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Z-DNA is a high energy conformer of B-DNA that forms in vivo during transcription as a result of torsional strain generated by a moving polymerase. An understanding of the biological role of Z-DNA has advanced with the discovery that the... more
Intracellular antioxidants include low molecular weight scavengers of oxidizing species, and enzymes which degrade superoxide and hydroperoxides. Such antioxidants systems prevent the uncontrolled formation of free radicals and activated... more
In this essay we illustrate some general principles of mathematical modeling in biology by our experiences in studying the molecular regulatory network underlying eukaryotic cell division. We discuss how and why the models moved from... more
High throughput sequencing technology has great promise for biodiversity studies. However, an underlying assumption is that the primers used in these studies are universal for the prokaryotic or eukaryotic groups of interest. Full primer... more
Eukaryotic cells have many unique features that all evolved on the stem lineage of living eukaryotes, making it difficult to reconstruct the order in which they accumulated. Nuclear endosymbiotic theories hold that three prokaryotes... more
All eukaryotic mRNA molecules have a cap structure at the 5' ends which plays a crucial role in the scanning model of their translation initiation. In an alternative way of translation, the active ribosome is formed in a... more
Endosymbiotic theory goes back over 100 years. It explains the similarity of chloroplasts and mitochondria to free-living prokaryotes by suggesting that the organelles arose from prokaryotes through (endo)symbiosis. Gene trees provide... more
Translational control plays an essential role in the regulation of gene expression. It is especially important in defining the proteome, maintaining homeostasis, and controlling cell proliferation, growth, and development. Numerous... more
Abstract: In this paper we extend the “network theory of aging,” and we argue that a global reduction in the capacity to cope with a variety of stressors and a concomitant progressive increase in proinflammatory status are major... more
Our understanding of endocytosis has evolved remarkably in little more than a decade. This is the result not only of advances in our knowledge of its molecular and biological workings, but also of a true paradigm shift in our... more
The processing of particles, cells, and droplets for reactions, analyses, labeling, and coating is an important aspect of many microfluidic workflows. However, performing multi-step processes is typically a laborious and time-consuming... more
Folding of newly synthesized polypeptides in the crowded cellular environment requires the assistance of so-called molecular chaperone proteins. Chaperones of the Hsp70 class and their partner proteins interact with nascent polypeptide... more
The labyrinthulomycetes, also known as the 'Labyrinthulomycota' are saprotrophic or less frequently parasitic stramenopilan protists, usually in marine ecosystems. Their distinguishing feature is an 'ectoplasmic net,' an... more