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This paper is based upon the complete metrology chapter from my book "Early World Coins" published in 2009. It is however a third revised version - with just a new preface added to the version of May 2020. It remains a holistic set of... more
This fifth installment of the SCP project catalogue includes coins of two Wei dynasties in China; the Mahakshatrapa, the Gupta Empire and some successors, the Kidarites, two different Alchon Hun states, and the Pallava, in India, Nepal,... more
Details of attribution were provided for coins first produced prior to 375 BCE: copper and bronze from China, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, and Italy; and silver fractions from Pakistan, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Al marco production of silver... more
Small Change for the Poor (SCP) is a catalogue of a collection of several hundred mostly inexpensive coins acquired in trade over the course of several decades. These coins are mostly struck rather than cast coins, mostly copper or one of... more
"An overview of the physical coinages issued world wide in the ancient and medieval period, focusing upon 1000 + commoner or more representative types. Special attention is paid to associated weight standards. Hypotheses are advanced... more
Details of attribution were provided for copper coins, usually bronze, that were first struck in mainland Greece prior to Alexandros the Great: from Amphipolis, the Makedonian Kingdom, and Arkadikon. More data for weight, diameter, type,... more
This seventh installment of the SCP project catalogue includes coins of the Song and Western Xia, plus copies of Song types cast in Japan, one specifically for trade to Viet Nam; a probably modern copy of a Gangaveda fanam; the Venad... more
An unpublished hemidrachm (1.85g) in the name of king Lysimachus recently appeared on the market. With this coin, we may not only add a new silver denomination to the coinage of Lysimachus but also an entirely new type. On the reverse, we... more
This workshop organised by François de Callataÿ and Antony Hostein is about Metrology and denominations of ancient coins (Greek, Hellenistic and Provincial). It will be held in l'INHA, Paris IIe, on Thursday 17th January. Our guest... more
Though many studies address the role of religion in predicting social attitudes over time, none has examined this relationship specifically for euthanasia. Using a large, nationally representative data source, this study seeks to address... more
For many Europeans and North Americans, five thousand is a fairly large sum in everyday life. In euros, dollars or pounds sterling, it buys a well-maintained used car. This quantity no longer exists as a denomination for United States... more