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In the paper, we express some doubts about one of the assumptions of Robert Carneiro’s model on state (and chiefdom) formation, namely the role of circumscription. In our opinion, the main flaw of Carneiro’s original theory of state... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 5, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers past social organizations, including hunter-gatherer groups (bands), segmentary societies (tribal societies), chiefdoms, and early... more
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the phenomenon frequently called the “Ubaid expansion” or “Ubaid interaction sphere” in which the material culture of Southern Mesopotamia appears in Upper Mesopotamia and the bordering... more
A. V. Mastykova, G. L. Zemtsov A «princely» female burial in the Mukhino-2 settlement from the Hunnic period in the upper reaches of the River Don Abstract. This article focuses attention on female burial № 1 discovered in the multilevel... more
In the 1st millennium A.D. the North-East Yemen political system consisting of a weak state in its centre and strong chiefdoms on its periphery appears to have been transformed into a system consisting of a bit stronger state in its... more
SUMMARY: Lecture 15 provides coverage on the art, architecture, state, administration, and economy of the Late Bronze Age Mycenaeans, and a discussion of the presumed Mycenaean takeover or domination of Crete (Minoans); the Minoan... more
Not much is known from an ethnohistorical perspective about the use of psychoactive substances in southern Central America; it is mainly through the archeological record that their presence in the past has been inferred. This article... more
Voldtofte – a Bronze-Age power centre from south-western Funen. Outlining 180 years of research – and still working! Thanks to a series of spectacular finds from the Late Bronze Age (approx. 1100–500 BC), archaeologists throughout... more
"The megalithic tomb at Montelirio is off the scale in more ways than one. As well as being the largest example of its type known in Spain, the burial goods secreted in its subterranean chambers are unsurpassed in both quantity and... more
This paper addresses prehistoric mortuary practices by combining the perspectives of the classic Binford-Saxe research program with new analytical methods. Both individual-level analyses and spatial analyses are conducted on mortuary data... more
Archaeologists commonly use the onset of the construction of large burial monuments as a material indicator of a fundamental shift in authority in prehistoric human societies during the Holocene. High-quality direct evidence of this... more
Xiongnu Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia. Ed. by U. Brosseder and B. Miller. Bonn: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn, 2011, p. 77-96 (Bonn Contributions to Asian... more
CITA: Martín Fernández Calo, Callaici principes: os soberanos da Galiza castrexa, A Coruña: Deputación Provincial da Coruña, 2020 (XII Premio de Ensaio Manuel Murguía). Información/compra:... more
This book provides a new conceptual framework for understanding how the Indian nations of the early American South emerged from the ruins of a precolonial, Mississippian world. A broad regional synthesis that ranges over much of the... more
An increasing number of Iron Age Celtic sites in France and Luxemburg have been identified and interpreted as sanctuaries. Many of these sites have produced faunal deposits of varying quantity and quality that have been associated with... more
Warfare in Bronze Age Society takes a fresh look at warfare and its role in reshaping Bronze Age society. The Bronze Age represents the global emergence of a militarized society with a martial culture, materialized in a package of new... more
Gold temple rings – insignia of power in Bronze Age hierarchical societies of Central Germany In the course of the Early Bronze Age (2200–1550 BC), chieftaincies were established in Central Germany for the first time. In contrast to... more
The most famous Pre-pottery Neolithic site of Anatolia, Göbekli Tepe, since 1994 has been the subject of intensive studies due to its peculiar characteristics , linked to the presence of both circular buildings and the so-called... more
Despite its longstanding preeminence as one of the earliest, largest, and most complex urban centers of highland Mexico, Teotihuacan’s pan-regional impact on Mesoamerica remains the subject of intense debate and conflicting models... more
This comparative synthesis examines archaeological and ethnohistoric data pertaining to Native American coastal adaptations along the southern coasts of the eastern United States. We consider the totality of experiences of people living... more
Ernesfs Vasilausks K a i p 6 d a s u n i v e rs itdtes V6sfures k ate d ra s d o kto ra nts. ZEMGALU ZEMES 12.-13. cS. levads. PEt-rjumu v6sture. Avoti Historiogrdfijd pastdv viedoklis, ka Zemgal6 13. gs. pastdv6ja 7 zemes-Silene, Zagare,... more
This article investigates the evolution of political systems in North-Eastern Yemen in the course of the last two millennia. By examining the main shifts of political power and their structural elements, it describes a typology of... more
The Prehispanic Mesoamerican World: Framing Interaction (Gary M. Feinman). In New Perspectives on Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by Joshua Englehardt and Michael Carrasco, pp. 34–50. University Press of Colorado,... more
Great Moravia existed in central Europe from the ninth to the early tenth century and left behind a lasting legacy in central and eastern Europe. However, the interpretation of the early medieval history of the region has always been a... more
This entry describes the Southeast Asian Dong Son culture, known for its large bronze drums (and with parallels in SW China).
Paper published in Gallaecia (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), 35 (2016), pp. 99-128 [] CORRIGENDA: Repórtase un erro de citación neste traballo | Se reporta un... more
L’any 1972 J. Maluquer de Motes dirigí l’excavació de l’assentament del primer ferro de la Ferradura (Ulldecona, Montsià). Immediatament, aquells treballs prengueren una notable importància. Els resultats publicats en el seu moment... more
Feasting equipment, copper‐alloy cauldrons and flesh‐hooks, are a distinctive feature of the later Atlantic Bronze Age suggesting elements of a shared ideology whose ultimate origin may lie in the eastern Mediterranean. The easterly... more
El presente artículo realiza una descripción analítica del periodo Formativo ecuatoriano (4500-300 ANE) teniendo como base comparativa los procesos descritos y conocidos para el Formativo peruano (1800-300 ANE), estableciendo los... more
The hypothesis that population pressure causes increased warfare has been recently criticized on the empirical grounds. Both studies focusing on specific historical societies and analyses of cross-cultural data fail to find positive... more
This paper presents a general overview of the current state of the art of archaeological research at the Valencina de la Concepción Copper Age site. The main aim is to put the contributions presented in this volume within a general... more