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Husserl's phenomenology of appearances and the role of variations in the constitution of reality inspire Arendt's examinations of 'story' in The Human Condition. According to her, life is produced as a 'story'. Yet, a life story presents... more
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni, pp. 83-124) Sommario: 1 La formula del teatro politico. 2 Teatro e trasformazione storica. 3 Epoca storica e modello teatrale. 4 Unicità e molteplicità del modello. 5... more
Introducción, traducción y edición bilingüe de los poemas de Bertolt Brecht musicalizados por Paul Dessau para la comedia Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (1940-41), estrenada en junio de 1948 en la Schaupielhaus de Zurich. La versión... more
20. yüzyıl Batı tiyatrosundaki alternatif arayışların en önemlilerinden biri Brecht'in epik tiyatro kuramıdır. Brecht, gerçekçi-doğalcı akıma karşı çıkarak görünen gerçeğin değil, onun altında yatan nedenlerin anlatımına önem veren bir... more
Draft of a paper I'm hoping to edit further and publish. The idea that things 'might have been otherwise', that even the past is infused with contingency, is vital to Brecht's project, as is a conception of history as an act of... more
Part 1 is the translation by D. Suvin of a putative poem by Brecht Das Manifest (The Manifesto) pieced together from his various versions from 1944 on. Part 2 is a comment article that discusses Brecht’s intention in 1944-45 to... more
For a land as culturally diverse as India with a long and rich tradition of dramatic performances accompanying varied regional specificities or the folk tradition has always been undeniably the primary indispensable source of adding... more
Article examines the Berliner Ensemble's performance of Brecht's Messingkauf in 1963 as a way of understanding how Brecht's theatre theories could be playfully realized in a popular but ambitious production.
Starting from the concept of Szechwan itself, the paper accesses Brecht’s use of alienation device to redefine the concept of goodness in The Good Person of Szechwan.
It was written as a study in the university by Sultan Saraç, Elif Özel, Beyza Akyürek, Sena Gökçeel. It's about Bertolt Brecht and his epic theatre.
Pretende-se investigar a representação no filme Post mortem (2010), do diretor chileno Pablo Larraín – segundo de uma trilogia cuja temática gira em torno da ditadura de Pinochet, composta ainda por Tony Manero (2008) e No (2012).... more
Co-written with two art historians, this essay assesses contemporary debate about art, politics and commodity culture. Starting from the 2009 Istanbul Biennial, with its Brechtian curatorial theme, this we consider's the Left's varying... more
In Bakhtin's opinion, "the relation to meaning is always dialogic. Even understanding itself is dialogic." Particularly, the art of acting is such a dialogic relationship that fuses character and interpreter (performer) in the same unity... more
This essay will explore two approaches to acting, namely Bertolt Brecht’s Epic performance and the American Method, and evaluate the ways in which they have been informed by 'implicit theories of the self'. This exploration will make use... more
On 10 December 2015, under the stage direction of Brian Kulick, New York's Classic Stage Company (CSC) opened its previews of Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children. 2 Resetting the 'chronicle' of the Thirty Years' War as the... more
Vorabdruck des ersten Kapitels von "Hegels 'Logik' lesen. Ein Selbstversuch".
aus: Merkur, Nr. 856, September 2020, S. 84-90.
Das Buch erscheint im Oktober 2020 bei Matthes und Seitz Berlin.
An ambitious article which posits theses aimed at defining the post-Brechtian in performance through an exemplary production. I'm not usually one to upload papers, but the version of the article that appears both in print and on... more
Musical theatre during 20th century, a political experience

Thèse de doctorat soutenue le 16 novembre 2018 à l'Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès.
Txomin Badiola: alegoría en las malas formas (malformalismo) Peio Aguirre Con motivo de una invitación lanzada a Txomin Badiola para visionar su obra audiovisual "Malas formas (una historia que se cuenta con historias de otros)"... more
The anthology unites scholars from varied backgrounds with the notion that the theories and artistic productions of Bertolt Brecht are key missing links in bridging diverse discourses in social philosophy, theatre, consciousness studies,... more
This overview of DS’s work on Brecht (further BB) was written as Introduction to a collection of my essays translated into Slovene and published in Ljubljana 2016 as Brecht’s Creativity and the Horizon of Communism. Section 1 introduces... more
Este artigo empreende uma análise sobre o texto Pequeno organon para o teatro, de Bertolt Brecht, destacando a retomada intertextual que efetua do Organon, de Aristóteles, e o Novum organon, de Bacon. É enfatizada a estrutura dialética do... more
Este artigo busca explorar o conceito de Gaslighting - o fenômeno de manipular a percepção que determinada pesoa tem da realidade - tal qual trabalhado no filme Anticristo (2009), de Lars von Trier. A partir de um viés que conjugue forma... more
One of my older papers written in 2012, for my DRAM 3001: Dramatic Theory class. I have edited nothing but the section with my personal information before uploading this.
For 15 years, Bertolt Brecht lived in exile. During that time, Brecht kept a working journal (Arbeitsjournal) and an atlas of images, War Primer, where he created montages of images and text. The war photographs clipped from magazines... more
Resumo: “O círculo de giz caucasiano”, peça do dramaturgo alemão Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), é aqui analisada sob a ótica do conflito entre ética e política no que diz respeito à justiça. Trabalha-se a ambiguidade conceitual e objetiva da... more
Some of Berthold Brecht theatre plays show aspects that could be related to some concepts proposed by Carl Marx. One play of that is "A Man is a Man" in which the story tells the dilemmas and identity conflicts that a person could face... more
How do we make sense of a situation in which a film industry turns its own workings into one of its primary narrative ingredients and begins to represent itself obsessively? Is this simply a matter of modernist self-realization, now cast... more
1960'lardan bu yana, Batı kapitalizminde zamanın ve mekanın sıkıştırılmasındaki yoğunluk, toplumsal alan kadar siyasal ve özel alanlarda da kendini gösteren aşırı parçalanmışlığın ve geçiciliğin tüm benzer nitelikleriyle birlikte... more
Durante la República de Weimar, en el marco del clima de agitación política y de crisis económica, algunas producciones culturales asumieron ciertos tintes satíricos. En este artículo se analiza cómo figuras ligadas a la vanguardia... more