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The recent upsurge of interest regarding environmental social work is unfolding against a backdrop of centuries of continuous struggle on the part of Indigenous peoples to protect their lands and waters. In this article, we consider the... more
The vulnerability of the tribal communities to illness is increasing in the neo-liberal development regime. Specifically, Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) are increasingly victimised by these development processes. Serious... more
The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another crisis for human beings and the environment. It has intensified the sustainability crisis of the world – socially, ecologically and economically – but it has also revealed a deep sense of solidarity... more
En la Finca La Colmenera - Centro de Regeneración Ecobiopsicosocial, buscamos consolidar las bases de un proyecto de permacultura inclusivo que nos permita afianzar el Capital Ecobiopsicosocial (de aquí en adelante EBPS). Un enfoque... more