. By... more