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Generalising from some previous analyses of addiction, and introducing the concept of an action system which governs all actions which are focussed on what Brown (1988) calls "hedonic management," we argue that addictions of every kind... more
In this theoretical article, a hedonic management model is presented which has particular application to addiction. The purpose, however, is to go beyond partial models, adopting Goodman’s view that there is a basic underlying process for... more
Dall’unione tra il prefisso “cyber” e la parola inglese “dysphoria”, nasce “Cyphoria”. Trovo questo lemma in The Age of Earthquakes. A guide to the Extreme Present, un libro curato a sei mani da Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland e Hans... more
Epidemiological studies report that people with mental health disorders have greater problems with their substance use (illicit, and/or prescribed) than the general population (Hall, Teeson, Lynskey, & Degenhardt, 2000). Etiological... more
We present a rare, atypical case of a 24-year-old transgender male (assigned as a female at birth) admitted to the hospital after the planned self-amputation of his left hand. The patient described his motivation for this self-amputation... more
This article ultimately suggests one way to address the problem of nonconsensual sex, assault, and rape on college campuses, but it does so by focusing on a topic that our conversations about nonconsensual sex have often marginalized:... more
One of the most puzzling aspects of the cross-cultural evaluation and diagnosis of depression for psychologists and psychiatrists seems to be that the concept of depression is expressed linguistically in widely varying ways in different... more
Depressive disorders may be characterised by hyperattention toward negative information, hypoattention toward positive information, or a combination of both processing biases. In two studies, a dot-probe task was utilised to better... more
Defense mechanisms are relevant indicators of psychological functioning and vulnerability to psychopathology. Their evaluation can unveil individuals' unconscious strategies for mediating reactions to emotional conflict and external... more
... L'addiction est une « solution » à une souffrance psychique antécédente, mais c'est une fausse solution car elle génère à son tour une souffrance psychique conséquente. ... In JE Hodge, M. McMurran, CR Hollin (Eds.),... more
The essay examines films and video installations that present the figures of suffering bodies and trigger strong dysphoric sensations through empathy: Karaoke (1998) by Donigan Cumming, Last Days (2005) by Gus Van Sant, and Drunk (2000)... more