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Yüzyıllardır ticaret, medeniyetlerin oluşması, kalkınması, büyümesi ve refaha ulaşması bağlamında oldukça büyük bir öneme sahip olmuştur. Asya ve Akdeniz'de ortaya çıkan medeniyetlerin en önemli özellikleri ticaretin yapılmış olduğu... more
Apollo, the most greek of all gods - even though he has his roots in western Asia Minor - can to a high degree be associated with the political, economic and cultural climax of the Ionian metropolis of Miletos in the 7th and 6th centuries... more
Surprisingly, the interaction between Milesian and Megarian colonisation in the 7th/6th centuries BCE has rarely been addressed. Krister Hanell, in his comparative study on Megara and her colonies, published in 1934, already came to the... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die späthellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Weihreliefs aus dem nördlichen Mysien unter stilistischen, ikonographischen und typologischen Gesichtspunkten. Die Denkmäler werden zudem auf ihre Abhängigkeit... more
THE EMPEROR HADRIAN was notably generous toward the cities of his Empire, and in return, they gave him the highest honors of which they were capable, including temples to his worship. I consider here three cities of the province Asia:... more
In 1964, the remains of a large house were discovered in the Israeli city of Beth-Shean/ Beth-Shan (also known as Scythopolis). Once excavated, the mid-5th century CE house was found to contain many interesting artifacts, but none as... more
THE COINS FOUND AT THE EXCAVATIONS OF AMASYA - OLUZ HÖYÜK BETWEEN 2009-2013. Oluz Höyük (Yassı Höyük - Tepetarla Höyüğü) is located on the western part of the city Amasya which is in the central Black Sea Region of Turkey. The mound lies... more
Su una moneta in elettro coniata a Cizico nella seconda metà del V secolo a.C., apparsa da poco sul mercato collezionistico, è raffigurato un uomo in armi, probabilmente un generale che tiene un discorso alle sue truppe (adlocutio). In... more
No name of the officials mentioned on the coins of Cyzicus in Roman imperial period caused such problems in research as that of Claudius Hestiaios: Thus, three different issues can be identified for this name, which, roughly dated, fall... more
Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde, Amasya ili kent merkezinin 25 km güneybatısında, Gözlek Köyü’nün 2 km kuzeybatısında, Toklucak (eski Oluz) Köyü’nün ise, yaklaşık 5 km doğusunda bulunan Oluz Höyük, 1997-1999 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen... more
David Hack [Augustus und Kyzikos. Weichenstellung für eine neue Ära] widmet sich ganz der Stadt Kyzikos unter Augustus und untersucht dabei, welche Entscheidungen der Princeps die Stadt betreffend traf. Insbesondere die Münzprägung der... more
VOTIVE RELIEF OF THREE GRACES (CHARITES) IN BANDIRMA ARCHEOLOGICAL MUSEUM ın this study, the votive relief which was found in an old bulding near Ormanlı Village, Kapıdağ Peninsula in 1949, and is exhibited now in Bandırma Archeological... more
Engelbert Winter, Armin Schulz, Historisch–archäologische Untersuchungen zum Hadrianstempel in Kyzikos, in: Elmar Schwertheim (Hrsg.), Mysische Studien AMS Bd. 1, 1990, 33-82.
Çalışmamızda, Mysia Bölgesi içinde yer alan ve bölgenin önde gelen antik kentlerinden biri olan Kyzikos’tan, Roma Dönemi’ne ait lahitten çıkarılan malzemelerin tanıtılması, yapım teknikleri, dönem örnekleri arasındaki yeri ve varsa farklı... more
MÖ V. yüzyıl Persler ve Hellenler arasında bir dizi savaşlara sahne olmuştur. Perslerin Küçük Asia ve Hellas'ı ele geçirme teşebbüslerine bağlı olarak bu girişimleri engellemek amacıyla Hellespontos, Adalar, Ionia, Karia ve Thrakia... more
When Augustus travelled to the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire in the years 22–19 BC, he entered an area which had been affected particularly badly during the Roman Civil Wars. Thus, the princeps took great interest in getting an... more