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The debate that raged in the US jewellery industry in the  1920 over the platinum alloys that should be used. Some advocated iridium only and decried what they saw as the "adulteration" of platinum with palladium
The present surface of an ancient gold object, typically matt and often purer than the underlying metal, will not always reflect the originally intended appearance. The two variables are colour and texture. Colour could be controlled by... more
Исследование было опубликовано в 1950 году в журнале ,,Советская археология" / Studie byla publikována v roce 1950 v časopise ,,Sovětská archeologie" / The study was published in 1950 in the journal ,,Soviet archeology."
Published by Annemarie Jordan in Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, vol. 87 (1991), pp. 121-126. This article details the archival documents found in Torre do Tombo archive in Lisbon, and which document for the first... more
This study ancient Phrygian civilization, Is subject to ancient jewelry and motif. The subject focuses on the ancient Anatolian civilization Phrygian civilization. However, it affects the culture; West Anatolian, Mediterranean geography,... more
A non-academic overview of the early days into the investigation into dating gold objects on the basis of the radioactive decay of helium.
У статті робиться спроба ідентифікації власниці золотої каблучки, виявленої під час археологічних розкопок на замчищі гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького в с. Суботів Чигиринського р-ну Черкаської обл. На основі монограми на персні робиться... more